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I got startled from sleep with a loud thud. My eyes were squeezed shut, knowing that the loud 'thud' was my room door opening. My eyes instantly shot open as I felt someone tug at my hair harshly.

Her figure looked like she was about to beat the fuq out of me. My face was so close to hers I can smell the alcoholic scent from it. Her eyes were all red and puffy. Was she crying?

"Mother... Why are you cr--" not a moment or two before I felt a stinging pain on my cheek.

THAT BITCH CALLED YOUR FATHER LEFT ME WITH A PEICE OF OF SHIT LIKE YOU TO RAISE!!! THATS WHY!!!" I got yelled at for caring about her, huh? Not like I'm not used to it or anything but, why am I still involved in this mess?

Not a second later before I felt alot of pain in my stomach area. Oh great, abuse time. I fell on my knees but it was not long before my face was filled with punching bruises. She then let go of me. Wait, is that a good sign orrr...?

She took me to the living room where all her abuse weapons were. 'shit' I thought. I knew this wasn't going to be good. There, along with physical abuse and torture, stands mental abuse as well.

Words kept going through my head as my body feels numb from all the burning pain.

"This is all your fuqing fault!"

She kept ranting to me all what she wanted to say and do to the cheating man, physically and mentally.

"You're such a shit for caring!! Pretending bitch!"

And many more way worse than that, telling father to go fuq himself, to kill himself. I stayed silent at every insult knowing that she's drunk.


I don't know how many hours passed exactly but, I know it's ALOT. Yet, I'm still on the abuse time. By now, I might've gotten bruises, cuts, whip marks and burns all on me. I was silently crying all this time but I never showed her, because my body still felt numb from all the pain.

I don't know what has gotten into me at that moment but, I tried to talk things out with her, which I regret sincerely after.

I had a feeling she's sober now, so I decided to say it.

"I-im sorry for what happened with father. He's an awful man who deserves to go to hell for leaving such a kindhearted person like you" I finally showed her my tears of sadness.

She looked shocked for a second but was able of saying

"Go to hell taehyung. You were never the son I wanted. I wish I never gave birth to you." It was in a threatening low tone.

Oh shit. I don't think she's sane anymore, judging by the way she looks ant talks to me. I guess i was right. because right after these words, she pulled on to her hair screaming before choking me with her hands on the ground. Thankfully, I was able of shrugging her off of me. I have no clue where did that next reaction came from but...

I hugged her.

My grip was tight around her as she was crying and screaming. I was getting hit everywhere, but I couldn't care less. She's not okay.

I was insisting on not letting go, making be oblivious of what's happening around me, until I snapped back to reality with a horrible stinging pain on my shoulder from the back.

She took that chance to throw me off of her. My hands were horribly shaking, but I tried reaching for my shoulder. Then I felt something hard and cold on it. I don't know how was i conscious at that moment. I can see my bloody hands getting pale, realizing, I got stabbed. It's just as if I came back from the dead, all the numbness in my body went away with a blow of wind.

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