Chapter 5 Don't Stop Believing

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Sayori's POV:

I glanced at MC worriedly as we waited at the crosswalk for Natsuki, it was getting way late and she wasn't answering my calls or messages... MC's either... So my irrational insecure brain immediately jumped to the thought

what if she was mad at us?!

Did I offend her somehow?!!

Was she okay?

Finally MC told me we should get going or we'd be late, so reluctantly I agreed. I mean I was having major rain clouds and sadness today, and yet here I was, dragging myself from bed to torture myself later while I watched MC and Monika flirt.

I didn't see Natsuki all day, which was really worrying me, I almost skipped the club to go to her house to check on her, when Monika caught me just before I could leave.
"Hi Sayori...where are you going?" She looked from the exit to me in confusion and I sighed.
"MC is gonna be there...I won't be able to make it today..." I tried to sidestep around her but Monika grabbed my wrist and all rational thought evaporated from my body.

"But why?" She whispered softly, her big green eyes bore into my soul and I caved.
"I mean I guess I could come..." I murmur and she clasped her hands and did that thousand watt smile I loved so much, how could I possibly say no to it? So I allowed the prettiest girl in school to drag me towards the clubroom.

"There you are Sayori!" MC exclaimed looking irritated with me. I fidgeted with my hands and avoided eye contact. "Were you ditching?!" He demanded and I looked up at the ceiling, woah that's a lot of white tiles.
"SAYORI!" He snapped and I flinched.

"She's allowed to miss a meeting from time to time, this isn't communist club." Yuri butted in setting down her tray of tea as she sipped from her cup and eyed MC dryly.
"Yeah well it's irrisponsible of her to miss only the second meeting!" He shot back lamely and Yuri sat her tea cup down with a slight slam.

Monika quickly rushed forward and grabbed MC's hand in her own, making my heart fracture a bit more at the action.
"How about we share the poems we were supposed to write -" just then the clubroom door opened and Natsuki walked through.

"Whoa you have cookies?" I exclaimed and she looked down at the two cookies in her hand before she laughed nudging me off of her as I tried to make a grab for the sweet treat that smelled so good.
"Sayori! Stop it you dummy!" She exclaimed trying to sound annoyed but was laughing too hard for me to take her seriously.

"Come on Natsuki one bite!" I lean over and bit into the cookie she's trying to move out of my reach and she glowers at me.
"Thanks a lot!" She snaps throwing the other cookie at me, which I catch effortlessly because something as precious as food cannot be dropped. Quickly I stuff it into my mouth before she can change her mind.

"You two are insane!" MC chuckles and Natsuki snorts biting her cookie with a roll of her eyes.
"Correction, Sayori's insane." She grumbles and I pouted slightly.

Had I come on too strong? Did they really hate me? God damn it I'm so stupid! I look at my shoes feeling like the rainclouds are going to swallow me up in their darkness.

"Hey Sayori you okay?" Monika exclaimed and when I felt her hand on my shoulder. My face flushed and I wanted to literally die.
"I'm great, everything is wonderful, Natsuki thank you for the cookie." I quickly made my way to the back of the clubroom and pulled out my book. "I'm gonna read now..."

To Be Continued...

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