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'Waste of space.. ehh... Waste of.. space.' I thought while having the 'WTF' expression on. I felt horrible since I knew what it felt like to be laughed at. Confusion took over me as I kept thinking whatever happened to him.

I shook the thought out of my head as I began exploring the school. I took my schedule from the principal and to my interest, math Is first session. The moment I stood in front of math classroom, my awkward ass refused to get in due to some 'reasons'. I thought while mentally making a quotation mark with my hands.

Until my thoughts were interrupted with a figure that looks like a teacher beside me. "Transfer student, am I correct?". "Y-yep, that's me" I replied. "Okay then, wait here for a moment.. ah by the way, it's mr. han , nice meeting you" he replied with a smile. He opened the door to reveal a noisy class until he spoke in an angry tone which made the whole class go silent.

"Class.. SHUT UP!" The whole class was silent. "Anyways there's an announcement today, we are gonna be having a new student today, plz treat her with respect" he announced in his normal cheerful tone with a smile on his face. He then waved his hand signaling for me to get in. I stood beside him while introducing Myself..

"Hello, nice meeting all of you, I'm  L/N Y/N and I hope to become friends with all of you" I said shyly while forcing a smile on my face. After that I heard most of the class (mainly boys) whisper...
"Dude, do you see that?"
"She's cute, like damn"

Meanwhile I thanked God that the girls weren't like in those Kdramas where they shoot glances at you and hate you because you're so goddamn popular between boys on first day *mentally flips hair* .  "You can sit anywhere because to be honest, I hate assigning seats " the teacher said and let out a sigh. 'yo, this teacher is actually pretty chill' I thought while mentally giving him a thumbs up. I walked up to the back because.. I like being in the back, and took the only empty seat there.
After seating myself I looked to see a boy sitting on my left next to the window, wait.... THAT'S THE BOY I BUMPED INTO BEFORE COMING HERE!. He had his head between his arms on the  desk as he looked down. I felt so awkward sitting next to him so i didn't make eye contact with him. After like 2 hours the first session ended and we had 10 minuites break before the next session begins.

I decided to apologise to him again for bumping into him, "h-hey" he didn't respond. I tapped him on the shoulder "hey" I said again, but this time he noticed and looked at me, but damn he had that 'what the fuq do you want' Expression on. "Um.. I wanted to apologise again f-for bumping into you earlier". He stayed silent then lost eye contact with me and looked forward. "It's okay, no need to apologise, I know you didn't mean so, so it's okay" he said in his calm deep voice. I felt relieved that he wasn't angry or anything.

"So.." I said grabbing his attention, "you seem like a kind person so I thought.. uh.. m-maybe we we can be friends" he looked shocked as if he's seen an alien or something (A/N: u see what I did there)
"U-um.. s-sorry but I don't n-need any f-friends" he said nervously and then he had his face buried between his arms.

I was gonna accept my fate until I had the thought of ' wait.. if I won't have any friends then there is an 80% chance of getting bullied and shit like that '.  "Please~ , I don't wanna end up lonely pleaase" I begged with a gesture that matches it. He stayed silent for what felt like forever, but then he sighed and spoke "okay fine , but I'll tell you something, I've... never had a friend before.. so please don't expect me to know what friends do". 'so fuqin sad' I thought.
"It's okay, I haven't had so many friends as well, well I had one when was 8 but since then I haven't had any who lasted long, still I'll teach you what I know about friends" I said and he replied with a nod.

I sighed, '2 minutes left' I thought. "By the way, I know that this is stupid to ask now but I haven't caught up your name yet, what is it?" I said out of curiosity. "it's taehyung , Kim taehyung" and with that the teacher got in and we began the session.


'Most boring session of life' I thought. It was lunch time so I got my lunch box and looked beside me exitedly to see that taehyung is not there. I got up feeling disappointed and went to find him, I searched for him everywhere until reached the forbided part of school; the rooftop.

I didn't care so I got up there and that's when the bright sunlight hit me and so did the beautiful breeze, and there I saw him, sitting on the ground with his back against the door, eyes closed and mouth moving, Wait.. is he.. singing?....

I know that I published 2 chapter at one time.. it's just that I didn't have internet connection so I couldn't update.. so here you go for your patience ;)


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