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Yes. I love her but.... still..
I can't. I saw.... the way she looks..


"I hate this time of day. Am I the only one?" And when I mean this time of day, I mean the span of time between after lunch and class time. Jimin just shrugged and hoseok shook his head. "Well.. you're not the only one." Taehyung seemed to be annoyed judging by the tone of his voice. Then the most unpleasant voice was heard

"Yo there, missed me didn't you? Oh, you also brought that bitch boy?.. good job" and by 'bitch boy' he means jimin. Seojun looked at hoseok before he dashed to him and punched him in the face hard. Hoseok fell to the ground and now had a bleeding nose. Taehyung and I were checking if he's ok. Jimin then snapped; he slyly dodged all seojun's punches and kicked him where the sun never shines. Seojun groaned holding his crotch and kneeled down before jimin got his full revenge by kneeling him right in the face. Therefore making his nose bleed as well.

"That... Might be the happiest day of my life" taehyung added as i just nodded. "Well.. not for me that's for sure" hoseok reminded jokingly while covering his bleeding nose. We both just chuckled and took him to the nurse. "Guys, leave him to me.. you go to class" jimin defended us and we just nodded "I'll owe you one, jimin!" I said before dashing to safety. For all your information, why we dash to class is because the teacher is ALWAYS there, and seojun wouldn't dare make a move in front of a teacher.


"Jimin, why are you late mister?" Yikes, he's angry.
"Oh umm.. I fell asleep behind the school building" jimin replied innocently scratching the back of his head. The teacher just sighed "okay, you're excused". The class just continued like normal.


School finished. Taehyung is walking with me and yoongi went home before us (this guy sure likes to stay alone). Taehyung and I never had the chance to talk with each other since the day he broke down crying. My heart still aches remembering the state he was in.

"Soo.. taehyung, how's life with you?"
"Well.... I still get abused sometimes, but the bullying became less for sure"
"How many times do you get abused a week?"
"Hmm.. several times."
*Sigh* "and you don't tell me?"
"Hey, it's not like you can do anything about it"
"Why didn't you report her or something?"
"I thought of doing so, but I always end up not to because... I have a heart. I know how she was before the divorce; she was the kindest person alive. I just can't do that to her."
He made me smile "Well, you've got a point there".

"Do you still cut?" I blurted out.
"No, for 2 reasons. One, because I have someone I trust and can talk to. And two, because on that day you threw the razor knife somewhere from the roof and I couldn't find it ever since"
I giggled "well, I'm glad" totally ignoring his joke at the end.
"Do you think you can keep up with life?" I asked
"Well, I think I have a chance of surviving in it"
"Dude, life isn't like hunger games. You don't survive in it, you LIVE."
"what's the difference?"
"Well, to live is to be free. To not feel like someone is always chasing you. To laugh and smile whenever you want to. To be yourself."
"You sure do believe in 'living'."
"Yes, I do"
He just smiled.



I entered home to hear giggles and talks in the living room. "Son, are you home?" Mother shouted. "y-yes". "Come here, we have guests" she ordered sounding happy. Oookay..That's wierd. I got in and heard squealing "Oh MY GOD, is that him?!" One girl who seemed to be my age exclaimed while another girl who looks the same age was hugging her arm in excitement. "Yes. That's him alright." Mother replied. An older woman looked at me and smiled while another one was talking with mother. I was just standing there awkwardly until mother ordered me. "Sit with the girls son." What the hell.. she wants me to sit between these girls? Why? I shook these thoughts away and did as I was told.

The 2 older women were having a chat with mother while the other 2 girls were clinging on me. I knew if I made a wrong move I'm gonna regret it, so I stayed as frozen as a stone. Shit. they're bringing their chest to my arm. This is so fuqing uncomfortable! After a while, I felt a hand on my thigh. I flinched trying to control myself, but it was getting worse. I was now feeling multiple hands on me. It was a bad timing to be wearing tight jeans. They were stroking their hands on my ass and thighs. One of the girls started feeling my crotch and I almost cried at how shaming this is. I was so scared but looked up and surprisingly, mother had a different expression. Guilt?

"Hey auntie, your son is really cute. Can we play with him?" One of the girls said while hugging my arm. Mother's expression changed into an evil smirk "oh darling, do whatever you want with him". The 2 girls dragged me to my room as i could barely move from how terrified I am. I then heard mother from a distance "oh girls, you might need this" she then handed them... Handcuffs? Oh no.. this is bad. I wasn't feeling happy one bit. I was on the verge of crying.

I was instantly handcuffed to the bed laying on it struggling to get free. I was now screaming and crying as the 2 just smirked before unzipping my jeans.

And this night... was the worst night of my life.

time skip to next day brought to you by +18 warning


Hmm.. what should I wear today? Ah.. I know.
I decided to wear a simple white dress up to the knees with matching grey leggings underneath because I'm a conservative person. I made my hair in a high ponytail and wore my white ballerina.

Ahh.. taehyung. I saw him leave his house but... Why does he look so... Well, I Dunno. His eyes are red and puffy and he has bags under them. His hair is also messy and his body just seems.. sad.

"H-hi taehyung" shit, why did I stutter. "Oh, hello" he replied in a low tone. "Did you sleep well?" I asked looking at him. He seemed really tired "n-no not really, I stayed up all night studying" he answered in his raspy voice.
Oh, of course. That's what it is, And here I thought it was something serious. Guess I got worked up for nothing, Heh.. I hope.


It's lunch time and taehyung didn't say a single word since the beginning of the day. Im kinda worried about him. Maybe he's just in a bad mood. Y-yeah that's gotta be it.


I can't tell her about what happened. She'll hate me for sure. I just can't...

"I'm going to the bathroom" I said before storming of to find IT. I now reached behind the school. Where is it... Razor knife.. razor knife.. raz--
Ah.. there it is. It still has the blood from last time on it, good. I went to the bathroom and locked the door so that no one can come in. I pulled up my jacket sleeve and placed the knife on my arm before--

*Growls* oww.. my stomach hurts. I felt a weird feeling so I went to the sink and started throwing up. I feel so sick. It's probably because of last night. What did I do to deserve this? What sin have I ever made to make my life turn like this? I want to end this. I want to end my misery.

I shakily placed the razor knife against my throat waiting... Waiting for something to save me. But of course, nothing can save me except for--
*Knock* "taehyung, are you ok? You've been in there for like forever" I heard y/n's voice. Tears were now streaming down my face, I became sad knowing I can't do it as long as y/n is by my side. I can't free myself from this hell.

"I'm coming" I managed to say not sounding like I was crying. "Okay then, I'll head to class first" she said before I heard her footsteps fade away. I felt it again, I went to throw up the lunch which I never had. I can't end my life with her around. I just can't. My h-heart doesn't let me. I felt more tears on my face. I want to end this suffering but... People always interfere making me feel trapped under their spell, Under their sweet yet fake words.


I felt so weird writing the rape scene tbh

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