Jealously to Anger - NovaHD / ImmortalAnex [ Requested by GeneralCatastrophe ]

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- Hello again! I will get to everyone's requested fics in due time! Gotta mix it up a bit! I hope you enjoy this one. It may not be smut since it has to do with jealously, but the next NovaHD or others will be smut. Enjoy.~


Aleks and James have been together for a few years now. Things were rather good. The love was all around the house, happiness was also there as well. Everything was going to the utmost perfection. That was, until Aleks had a change of heart. The world changed when Aleks decided to have fun one night and cheated on him.


Aleks gave James a kiss on the lips as he smiles, telling him that he wanted to go out by himself for the night and have some fun. The other was skeptical about the situation, but let the Russian go out and have his own fun. Aleks moves to his room as he gets pressed to go out, giving James a final kiss goodbye, and leaves the house to go to a nearby bar.

Hours pass since Aleks has been at the bar, soon spotting a man he hasn't seen before. He was really attractive; and he's coming his way..! Aleks soon begins to freak out as he watches the Asian man sit down beside him and give him a smile. Once said man speaks, Aleks wanted to faint almost right away. The male was highly attractive, yet his voice didn't match his good looks, which just made him hotter.

As it seems, the Asian man seemed to get drunk rather quickly, as Aleks gets up and moves an arm around the man, a few drunken giggles slipping his lips. However, as the hours pass, it seems that the Asian man gets attracted to Aleks as they go somewhere private. Aleks' mind goes crazy. He has a boyfriend of a few years at home waiting for him to return, and he's out at the bar, drunk off of his mind,  pressed against the wall with some nameless, yet highly attractive man. He's not even sure how he's going to explain this to James...


Once morning hits, Aleks wakes up in an area he does not recognize. He moves around on the bed as he's sleeping with someone; he turns his head, shaking the body next to him. Said body moves, groaning as he turns and faces Aleks. He yells and falls out of bed all of a sudden, "You're not James..!"

"Who's James? I'm Kevin."

Aleks stares at the male named Kevin, rather shocked, everything that happened last night was a blur. He soon gets up, getting dressed even though he didn't even remember getting undressed, not even telling Kevin why he was leaving so quick; he just needed to get back to James, and try his hardest to explain what happened. That is, if he can remember enough to tell him and hopefully won't have to tell him that he cheated.

Aleks quickly makes his way home as fast as he can, hoping that the other is still asleep. However, once he finally does get home, James was sitting on the couch, looking rather tired as he just stares at the door. He seems rather angry as he gets up, shoving Aleks to the door, staring at him, "Where the fuck have you been all night, Aleksandr?"

Aleks begins to panic; all of the planning he had and the words he wanted to tell James just went straight out the window. James turns the others head, his anger only getting worse, "What the fuck are these?! Did you fucking cheat on me..?!"

"W-What..!? No..!"

"Then why are there hickeys... On your neck!?"



"Okay..! I did..! But it was an accident..! I went to a bar, some dude walked in and sat next to me, we got drunk and after some time as the night goes on, I forgot. I woke up in his bed, naked. I don't know what happened, James. I really don't.."

James seems to get furious as he lets go of Aleks and marches off and up to his room, slamming the door shut. Aleks begins hearing random yelling and the destruction of the room. He fucked up; and he fucked up big time. It's all his fault. He moves away from the door, making his way over to said couch as he curls into a ball, and just sobs. He seems to sob for hours, but it's only been about a half an hour. James calms down as he comes out of his bedroom, only to get something from the kitchen and was going to make his way back to his destroyed room. Well, that was until he heard his boyfriend sobbing on the couch, a mess. He slowly makes his way over to him and plops down next to him, slowly beginning to rub his back to give him some sort of comfort. Aleks moves over and grips onto his shirt, his sobbing soon coming to an end after some time. He messed up, and he's the one that needs to fix this.

"We can fix this, James.."

"If you want to fix this, and not do this again, then lets. If you do this again, we're done."

Aleks slowly nods as he understands the threats that will become a reality if he fucks up again, "I won't do this again.."

"You promise?"

"I promise.."


Yay. I'm not entirely sure if this is what you wanted, but here you go! Jealously to me usually means cheating so. I hope this tickled your fancy!

Leave me prompts and ideas for what you want me to write for anything you request. I'll do pretty much anything. You can even request non-Creature one-shots. Need to make a new book for a requested Skylox but hey! It's what you guys want~! And I shall do my very best to give you exactly what you want~!

Until the next chapter!

~ SinfulWordMaster.

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