A Day Out With Mr.May :)

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Blake POV
After two hours I got ready in a nice flowy yellow shirt with flowers on it and light blue jeans with rips accompanied with white wedge boots and headed downstairs. "Heyo!" I said to Brian who was sitting on the couch on his phone. Probably looking on social media. "Hey! You ready to go?" I nodded and we headed out. Thankfully Freddie didn't ask any questions. "So you excited?" I nodded excitedly. We headed towards the music store that was a couple blocks away. "Hey Brian. Umm how were Queen concerts with and without Freddie?" He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. Then his smile fell a little. "Without him they were still exciting but not as exciting as they used to be when he was with us." He smiled a little. "When He was with us there was always this rush of adrenaline. Don't get me wrong.. Adam was great. If Freddie knew him they would be friends but, no one is Freddie Mercury. No one will ever be like him." I smiled. "Blake..... what was your favorite Queen song?" I stood there for a second. ".....Somebody to Love....... because that's all I wanted. That and... Mother Love..." my smile had fallen from my face by now and all of a sudden he rushed up and hugged me. We stood there a while and then I screamed. "HELP SOMEONE!!!! BRI YOU'RE SUFFOCATING ME WITH YOUR DAMN CURLS!!!!" We both laughed it off and we stood in front of the store. After working at my job I had had about £1,120 saved up. I had planned to buy an electric guitar, a guitar amp, a strap and a cord. Secretly I looked at the electric bass'. I planned on buying a bass and a bass amp too. I played when I was alive. Of course because my mother was the wicked with of the fucking west I had gotten a job to pay for it on my own. I had learned some bass lines of some Queen songs and other songs. I opened the door before Brian could grab the handle and said "Ladies first" I snickered and he laughed. We both walked inside and quickly moved to the section of the store for guitars. "Holy shit! That ones beautiful!!" I looked at the almost all black guitar hanging on the wall. (Pic above) The store clerk was sitting at the cashier and I called him over "Hello! I'm interested in this guitar." I said pointing to the one I wanted. He walked over. "This one?" He asked. "Yes sir!" He took it off the hook and packed it up in a case. They came with the guitar. ".... oh and umm do you guys have electric bass'?.." Brian looked at me curiously. "You want to learn the bass too?! I can't exactly help you with that. That's Deaky's area" I chuckled. "No! I .... I play" He smiled "You didn't tell me! Did you teach yourself or you had a teacher?" I smirked "I am self taught!!!" Taking pride in the fact. We both smiled and headed to the bass area and looked at the bass'. "I quite like that one." I pointed to a bass (pic down below)

" I pointed to a bass (pic down below)

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"It's nice" Brian said quite calmly. "Sir would I be able to try this one out?" He smiled my way and nodded walking over to the tall poodle and me. He unhooked and plugged it into an amp and turned it on. I strummed a couple of notes then shredded a little bit trying to impress Bri. "I didn't know you could do that...." I cut him of by playing the 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' bass line. I looked up to him and saw him with this impressed look on his face. "Looks like playing guitar is gonna be easier for you than if you were a beginner. Obviously you've played an instrument before. Show off!!" I laughed. "You can do much better than that on the guitar!! What the fuck are you complaining about!!" We both just laughed and I told him I'd take both the guitar and bass and then he asked at the cashier. "And you are gonna buy separate amps right? As a musician I'm telling you that if you don't have the correct amps for both you could damage the amps. For example you shouldn't plug a bass into a guitar amp. Make sense?" I knew all of this already. "Of course not!! I'm not a loony!!! I'll take both amps" He nodded. After paying I'd had about £200 left. That shit was expected though. I thanked the cashier and walked out carrying my bass in a case with the cord in one of the pockets and a strap for the bass that had skulls on it but the were covering their eyes,ears and mouths. It was the 'hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil' and I loved it. I grabbed the bass amp while I had the bass across my back, Brian did the same. I made him carry the guitar amp because to me the bass amp was lighter. Hehehe he has been fooled. "You know I know this ones heavier right? I'm not an idiot. And I have not been fooled. FUCK I might have said that aloud. "I said that aloud didn't I?" "Yup!" He popped the p at the end of yup really loudly but I didn't mind because we were both laughing not long after. We then arrived at the house and set the amps down on the floor. I grabbed my bass from my back and slid it off me and unzipped the case taking it out. I plugged it in while Brian went to get a snack from the kitchen. I started to play softly. I had always had a love for musicals but it was a hidden love. I always played with 'Burn' from Hamilton. It always gave me the feels. I started to play the bass like from what I remembered and sand softly with it.

"I saved every letter you wrote me...
From the moment I read them I knew they were mine...
You said they were mine...
I thought you were mine....
Do you know what Angelica said when we saw your first letter arrive... she said
Be careful love.... he will do what it takes to survive

You and your words flooded my senses...
Your sentences left me defenseless
You built palaces out of paragraphs... you built cathedrals....

I'm rereading the letters you wrote me
I'm searching and scanning for answers in every line... for some kind of sign and when you were mine
The world seemed to burn
Burn"  I felt so much emotion in that moment I failed to notice a person stand in the corner of the room

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