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Ahhh... Saturday. My favourite day of the week, The type of day where you just want to sit on the couch and watch T.V all day.

That is, until taehyung came to me pouting, trying to get my attention. I kept ignoring him as much as he kept making slight groans to notice. Still, he looked cute, so he won the attention gaining contest.

I sighed deeply. "What is it, tae?". He looked at me then pulled out the mini doll of him, pointing at the place where the wings used to be... Before he ripped it. Lemme guess, he wants me to fix it?

"The wings got ripped, can you fix it, please~?" He whined to me. I felt bad for him now that his only ever doll he received in his entire life got ripped. Well, he ripped them.. but he wasn't ok at the time; he was on the verge of committing suicide, so I can't blame him.

I sighed deeply, again. "Sure tae, just a second." I said as I got up with the doll and went to fix it in my room.


Well, it was fixed in no time. It wasn't as good as new, but... It was decent. I came out with the doll in my hand and threw it on his lap out of exhaustion. It took him a while to process that the doll was on his lap, but soon hugged it... And hugged me after.

"Thank you so much y/n/n~" he said, placing a peck on my cheek after. Oh great, my face got red again. I was hiding it. Correction, TRIED hiding it.

"Hey tae, I know this is random but, you're beautiful." I complimented him, for him to hide his face after.

"Mmmm..stop it. You know I look horrible when I wake up." He mumbled with his face in his hands, embarrassed as hell.

"Phhtt. Oh please, you're face looks way better than this potato in front of you, and not even a normal potato, but you look way better than even french fries. You know how I love french fries." He bursts into laughing at the horrible comparison. I followed his lead.

"PABO!! I can't...breathe because..of you!" He barely said between laughs and tears. I couldn't stop smiling at his genuinely happy face.

"But hey... It's not just your figure that's beautiful." I continued as he stopped laughing, listening to what I have to say. "Your heart is way more beautiful than anything else." He was either shocked or surprised. I never really expected it, but a single tear streamed down his face.

"T-taehyung?! Why are you cr--" i left my sentence incomplete as his lips met mine. His sudden actions never fail to leave me speechless.

That kiss told me how he felt: treasured. It was a kind yet passionate one. I can't explain my happiness at that moment.

Time skip 2 days later brought to you by yoongi's giggle (because that shit's beautiful.)


y/n doesn't seem to be in a good mood today. She's triggered easily and didn't relax even a second. The teachers gave her alot of assignments and tasks to do for school today, that's probably why.

"Guys, you think noona is ok?" Jungkook asked worriedly. We all just shrugged, knowing how she acted today.

We all didn't expect it, but she finally came for recess. She looks like yoongi when he doesn't get alot of sleep. She greeted us tiredly and sat next to me against the rooftop wall. We all looked at each other worriedly, she noticed it.

"What is it?!" She exclaimed angerly as all of us sighed, knowing that we have to tell her.

"Y/n.. it's just that you've been all moody and stuff since the beginning of the day and... We wanted to know if you're okay?" Jimin tried explaining innocently, making a wrong move against an angry girl.


Well, definitely not a good day.


Our walk home stayed silent. If I were to talk to an angry girl, it would've been the end of me.


I needed sleep so badly because of today. The feeling of anger, frustration and sadness took me. I'm such a piece of shit, I thought with my head sunk in the pillow. As I realized how my eyes let the tears run down like that, I broke down crying until sleep took me with ease.


*Riiiiiiiinnnnnnnggg*..*Rriiiiiiinnnnnngggg*. "Mmgh... SHUT THE FUQ UP YOONGI I NEED SOME SLEEP HERE!" I yelled through the empty room, still, my phone kept ringing loudly.

"Augh! Fine!!" I picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.

"y/n, are you ok? I can smell burning from your house" He said through the line. I was still half asleep, so it took me awhile to process what he said.


"You can smell WHAT?!" I yelled more and hung up immediatly. I ran to the kitchen, hoping that what I'm smelling is not true.

"Taehyung! What's ha-!" My sentence was interrupted with a smiley taehyung serving 2 dishes on the table. His face and clothes were covered in what seems like sauce and some other stuff I can't define; he basically looks like a mess.

"y/n/n~ you're awake! I made you tteobokki" he shoved the plate on the table proudly.

To be honest, that looked nothing like tteobokki, That burning smell said it all. He seemed proud of his creation, which made me feel either treasured or just butterflies in my stomach from how he's such a fluff ball.

We both sat on the table, and to be honest, I wasn't sure about how his food tastes, so I just waited for him to take the first taste. He took in the first bite, his face expressions seemed off. He shook his head and dragged my plate to his side.

"Sorry y/n, it doesn't taste as expected. It's horrible." He dug his face in-between his arms and he felt ashamed of how it turned out. He's a pure angel I swear to God.

Still, I wanted to try his horrible creation. Even though I know his food made with love can kill a person, i wanna taste it. I took my plate back and ate the horrible food with pleasure, I couldn't care less about the taste. Taehyung looked at me surprised at first, but then turned into a wide smile.

"You know you don't have to.." taehyung said, as I shook my head before speaking.

"Well, I didn't do it by force. You tried so hard making it that I wanted to taste it as well..." He cupped his own cheeks in embarrassment. "..even if your food can kill a human being." I continued as fast as possible. Sadly, taehyung heard it and hit me on the head playfully.

"YAH, I like cooking~" his whine never seemed to anything but adorable. The rest of the moment was silence, with taehyung staring at me as I chew the food. That is, until he spoke up the sweetest words.

"I'm sorry it turned out horrible. I tried making you the food for once because you seemed stressed out today. I wanted to make you happy, but it didn't work as planned." His low and ashamed tone made my heart feel fluffy somehow. He didn't disappoint me, in fact, he made me proud of having an amazing boyfriend.

Just how much do I adore him?


Sorry for not updating for long, bit I'll be too busy so I'll post only once a week.

Plus, I'm working on a new book ;)

Holy shit.... When did I get the +400 reads?

I. Am shooketh.

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