Chapter 6: Got a Secret

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Natsuki's POV

  I smirked as Sayori nibbled on a bag of cheese puffs she had smuggled into the clubroom. I was sitting cross-legged on a desk trying to read my manga but it was slightly impossible with Monika staring at us.
   "Those are really bad for you." She finally stated to Sayori. Sayori was laying across two desks with her head dangling off the edge as she munched on her snack vigorously.
   "Yeah you're probably right..." She exclaimed between mouthfuls of cheese puffs, making powder spew from her orange stained mouth. "But I don't really care about my body, it's garbage anyways." She exclaimed stuffing another handful into her mouth.

It was just usual banter that Sayori spilled about how much she hated her body and her appearance and stuff... I was just used to it. Plus she'd then laugh and say she was kidding afterwards so I didn't take her too seriously. It was just Sayori's sense of humor.

   "Don't say that about yourself." Monika snapped startling Sayori when she reached over snatching the bag from my best friend's hands. Sayori let out a squeak of surprise and fell off the desks. I snickered served her right for always stealing my food.
    "It's the truth." Sayori replied playfully from her position on the floor. She was laying on her back giggling softly. Monika's frown deepened and her eyes flicked up to me and I faltered at her intense gaze.

   "No it's not, everyone matters Sayori." She then knelt helping my flustered friend to her feet, brushing the invisible dirt from Sayori's body for a good two minutes before she let her hands drop and  stepped back arms crossed.
   "Relax Monika I was just joking." Sayori replied nervously and I smirked at her flustered state. Here it was only our fifth meeting and she was already being reduced to goo under Monika's gaze. Yuri came and sat down next to me, her purple eyes bearing into my head.

  "What's going on with those two?" She whispered softly leaning close to me and I struggled to detach my heart from my brain and form a coherent sentence.
   "Sayori called herself garbage, Monika took offense for some reason." I explained trying to sound as cool and detached as possible. Yuri smirked wryly and hid a giggle with her hand. "What's so funny?" I whisper and she giggles harder.

     "Come with me to fill up the water pitcher for tea." She answers and before I can protest her hand is in mine and my heart reattaches itself to my brain and I follow after her like a lovesick puppy dog.
   "Okay " I whisper softly and she pulls me outside and to the water fountain. She glances around herself, sitting the pitcher on the ground and grins before she leans in close to me cupping her hands around my ear.

  "Monika is bisexual"

My mind goes blank at that. What did that have to do with Sayori....oh...oh..

  "No way!" I exclaimed and Yuri looks startled and waves her hands at me frantically.
   "You can't tell anyone, not Sayori, not MC, nobody okay?" She grabs my hand holding it close to her chest and my brain disconnects entirely.
    "I donno Yuri this is some pretty juicy gossip-" Yuri pulls me closer and I just about melt.
   "This will be our special secret Natsuki. One that only we'll share. Just us. Please?"

Just us? I find myself nodding before I even register what it is I'm agreeing to. Her smile brightens and she pulls me into a hug.
   "Wonderful." The word is breathy and soft against my ear and I can't stop the grin that replaces my usual scowl.
   "Wonderful." I whisper though for a completely different reason.

To Be Continued....

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