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A week passed, and taehyung never showed a smile. Not even once. He started looking tired as well, his face even looks pale and he throws up often. "Taehyung, are you coming?" I asked referring to the rooftop. Jimin and hoseok shot me glares signaling me it's not a great timing. Yoongi was just in deep thought.

"Yeah, I am" in a sleepy tone it was. I noticed his body moving a step backwards as he stood up. Just glad that he caught himself.


We can't stop worrying about taehyung. He speaks in a barely audible voice and acts healthy when he's clearly sick.

He was slowly standing up "I'm going somewhere, I'll be right ba--"

He slipped and ended up faceplanting the floor. "Oh God. He fainted again" jimin whined unsurprised while lifting his legs upwards so that blood can reach his brain. I let out a deep sigh as I reached for my phone.

"That's it. This is third time this week. I'm calling the emergency" I let out groans of rage as I dialed the number.

We didn't take him the first 2 times because he insisted on not to. I hate the fact that he always keeps everything to himself. He never tells us anything. And here I thought he trusted me in everything, I guess I'm wrong.



that smell.. am i in the hospital? Huh.. when did I get there. I'm still half asleep but I can hear familiar voices.

"You think he's gonna be okay?"
"The doctor didn't give us any updates on his state yet"
"Too bad."
"Guys, do you think he has narcolepsy as well?"
"Oww.. what did I do?!"
"Jimin, this is no time for joking!"
"Okay fine, I'm sorry"
"When do you think he'll wake up"
"How the hell am I supposed to know?"
"Stop talking. I'm trying to sleep here"
"Yoongi! No sleeping until we check if he's okay!!"

"Umm..I know I'm sleepy but am I the only one who saw that?"
"Saw what?"
"He slightly moved his hand"
*Gasp* "You serious?!"

my eyes were opened to a weird sight, Everyone staring at me like i came back from the dead. "U-um.. why am I her--" they all suddenly hugged me and I just stayed there not hugging them back, because I was surprised more than touched.

"Oh man, why didn't you tell us you were THAT sick?" y/n half-whispered beside my ear still hugging me.

At that moment is when i realized that everyone broke the hug except of y/n and yoongi was whispering so goddamn loudly "I shipped it since day one". Hoseok tried holding a laugh and y/n snapped "not a good time for your as*hole remarks, shithead".

Hoseok couldn't hold back anymore and laughed his heart out making the rest laugh as well in process. "You weren't kidding when you said you raised her" jimin added in-between laughs. I couldn't help but have a smile at how amazingly stupid they are.... since I'm not able of laughing anymore.


We were all playing around and having fun in taehyung's room, trying to cheer him up, and that's when the doctor inturupted and cleared his throat.

"sorry for interrupting, But as for Mr. Kim taehyung's status. He appears to have anemia and should rest in here for 2 days until he's taken all the energy needed" he announced pointing at the IV injection device that's connected to taehyung's arm.

When we were about to ask some questions, the doctor decided to throw some questions at taehyung.

"Sir, when was the last time you ate?". Taehyung seemed to be ashamed of himself; he kept looking down answering in a low voice.

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