Chapter 15 Coming Clean

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Sayori's POV:

I'm not sure how I feel about Annie, I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt here but... well

I just don't think she likes me much.

  She mocks my poems, makes jokes about my appearance, and every time I try to talk to Monika or anyone really she interrupts. She's only been here a week and a half and I feel just empty. The club has been going for three months now...or two and a half months and I just feel awful. Like I didn't belong here anymore.

   Currently I was sitting in the back of the clubroom, my arms curled around my knees and my chin resting on them. This was supposed to be my safe place to be happy. Now it just felt like everywhere else. Like I didn't matter.

   "Sayori why are you sitting by yourself?" Yuri knelt next to me and I looked up at her unable to force a smile today.
   "I'm just having an-"

  "Yuri! Yuri come over here for a second!" Annie called out and I sighed returning to my previous position. Figures I should have seen this coming.
   "One moment Annie I am talking to Sayori." I looked up as Yuri sat next to me with a patient smile.
   "But Yuri it'll be really quick!" Annie exclaimed and with a heavy sigh Yuri left me to join Annie. I watched her knowing she wouldn't be back because Annie would keep her attention until the very last second just so she wouldn't talk to me.

   "I'm gonna go home." I muttered to no one as I stood tiredly, grabbed my backpack, crumbling my poem into a wad I threw it in the trash and started for the door. Maybe quitting would be easier. No one would care anyways.
   "Sayori where are you going?" Hearing Monika address me for the first time in days for once didn't excite me but make me feel bitter and sad.
   "Home." I whispered softly as I pulled open the door and carefully shut it behind me. Most people in my situation would be angry or mad or something like that but I just couldn't...I didn't really get mad... I just got more sad if that makes sense. I looked out the glass doors at the front of the school and sighed at my bad luck.

The harsh winter weather had yet to let up and I had forgotten my coat in another class today and now it was locked up and I was screwed. I sighed might as well get this over with. I pushed open the door and trudged out into the snowy harsh weather.

   I studied each footprint in the snow, keeping my head down, eyes trained on the ground beneath my feet. It was so cold, like almost freezing. I clutched my arms and squinted against the unforgiving sharp wind. Seriously it felt like it was slicing me with tiny pieces of glass. Shiver after painful shiver tore through my body.
   "Sayori what the hell are you doing!?" Hearing my mom's voice startled me, she never got off work this early.
   "F-fo-r-rg-got-t-t-t  m-m-my c-coat-t at-t sch-hool-l-l-l.." my mom pulled up against the curb and pushed open the passenger door. I hesitated slightly before cautiously I climbed inside, shutting the door after myself.
   "You're so lucky I got put on call, what were you thinking? You could've called Tammy or couldn't one of your little literature friends drive you home?" My mom ranted leaving the car parked for a moment as she blasted the heat.

  "I don't think I'm going to be in the club much longer..." I mumbled resting my pounding head against the car window. My mom frowned and I jumped when her hand brushed aside my hair from my face.
   "Babe what's going on talk to me?" Her tone was soft and warm, for a moment I contemplated telling her everything...but then I thought of my sisters...all the bills we had to pay and I forced a smile to my face.
   "I just had a bad day." I lied because lately everyday was a bad day. My mom studied me for a long moment before she put the car in drive and headed towards home.

  ................ ............... .............. ..................

   "Sayori I was so worried when -" I just stared at Monika, the next day in the clubroom.
   "Hey Monika did you write a poem today?" Annie questioned and I sighed sidestepping around Monika.
   "Yes Annie I did, excuse me a minute!" She whispered "Sayori wait a minute I want to talk to you-" she grabbed my wrist.
  "Hey Monika when's the festival again?" Annie asked and Monika whirled, though her hold on my wrist didn't release.
   "Annie I'll talk to you later, I'm trying to talk to Sayori!" She whispered tightly in a firm but kind tone. 
  "But I-" suddenly MC took her hand pulling her away.
   "You can talk to me Annie." He grinned and she scowled
    "Fantastic!" She grumbled bitterly. I tugged against Monika's hold trying to move away.
   "Sayori wait a minute!" She whispered as I went to my corner and curled up, everything was spiraling out of my grasp. It was getting harder and harder to keep it together.
   "Just go talk to Annie." I muttered against my knees. A cool hand cupped my chin lifting it until I met a concerned gaze of my club president.
   "I don't want to talk to her, she's actually kind of annoying." She whispered this to me softly and I smiled at Monika gently and she beamed. "I love it when you smile like this." She whispered softly and I frowned slightly.
   "Like what?" I ask curiously and she giggles leaning closer to me.
   "Like a real smile." She answers and I am stunned speechless. How did she know?
   "I don't know what you-" she puts her finger against my lips.
   "Yeah you do, you always try and smile even when I can tell you're really sad. Well I just want you to know that you don't have to do that with me." Her expression is somewhat shy and it surprises me. Then she removes her finger. She leans in closer, our face is mere inches apart. She licks her lips.

  "Hey Monika! So are we sharing poems now or like when are we doing that?" Annie asked and Monika cursed under her breath sitting back

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  "Hey Monika! So are we sharing poems now or like when are we doing that?" Annie asked and Monika cursed under her breath sitting back. I was disappointed I really wanted to see what Monika was about to do. Monika was muttering under her breath.
   "One...two...three..." I blinked back my surprise and gave her an amused smile. She was counting to calm down. So Annie annoyed her she wasn't attracted to her. I smiled wider than before. "Sure let's do them now!" Monika exclaimed with a forced cheerful tone as she clasped her hands together somewhat aggressively. I smiled somewhat mockingly I called out.

   "I call Monika."

To Be Continued....

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