Her Majesty Has Been Reunited

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Blake POV

....AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....ok I think I got it out of my syste-AHHHHHHG OH MY FUCKING GOD ITS JOHN DEACON HELP!!! SOS!!  MY INNER FANGIRL IS SHOWING!!!.....alright ....I'm good.

We had all just sat down and started eating the wonderful food Joe had made, and everyone was talking to John as if Freddie, Brian and later, Roger had never left. It was amazing. They were amazing. Being in front of Queen as a whole was...wonderful. Even though Freddie was my dad he still took my breath away whenever he sang and Brian and Roger's solos would still make my heart swell, it hadn't mattered that they were my uncles now. I still look up to them as much as I had before I met them. I think I idolize them a bit more now that I know them as people and not as rock stars. I tuned into the conversation every now and then but this made me realize how lucky I was. How incredibly joyous I had become when I became Freddie's daughter. I was so fortunate. So greatfull. "Blake darling what's the matter?" I was snapped out of the my thoughts by Freddie's words. "Hmm?" I said softly. "You've barely touched your food, love. Is something wrong? Do you have something on your mind?" He asked softly. "I have some things on my mind...all good of course." I said smiling softly. "Okay well are you going to eat? You haven't really touched your food." He said smiling softly at me. I nodded and started eating "Joe this is reeeeeeeaaaaallly good!" I said while smiling widely and continuing to eat. Everyone chuckled and continued eating. I smiled and enjoyed dinner.

John's POV

I had always seen Fred interact with my kids. He was always very good with children so I shouldn't have been as moved as I was, but I still couldn't help but be in a small state of awe in that moment. It was different because she actually was his kid. He was a father now. Both him and Jim. I was surprised and happy for him. He seemed like a great father. This day had been great. Wonderful in fact. I hadn't seen my friends in years and finally we were all back together. I hadn't thought this day could get any better. We had been joking around and laughing, having a few drinks too. It was just like old times. We had been talking about all the embarrassing moments we all had had, which a lot had come from Roger but we all had our fair share of embarrassing moments. I mean I know I had. Freddie had brought that up the first chance he got. Git. I missed him though. I missed them. I had missed these moments. They were my first family (not including my parents and sister of course.) I still couldn't believe I was with them again. I could be with my wife again. It was amazing. "Hey...great idea, Rog...how about it, John?" I had heard Brian say. "Hmm?" I said softly. "Why don't perform at least one song...like old times." He said smiling. I knew they were all down for this. But it had been forever since we had performed together and ever since Roger and Brian passed away I couldn't bring myself to pick up my bass. "Umm..." I said a little on the fence about it. "Come on , John. If we mess up, we mess up it's okay. It's not like we are performing for a concert. What do you say?" Freddie had said sweetly placing his hand over mine for comfort. Damn he could read me like a book. "Okay.." I said smiling softly. We had all gotten up from the table and walked over to the parlor which had all of our instruments except mine. I had guessed my bass was at my house but there had been another electric bass sitting on a stand. Brand new too. At least that was how it looked. "My bass is at the house, Fred" I said while looking over at my friend. He nodded but Blake spoke up "You can use my bass... it's on the stand over there." She said beaming with joy and pride. I smiled at her and nodded her way. Then I walked over to the stand and picked up the bass, plugging in the cable to the bass and amp. I then adjusted the strap and fiddled with the strings for a bit just to get used to the bass. Roger had been tuning his drums a bit and Brian had been fiddling with his guitar as well, tuning it a bit in the process. "Alright lads, what do you want to play?" Roger said in his raspy high voice. We all had thought for a minute and then started throwing out suggestions. Blake, Jim and Joe were sitting on the couch smiling and waiting for us to start. "Any suggestions from the audience?" Brian said laughing a bit. "Hmm...I'm in Love with My Car..?" She said smirking and trying to hold back a laugh. Freddie looked at her in a playful glare then looked at Roger with the same look. "....I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that." He said trying to hold back his own laughter. Everyone in the room burst out laughing. Even Roger. He had thought it was funny. When the laughing died down everyone had big smiles on their faces. " Alright alright. How about the Invisible Man. I quite like because it has solos for all of you." Blake said smiling. We all looked at her and then each other and nodded smiling.

"I'm the Invisible Man"
"I'm the Invisible Man"
"Incredible how you can... see right through me"

Freddie had started and we played through the entire song. Blake and Joe dancing and while Jim was just looking at Freddie with love in his eyes and smiling widely. Every time in the song that our names were individually said Joe and Blake would sing it along with us while also enjoying the performance. I felt so free. I hadn't felt this great in a while. I hadn't realized how much I had needed to perform with them again until now. It was just amazing. Words truly do fail. After we had finished the song we all looked at each other smiling widely and hugged in a big group. "I really missed you guys. So much" I said trying not to tear up. "We missed you too Deacy." Freddie said while we were still in the hug.

I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPLOADING SOONER!!! I had writers block for a while and was trying to think about how I wanted this chapter to go but I finally finished it! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Also I can't thank you guys enough for reading my story. I hadn't thought people would actually read my stuff but thank you! I CAN'T BELIVE THIS STORY ALMOST HAS 600 READS!!! lIkE wAt?! Anyway thank you! :P :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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