Chapter 16 Bad Blood

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Natsuki's POV:

"Natsuki I just love, love love your hair today!" Annie smiled at me as she ran a hand through my hair. I smacked her hand away. This girl was getting way too touchy feely. I shuffled away from her slightly and tried to refocus on my manga I was reading, or trying to read anyway. You put your hair in a bun one day and suddenly this chick is all over the place.

"You're like really small for being..what are you like fifteen?" She smirks at me and I drop the book to the desk standing with a loud scrape.
"For your information blondie I am seventeen, and secondly assuming things only makes you seem like an ass so maybe go sit in a corner and shut up okay because you're on my last nerve!" I snapped irritated, which I know I was being a bitch but she was just so damn clingy, and had been for like weeks now.

"I don't know why you're so salty all the time Natsuki, I mean in all honesty you could pass for a second grader." My eye twitched as she smirked at me.
"Annie it is highly immature and rather childish of you to pick on Natsuki like a schoolyard bully." Yuri spoke up before I punched her in the face like I was itching to do. God I just kept falling more and more in love with Yuri each day...well not that I'd admit that out loud or anything.

"Alright everyone stop fighting." Monika interjected sounding tired as Sayori sat against the wall staring off into space. I was really worried about her. "Let's just share poems then we'll talk about preparations for the festival." She sounded like she was a cat being dragged backwards towards water. Or me being forced to hang out with Sayori's little sister.

To my confusion Annie said she wanted to share with Sayori. Apparently the blonde human Barbie doll had a death wish because the look Monika was giving her was deadly. With a clenched jaw she stormed over to MC who looked fearful for his life.

"Well then I guess we're partners then" Yuri whispered in my ear and I squeaked in surprise. Having forgotten about that small detail. "So I didn't write a poem but um I'm willing to just talk for a minute." She smiled at me shyly as she played with a strand of her hair.
"Um yeah I'm cool with that!" I exclaimed trying not to sound too enthusastic. Yuri took my hand leading me over to the other side of the classroom. I hopped up on a desk and Yuri leaned against the wall.

"So you...have a boyfriend...or something..." Yuri was bright red as she glared at her hands. Oh boy. Did I outright say I'm gay or lie and pretend I was into some boy?
"Um no I don't have a boyfriend." I mutter oh God, oh God this was so bad.
   "So do you like have a crush on... um anyone?" Yuri looked up at the ceiling as if bracing herself for my answer.

   Yeah Yuri it's you. It's always been you. I thought but don't think I could ever say that out loud. So what did I say?
  "Well..." Okay I was going to do it, I was going to say it. "I mean...I have a crush on- well you've actually always...I don't really like um bo-"

  "Natsuki you're like really red!" Annie smiled devilishly and I yelped falling off the desk I had been sitting on. I groaned, had I hit my head? Everything was fuzzy. 
  "Natsuki are you alright?" Yuri was filling my vision and I reached out grasping her arm.
   "Don't feel good." I murmur as she pulls me up and I embarrassingly collapse into her embrace. She stiffens for a moment before I feel her arms circle around me and her hand rubs circles on my back.

   "Where's Sayori?" Monika questions as her and MC approach with concerned expressions.
   "Oh she wasn't feeling well, she went home early." Annie smiled as she bounced in place.
   "Wait she was like sick?" I question pulling away from Yuri gently. She swiftly let her hands return to her sides and Monika frowned.
   "I donno, she just said she needed to go and that I should tell you guys she'll see you tomorrow. So should we discuss preparations for the festival?" She grinned and I couldn't believe what she was saying.

  "What did you do?" I narrow my eyes and she scoffs rolling her eyes.
   "Please Sayori's fine." She persisted and Monika started away gathering her stuff.
   "Club's dismissed for today." She mumbled tugging her coat on roughly.

   "Um Natsuki, would you...could you want come over after school today...?" Yuri was blushing heavily and I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my lips. She was just too adorable. Her hands were twirling through her beautiful purple locks. I bumped my shoulder against her arm jokingly.
   "Well my dad doesn't get home till ten thirty so why not." I shrugged off my excitement but Yuri's eyes sparkled and she rocked on her heels enthusiastically. She nudged me back with a happy giggle that made my heart skip a beat.
   "Wonderful, shall we head out then?" She whispered and I nodded.

  "Wait um...before you go can I have Sayori's number and address?" Monika grabbed my arm, stopping me from following after Yuri. I smiled grabbing Monika's open notebook I scribbled out my best friend's number and address. She'd thank me later.

Yuri sent Monika a wink before her hand slid down my arm and she grasped my hand in her own intertwining our fingers. She swung our clasped hands and looked back at Monika.
   "So we'll convene here tommorow, and discuss the details of the festival when all of the club members are present?" Yuri asked though from the sparkle in her eyes I knew she was being sarcastic.

  "Yup see you guys tomorrow." Monika waved and I smiled as I followed Yuri out of the school feeling lighter than air.

To Be Continued....

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