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The warm wind filled with the smell of home hit me in the face as I opened the door. It was like a blizzard out there. I didn't noticed that taehyung had his head down in shame with his body shivering. I care about him but, when I'm angry, I become that bossy mother who nobody wants. I want to SHOW him that I care but, my personality says the opposite, and that's exactly what happened.

I threw taehyung on the couch out of anger and rushed to my room. I jumped on the bed and started screaming against a pillow for about 5 minutes straight. That madness made me unaware of my surroundings that I didn't notice..... Taehyung was standing there having a look of guilt not leaving his face. I just stood there shocked, before I heard him speak.

"i-im sorry" it came almost like a whisper. I stayed there confused but silent of that apology, as he walked away leaving me dumbfounded.

After a good 2 minutes, I walked out to see him laying on the couch, staying at the ceiling lifelessly. I didn't know what to do, I now had a reputation of that strict mother in front of him. I was about to talk to him when I noticed how pale he is, and how his lips are so blue. I think I didn't notice at first regarding how dark it was outside.

I dashed to my room and brought a blanket, then to the kitchen for the hot chocolate. I served both to him as he sat up shockingly staring at every move I make. I then dropped myself next to him before finally asking.

"Why are you sorry tae?" I was surprised on how calm my voice was, after a 5 minutes of screaming.

"Y-you are a-angry because of m-me an--" he was stuttering to much so I stopped him.

"It's not your fault tae, it never was and never w--"

"don't say that! A bitter truth is better than a comforting LIE!" he snapped weakly. I felt so confused, how can someone so depressed say such wise and thoughtful truths.

"I'm not lying taehyung" I continued. "It's not YOU I'm mad of, its the situation you are in". He seemed confused judging by his face. I sighed before explaining.

"What I mean is.... Your life seems fuqed up. Your father seemed to only love your mother for her body, so when he got bored of her he simply dumped her. Leaving her to take care of you. But instead, she abused the fuq outta you, locked you in home, let some bitches rape you, and also almost killed you."

"Hmmm..When you actually put it that way, I actually KINDA pity myself" he said jokingly which triggered a little chuckle on me.

"But hey... Don't forget the goods in your life. You have me, yoongi, jimin, hoseok, namjoon. The six of us are here to help you."

"Six?" He asked. "Sorry, forgot to exclude Jin here, my bad" he just chuckled at my mistake.

We were in complete silence until he cut through it.

"I'm sorry... For running off like that" he blurted out as I answered back "it's okay tae, it's okay"

A yawn was now heard throughout the room until I felt his heavy head on me. Taehyung slept on my shoulder. But this time, it was different; he was being so cuddly, he had his nose snuggled against the side of my neck as his body hugged my arm. I couldn't help thinking how cute this is.

My eyes felt heavy as well, it was late at night and I wouldn't want to wake him up. I had no other choice, I wrapped my un-cuddled arm around his placing my head on his chest. From there, I closed my eyes listening to his heartbeat. Sleep took me on how calm and steady it is, unlike my uneven fast heartbeats. But hey, he takes the blame of it.

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