Killer Queens

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Blake POV
So..... since I had no fucking idea where we were going Freddie led the way to some of the local shops and there was even a Biba store. Heaven had stores from the 70s up to the 2000s or my generation... so of course they had a Hot Topic and my emo ass freaked out. We walked into a couple of stores and bought nice flowy shirts and high waisted jeans that I loved. They were a cute change from my former always black outfits. "So how do you like your new outfits?" He asked. I looked over at him from the shirt I was holding. "I love them thank you. You didn't have to buy me anything. It's not like you owe me but thank you. You have no idea how happy I am to be around you two." I smiled at him cheerfully and he looked back at me smiling. We ended going to a Hot Topic after I had seen it and I was able to show him the kind of stuff I was into. He was even surprised to see Queen band t-shirts there. Of course me being a huge fan, I bought Queen patches and a Queen shirt. I had bought a black denim jacket so I was going to iron the patches on the jacket. "I'm guessing you're a really big fan of us" He smirked at me while at the cashier. I blushed. "Y-yes. I'm still not use to being around you. But I can say I've never been happier." I smiled and him and he smiled back. "Hey do you wanna get ice cream? I'm kind of in the mood for sweets." He looked at me. "Sure! But I also kinda want to ask around and see if I can get a job here. I like the atmosphere." He nodded. After our shopping spree we headed back to Garden Lodge. As we walked in the door all of the cats suddenly rushed to Freddie's feet. I laughed. "I'm guessing they love you!" I smiled at him. He smiled back and we set the bags down in the room. As soon as the cats started moving away I rushed up to him and hugged him. "Thank you!" He looked down at me. "You're welcome. It was no trouble really. I'm glad you enjoyed our little shopping spree!" We both smiled and we pulled away. After a while of talking about our day I went upstairs to put my stuff in my bedroom. Woah that was weird. I hadn't ever called the room 'my bedroom'. I can't get to used to this. Eventually I will have to leave. The thought saddened me. After putting my stuff away I sat on the bed and slowly started slipping out of consciousness. Welp shit.

Freddie's POV

I walked into Blake's room to check on her and found her asleep. She looked adorable while she slept. After a little while I closed the door and let her sleep. I decided to walk to the front gates. I go there to think. As I walked up to the front gates I walked through them and sat at the edge. I care very much for Blake even though I just met her and I do want to adopt her but, what if she doesn't me to be her dad? I kept thinking about that. All of a sudden someone was walking up the steps. I didn't turn to look at this person until I heard something I never thought I'd hear for at least another 9 years. "Fred?" My eyes widened. I turned around to see Brian. "Brian?" I said teary eyed. "I never thought I'd see you again!" Brian ran up to me and hugged me. We both sat there and cried for a while. I hadn't seen any of them in so long. They were my family so of course it effected me that I couldn't see them. After a while of just sitting there we pulled away. "How have you been?" He asked me. "I've been good. I missed you all terribly. And I had to wait a little bit for Jim but he got here too. After that I just waited for you guys. How did you get here?" I asked him. "Well...old age.." He said. "Makes sense" I laughed and so did he. "You look good" He said to me. I had noticed that when I walked up the steps and found myself in heaven I wasn't skinny and frail anymore from the AIDS. I had looked like how I looked before I had gotten it. Brian also didn't look old. He looked young now.

(Photo above of what Freddie and Jim look like)

(Photo of what Brian looks like now)

"So how has your life been?" He asked me

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"So how has your life been?" He asked me. He was obviously very curious. "Good I met a little girl yesterday that Jim and I might adopt." He smiled. "Finally getting a child? I thought you didn't want any?" I smiled and shook my head "I guess she's grown on me." I laughed. We started walking towards the gates and finally walked through them. "So how does this work? Is there currency?" He started asking more and more questions and I had answered each one. Surprisingly not getting annoyed. "Yes there is currency and heaven is basically like the world we lived in except there is no poverty etc. basically you can live in peace" I smiled and so did Brian. "We have to get you registered as a citizen of heaven then we can go to Garden Lodge" He asked no further questions and just nodded. As soon as I got him registered we headed to Garden Lodge. As we got to the steps I unlocked the door and shouted "I'm home!" We just walked in. I guessed that Jim was in the garden and Blake was still asleep but I was surely mistaken.

Blake's POV

"In my time I traveled some roads"
"A rolling stone, Nowhere feels like home"
"I've seen people come then they go, life is just a story of some highs and some lows"
"Tell me do you believe in miracles? I'm standing here before your eyes"

As I sang the next lyrics I walked around and danced a little. This song always helped me with my riffs. I had always enjoyed singing it.

"But I know somebody he calls me his own, I can hear heaven singing out"
"Oh you're never alone"
As the music lightened a little I danced a little more and did more riffs

"Oh you're never alone"
"I may have took some time, but now I realize my imperfections were a part of your plan"
"And if all things work together in the end, the broken will be beautiful...."

I started riffing and dancing more and I couldn't help but smile. I noticed that Jim was looking at me me and leaning against the door frame. I would've felt embarrassed and stopped but my inner musician was not yet satisfied and I could stop singing if I wanted to so I kept looking at him and smiling.

"OHHH CRIED MANY RIVERS" (A BUNCH OF RIFFING) Damn my voice sounded good today. "ALOOOONE(riffing)" I smiled at him. He walked up to me and hugged me. I hadn't made much conversation with Jim but I could tell he was impressed. "THAT WAS AMAZING!" He smiled and so did I.

Freddie's POV

I stared at her after she finished singing the song and watched as him pulled her into a hug. Damn. That girl had amazing pipes and I was so proud. I looked at Brian and he looked impressed as well. "That's the girl you are adopting?" He asked still amazed. "Yeah" I looked back at him filled with pride. I then knocked on the door frame and they both looked at me. "Blake that was amazing. You have very great pipes" I smiled at her and she teared up. I walked over to her. "Did I make you cry?" I said a little worried. "No trust me they are happy tears. I never thought I'd hear that from you." I hugged her and chuckled. Brian stood in the door frame as well. She hadn't noticed him until he said "He's right you have an amazing voice. Bravo." He said smiling. She looked at him wide eyed. ".....BRIAN MAY?!" We all chuckled.

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