The End of the World [ Part One - All Ships ]

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- Hello! I'm here! I'm alive! Just thought I'd do something sort of sad, yet smutty. I read a one-shot [Or a three shot] of the end of the world, so just thought I'd recreate it. I love the End of the World scenario's so most of the things about it if mentioned on the Television are most likely true and rumors of what could actually happen in the way near future. This maybe two or three parts. I'm not entirely sure, since it will have every ship I can think of so it'll be a lot. One of my rare multi-chapter one-shots. It's still considered a one-shot, just don't want to get over ten or twenty thousand words just in one. That would be annoying. So. Enjoy!

P.S. There's going to be at least two disasters that may happen. I'm not sure. I'm a nerd. Shut up.


The end of the world is something that was theorized through science; most of the theories are false and or hoaxes. But it seems what is about to happen has even freaked out scientists and the word must be broadcasting on national television.

The world seems to come to a hault as several men in a Colorado office soon turn their attention to any sort of television that maybe on. What's said left everyone within the office, speechless.

"We're sorry to interrupt your scheduled television, but this could not wait any longer. It seems the world is going to end. Yes, it's been said in the 2000s' that it would end from Y2K, and in 2012, but this one seems to be more serious. As you may or may not know, the Milky Way has a Super Black Hole within it's core and it's rapidly growing as the decades go on. The larger it gets, the more gravity it pushes towards it, sucking in anything in its way, getting stuck in a limbo you'll never be able to escape from. Unless there is a world beyond the hole. NASA says the Black Hole would be large enough to suck in our first two planets, Mercury, and Venus within a few days; we may get lucky and not have to deal with it. But I advise you, get everything you need to bunker down in any sort of safe house you may have. The Government has lowered prices below ten dollars for any sort of travailing, and cigarettes and food down below seven. We're not sure if this will happen, but if it does, we have about a week or less to watch it. We wish you good luck, and if any other news comes into the station via us, or NASA, we will cut into your programming. Have a good day."

The men in the room soon gather into their streaming room, a look of shock on their faces. Jordan, also known as Kootra, had his wife Monica clinging onto his arm in shock, not wanting to let him go. He tells her it will be okay as he motions for everyone to sit down. He sighs as he looks at his friends and co-workers, not speaking for a moment but finally does after he gets the courage to do so, "Uh.. Yeah.. This is a shock.."

"No shit."

"James, shh. This is serious. We need to do something for our fans of our own channels, as well as the Hub, don't-cha think?"

Each of them blink, but all sigh as they get up, moving into their own offices and making videos for their channel for their own subscribers showing appreciation, and giving them courage to not be afraid.


Hours later, after everything was taken care of for their own channels, their just relaxing in random areas of the office. Aleks with James, Seamus with Sly; most of them were paired up. But these two pairs are two of the three or four shipping's that the fans do. James has a stupid idea but why not do it to entertain the fangirls of the Hub and the shippers of the Hub by giving them what they wanted? Even if their all straight as a bored. They've mostly given the fans what they wanted, so why not do this as a final stream if the end is near?

Once the others actually agreed to doing this type of sexual stream, they tell the fans, only wanting women in the stream, mostly the fangirls; fanboys were aloud as well. No need to discriminate.

The shipping's were ready; the fangirls and fanboys were in the stream. The stream filling up as the men have horrible stage fright on doing some sort of pornographic stuff online, but since it'll be their last, they might as well go down and make the Hub's freaks happy.

"Alright..! As you can tell, this is a different stream. It's not our normal kind. No gaming, no commentary. Just several cameras in the office were set up so we can have our final stream. ...Making you fangirls happy. You make up shipping's for us. NovaHD. ImmortalFox. Jeamus. SlyPKC. And several others. Well, you'll get to see it. All. Where ever it goes and how ever far it leads you'll see everything. We uh.. Hope you enjoy. Meow.."

Jordan moves away from the camera as he puts up the scheduling for what ships are going to happen. No times or charity money are put up. Only the shipping's. They maybe in order, or they may not. It's up to the fangirls on what they want.

The Creature Hub Last Stream - Fangirl Shipping Line-up [No Particularar Order]









If we missed any, please let us know.

The fangirls seem to go nuts on the shopping's that's on there, spamming the chat as the boys look up at the screen, sighs slipping their lips.

"What should we do first, ladies?"


Welp! I'm stopping this one here! Now, this is where it can be highly interactive. If I missed any ships, by all means, put them down!

Now, by interactive, meaning you can put your favorite shipping's in the order you want them to be written, and since this may be a rather long one-shot, there maybe one to three shipping's in each chapter, so I will pick the top three from the list of what you guys want. And go from there.

This is highly for you guys so, if you don't give me anything, this will be discarded. And I don't wish for this to be discarded so do not disappoint me, silly fangirls~!

Until next time.~

I love you~!

- SinfulWordMaster.

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