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"Tadaaa"! I said shoving the phone into taehyung's face. He was shocked as hell but managed to say "is this a prank or something?". I just chuckled at his cuteness "no you silly, open it up" I was referring to the unboxed phone. Actually, we DID unbox it me and yoongi. Yoongi had to set it up and do some sim card shit so he can call me. oh and plus, he added both our numbers. Once taehyung opened the box, he just jumped in place like a kid and smiling like an idiot.

He took a deep breath before-
"Holyshitimsohappyidunnohowtothankyouthisisthebestgiftieverrecievedinmylife"he thanked us in the speed if light. Lol, he would make a good rapper. "You're welcome" yoongi and I both said in Union."by the way, how much is this?" He asked not letting his eyes off the screen. "Umm.. it wasn't really so expensive" I lied making yoongi almost burst into laughing. "I dunno what to say just, thank you" he showed me his smile again, the real one, his beautiful and genuinely happy boxy smile.

I couldn't be happier at the moment.


Soo.. I kinda take back saying taehyung is strong against his will; he didn't take his eyes off the phone for even a second since lunch began. "Taehyung, we need to get back to class" I said getting his attention. He just nodded and we both started heading back. Yoongi already was in class sleeping, and I swear to god, since school began and he was never in mood to stay awake.

"JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" We heard the most unpleasant voice on the other side of the locker. Seojun was holding a boy by the collar pinning him to the wall. I couldn't see his face but I could tell he wasn't scared. "Leave me alone, will you?" The new boy said sounding clearly pissed. I was going to help but taehyung stopped me, he shook his head at me telling me that i shouldn't do it. "What if I don't then? Huh, what can a short pathetic boy like you ever do?!" Seojun was about to punch him when a tall boy tapped him on the shoulder and gave him a good punch, making seojun drop the other boy.

The short one stood up and casually removed the dust from his clothes before taking seojun's arm and pulling it from behind his back making seojun fly over the short one and land on his back. (A/N: I'm bad at explaining. Deal with it)

Oh shit, this boy is strong. The tall one grabbed the other's arms and started running "quick!, Before he gets up" the tall one said disappearing through the halls. Taehyung and I were shocked but had the most evil smirk on earth on our faces. "Hehehe, serves his right" we both said in Union. Shit, seojun noticed us. "RUN!" We both said before running as fast as we could to class.



School finished, and thank God we got away from the bullying for now. Now,I'm in front of my house not daring to get in. This is too risky, what if mother found out about the phone? I'll be so dead. I decided to take that risk and hide it. Okay, Turned off, and in the bag we go. I took a deep breath before entering. "Son, you're back?" Mother said from the living room. "Yes." I was trying not to sound nervous. "Well then, dinner is on the table" she continued as I ran to my room and locked the door. Thank God, I was nervous for nothing. I just hope this goes well.. for now.

Time skip 1 week later brought to you by j-hope's snakeu


"Taehyung, the teacher isn't here yet, you can take out your phone" I half whispered as taehyung took out his phone and started taking pictures of the sleeping yoongi beside me. "He looks like a dead dog" taehyung added bursting both of us laughing. After multiple pictures, Mr. Han came in. "Yo, dead dog, wake up!" Mr. Han said from across the class making yoongi wake up and the whole class burst into laughing. "Told you!" Taehyung said between laughs.

"Alright then class, we have 2 new students today. Hope you treat them with respect". 2 boys then came in; a tall boy with an energetic smile and a short boy with big eyes and a calm angelic smile. Wait... Why does he look familiar to me? The short one I mean.

Holy shoot, are those the boys from a week ago?
Taehyung and I just looked at each other knowing those 2 were the ones we saw beat the shit out of seojun.

"Hello there, I'm Jung hoseok and also your hope"
The tall one said revealing his heart-shaped smile

"Hi, I'm park jimin" the short one simply said waving. is he always this calm? More importantly, why is he so familiar to me?

Jimin took the seat in front of me and hoseok was in front of yoongi. All the girls were fangirling and trying to talk to them . I was lost in thoughts thinking about why is he familiar when I heard a voice say "hey". I snapped back to reality when I saw jimin staring at me happily. "Oh, hey..".
"your name's y/n, isn't it?" He asked casually. How the hell? "Y-yes.. how did you know?". he sighed "It seems like you don't remember me.. but I don't blame you, it was a long time ago. Anyways I missed you" he replied while smiling with his eyes. Wait... That smile.. I remember seeing that smile before. The one where his eyes becomes almost invisible.

No way... It's him?!


"I won't let you hurt her!" a short boy stood in front of the wounded me spreading his arms in protection and yelling angerly at the others in front of him.

Dark hair, big kind eyes, chubby cheeks and a high-pitched voice.

"Yo boys, how about we teach him how things work here"


After a good beating, he came and helped me up. "Are you okay? " He said
"Y-yes, thank you"
"No problem, by the way I'm park jimin" he gave me a hand to shake, and I accepted happily
"I'm y/n, but you can call me y/n/n"
He just smiled at me
"Don't you have a nickname?"
He shook his head
"Hmm.. how about I call you mochi"
"Why?" He asked
"Your cheeks are chubby and cute like mochi"
"Oh, I like it"
he smiled with his eyes at me


"Mochi?" he nodded like a kid. Taehyung and yoongi were confused af. I was about to hug him when he stopped me"nu-uh-uh... Not until you apologise because you left me without a word" he was pouting. I heard yoongi whisper to taehyung "yo, her boyfriend?" And taehyung just shrugged. I sighed knowing how stubborn jimin is "look I'm so sorry. We moved suddenly and I didn't get the chance to say goodbye. Can we start a new page from now?" He nodded and stood up. a hand was extended for me to shake it "friends?". "Sure" I said as I was about to shake it but something inturupted.

He looked like he was spacing out for a second before collapsing. Luckily, hoseok went through the fangirls army and caught him on time. "JIMIN WAKE UP!" I started shouting and the whole class was panicking. "Should we call the ambulance?" Yoongi asked worriedly while taehyung just stayed silent in horror until hoseok shouted back "EVERYBODY CALM THE FUQ DOWN, HE'S JUST ASLEEP!". "What the..." I said in shock until hoseok explained casually "you're his friend, right? Nice meeting you, I'm his friend as well. Ah, and more importantly, a thing to know about him, the poor guy has narcolepsy".


I can't actually believe we are close to 100 reads.
I dunno how to feel at the moment.
I'm touched ;_;

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