Chapter 30 We Found Love

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Natsuki's POV:

   I had no idea how or when, but here I was three bruised ribs and a fractured wrist later,  sharing a hospital room with Sayori. All my other wounds were just superficial and bruises or cuts. I had a few stitches here and there, but honestly I've had worse. Like when I was seven and "fell down the stairs" please note all the sarcasm that is literally saturating my voice.
   "I leave for five seconds and you go all Tetsuo on me!" I exclaim and Sayori looks over at me blankly, she's breathing shallowly and her eyes are laden with exhaustion.
   "Am I supposed to know what that means?" She smiles slightly and  I shake my head in disappointment as I struggle to get upright.
   "Akira, when Tetsuo escapes the hospital!" I try to jog her memory and she gives me a vacant look. "We watched it like three months ago!" I exclaim and Sayori shrugs.

   "Sorry but I zone out almost everything about anime that you talk about or force me to watch. " she smiled coyly and I shook my head again.

   "I'm disappointed in you, but don't change the subject where'd you go?" I  question  pressing the button on my bed and sitting up.
   "There was never a subject of where I went,  you just spouted a random anime reference and then got mad when I had no idea what you were talking about. " her eyes twinkled with amusement and I wanted to be mad but dammit she hadn't smiled like that in so long,  how could I possibly be mad.

Kayte bustled into the room, interrupting our conversation.  She was on duty, obviously as she was wearing scrubs. She looked us over critically, before she spurred into action.
  "Sayori, you're supposed to have this on your nose." She chided slightly as she slid the oxygen tubes back up on my friend's face, and adjusted her blankets.  I appreciated Kayte,  she was like a mother figure to MC and me because my mother left and MC's parents were never around.  "Natsuki, don't bring the bed up like that, you're supposed to be resting," she struts over to me and returns my bed to a sleeping position. "You little gremlins,  what am I going to do with you?" She repeats the phrase she used to say when we were little and were being crazy. She brushes aside my hair and tucks the blanket around me.
  "Kayte I'm not tired." I whine and she smirks tweaking my nose before she returns to her daughter, she  kisses Sayori's nose and sighs hugging her tightly.
   "You need sleep too Sayori." She whispered and then looked to me, as my body betrayed me and I yawned. "Night big tough Natsuki-su, get some rest kitty cat." She whispered before she dimmed the lights and disappeared out the door.


I woke to the sound of arguing. I kept my eyes closed but listened intently.
   "Yuri I am not having this conversation with you right now, you are aware of the consequences of your actions. You are also aware that you were in the wrong and-" Reo's voice echoed from outside the hospital room. 
    "You're being ridiculous, you and mom, are being excessively facetious! This is my life!" Yuri didn't sound happy, then again neither did her dad.
   "Lily you shouldn't be working!" That sounded like Monika's mom.
   "Nikole I'm fine, it was a mild disturbance. " Lily
  "Mild disturbance? Lily rose you fainted!" Monika's mom exclaimed then Yuri came into the room,  slamming the door after herself.

   "Hi Yuri." I yawned and she looked over at me guiltily  before she glanced at Sayori's slumbering form, made sure she was asleep,  before she walked gracefully over to me, and quickly knelt by my bedside. Her fingers brushed aside my hair. She leaned in  and kissed my forehead,  then my nose before she finally captured my lips in a gentle kiss.
   "I'm sorry if I woke you Suki. " she whispered her thumb stroking my cheek soothingly as she smiled at me in admiration.

  "Nah, it's all good, I slept too much anyways." I yawn again as I attempt to sit up.
Yuri quickly kisses me again her lips are soft and she lowers me back onto the bed, before she pulls away and I want more.

  "Just rest Suki, you need sleep." She insists and I frown, trying to sit up once again and she puts her hands on either side of my head, leaning close so our faces are inches apart. "Natsuki,  you are injured and in a hospital,  go to sleep." She orders and I sit up slightly, to catch her lips in another kiss. However Yuri pushes me back and shakes her head.

    "Yuri, I want kisses." I pout rubbing my eyes, gah I just wake up and I'm already tired. She smiles at me in amusement and she takes my hand in hers.
   "When you wake up I'll kiss you all you want." She whispers and I yawn, as her thumb brushes against the back of my hand. I catch sight of her bandaged arms and I frown.
  "I want them now Yuri!" I whine trying to pathetically get close to her. Yuri stands releasing my hand. I pout, was she leaving me because I wanted more kisses? Then I feel shuffling and arms encircle my middle, and I flush as I'm pressed against Yuri's chest. She kisses my ear and then my neck, before she leans in and whispers in my ear.
   "Go to sleep now Suki."

Involuntarily my eyes start to close... I'll just close my eyes for a minute...


No One's POV:

A pink haired woman sat in a chair,  she was so close to her. She could reach out an touch her. Would she even want to see her? Probably not. She slid a picture from her wallet her eyes glistening.
   "Mama's not going to let him take you away from me baby, not this time...never again."

To be Continued

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To be Continued...

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