Boss' Point of View - Kootra

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— Thought I'd do something a little different, and something I haven't seen yet. Since I don't ship Kootra with anyone other than his wife, I thought I'd write something from his point of view and what he sees around the office with some of the popular shipping's. It'll be in third-person point of view, though. Enjoy. —


It was just a normal day for him. Or what he thought as normal. He did what he had to do to be entertaining, run his own channel, as well as the groups channel. But no one sees what goes on behind closed doors. This man is the only one who does, and doesn't speak about it. Well, until now. So. Shall we let the man speak? Alright.


It seems... Aleks and James started to become rather.. Touchy and feely around the office sometimes. Things would happen that no one would know, or things would happen that some people would catch. And they always played it off as if nothing was going on, which most of the other Creatures believed. But Jordan knew what was going on, and let it slide; mostly for the fans sake, since it seems the fans like to write nasty fanfics involving them, as well as others in random scenes and make it smut filled. So why not play it off as if it was a joke, but in reality it was real.

But this time it was a little bit different. It seems the fans were starting to catch on on what happens, wondering if what the two are doing is actually a joke, or actual reality. He decided to get Dan to put a camera in each of their offices to catch what the two might do. He or Dan, or even Spencer would have to watch it, and edit a lot out, post it on the Hub to fuel the fan-girls. He thought it would be a good idea, but the good idea soon became rather... disturbing once the cameras were taken back.

Once they got the cameras back, Dan, Koots and Spencer sat around the computer, ready to edit it for the freaky fan-girls of their fandom, but once it got started, it didn't seem like a good idea to even post any of this; or even watch too long.

The video was around thirty minuets long, about a minuet of just nothing, until both of the boys seem to walk into Aleks' oddly red colored office. It seemed rather normal to begin with, until the Russian gets up off of his hair, and plops down onto the olders lap, his arms moving around his neck. Things seemed fine until the kiss started. It was innocent for the moment, until it looks like James took control, and made things less than innocent.

All three men, all three straight men watched as the two went into a heated make out session, soon turning rather touchy feely. It started to get more like an X rated armature porno as the video reached its midpoint. Dan left about fifteen minuets in, Spencer surprisingly stayed, as well as Koots. The mic on the camera began to pick up the noises the Russian has been holding in, being commanded too by the older.

Before the mess was made, Spencer turned off the speakers and monitor, running out of the office with a faint little blush on his face. He didn't know if he was of total embarrassment that he was forced to watch this, or it was because he actually like it.

After a while, and hoping that it's safe, he made his way to Aleks' office, opening the door, but to his surprise, they were still at it..! It seems as though the rolls have reversed, having Aleks be on top on James, the older boy in a fetish-like bind, with profanities slipping from both of their mouths. Once the door opens, both men look over to the shocked face of Jordan, his eyes looking like their about to bulge out of his face, and his mouth agape. He backs up against the wall, covering his eyes, as he can't help but to yell.

"Oh meow! Oh meow'ing meow!"

The boos soon regains his composer as he runs out of the hallway and outside, leaving the two stunned men to stare at each other, shrug, and continue their fun, even with the door wide open.

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