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Blake POV

no.Fucking.WAY!!!! How is he here?!? wait obviously he died. "H-hi!" It was obvious I sounded nervous. They all chuckled. Jim walked up to Brian and hugged him. "Umm thank you by the way..." He looked over at me. "You're welcome. So what's your name?" I was looking at the ground but looked back up at him. "Blake." He smiled. "I like that name." All of us eventually made our way to the couches and Brian talked about what he did in the past 39 years.(Blake dies in 2030 and so does Brian) He hadn't mentioned Bohemian Rhapsody so since I hadn't really talked much I had just mentioned it. "Oh! Brian I never said this but.. I liked Bohemian Rhapsody. The movie of course. Obviously Freddie knows I like the song already." Freddie turned to me as I said my last sentence and smiled but looked back at Brian right after. "Movie?" Brian looked at Freddie. "Well in 2018 Roger and I made a movie called Bohemian Rhapsody. The movie was about your life. We did the best we could to make it all true but we had to speed up some parts for dramatic effect. We had this fellow Rami Malek play you." Freddie smiled at the thought. I took out my phone and looked up 'Rami Malek Freddie Mercury' and showed him the picture. He smiled. "Well he doesn't have my GORGEOUS brown eyes but he does resemble me." I smiled. "The actor they found to play Brian looked just like him. It was so cool." I turned to Brian. He smiled back at me. "Oh and Jim I was fortunate enough to get my hands on a copy of 'Mercury and Me' and it was lovely" I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Thank you. I already told Fred about the book." He smiled at his partner and I could've cried. I always thought they were cuter together than Freddie and Mary. YOU CAN FIGHT ME!! But getting back to the story they ended up having a little sweet kiss and my heart melted. After they pulled away they talked awhile longer until came through the door. "Hello!" He walked to the parlor to find Freddie,Jim,Brian and I talking. "Hi Brian! Good to see you!" He pulled Brian in for a hug. Then Joe went into the kitchen. I started to smell something really good so I walked from the parlor to the kitchen. "Where you going?" Freddie asked curiously. "I'm going to go see what Joe is doing in the kitchen." I smiled after my sentence and he nodded and went back to their conversation. As I walked closer to the kitchen my mouth started watering. "Hey Joe whatcha making?" He looked back at me. "It's a surprise!" I frowned playfully. "But why though!! It smells amazing by the way!" He looked at me and raised his eyebrow. ".... You still can't find out what it is until dinner." He smiled and I again playfully frowned. "Okay well I'm guessing I can't help either." He looked at me from the food. "You can help ok dessert." I smiled. "Okay what is it?!" "Boxed brownies." He said. "Alright" I said. ' 'These brownies are gonna be really good' I thought as I looked at the box. They were Ghirardeli brownies. Yum. After I had put the brownies in the oven I licked the spoon I used to mix. "Holy SHIT THATS GOOD!" Joe of course laughed and asked if he could also have some. I gave him another spoon that had the brownie batter on it. "Damn you're right. I definitely picked a good one. We then high fived and I cleaned my face up because I knew I probably had chocolate on it. "I'm gonna go sit in the parlor." He just nodded at me and kept cooking. As I walked to the parlor I hid in the side of the door frame so they didn't see me. I then sang "SOMEHOW I HAVE TO MAKE THIS FINAL BREAKTHRUUUUUUUU NOW!" And on the 'now' I jumped into the door way. They all started laughing, including myself. "Well you definitely know how to make an entrance." Freddie said while still chuckling. "Yes. I. Do." I said while still laughing. I was already getting more comfortable around them. I then sat at an empty spot on the couch and proceeded to listen to their conversation but they didn't mind. After a while Joe announced that dinner was ready. As we sat at the table I saw what we were having for dinner. Alfredo pasta and garlic buttered bread. "Omg it looks so good" pretending to fake cry at the beauty before me. They all laughed and eventually we started eating. "Thank you Joe it's amazing." "You're welcome" he said with a smile and continued to eat. After dinner Joe pulled out the brownies. "Our lovely Blake actually fixed these up!" He smiled at me and so did everyone else. I felt proud even though boxed brownies are easy to make.  "Thank you Blake" they all said in unison. They all then grabbed a brownie for themselves. I also did so and started eating it. "Omg they are so good" Joe said. After dinner and dessert was done I took all the dishes to the kitchen and washed them while Joe was in the bathroom. "You don't have to do that but thank you" Freddie said. I just smiled and said. "I have to do something even if it is small to repay you in some way." I then started washing the dishes in the sink and after that I headed to my room but not before saying goodnight to everyone. I said "Goodnight" from the stairs and everyone heard me and said it back. I then walked up stairs and washed up. After my shower I went to bed. Omg this is awesome.

Freddie POV

"She's a very sweet girl. I can see why you would want to adopt her." Brian said to me while smiling. I just nodded and smiled. "Oh I almost forgot. You can sleep in one of the other guest bedrooms." He nodded and went upstairs. I then went upstairs to my bedroom and already saw Jim asleep. I took a quick shower and laid next to him and fell asleep.

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