My Last Day

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This chapter gets super dark and talks about suicide,rape and says a gay slur as an insult to the main character. You have been warned! Only this chapter gets this dark. The rest of the series is just some cursing and that's it oki bye!

June 3rd, 2030

Blake POV
I woke up in my bed feeling empty. I felt like all the happiness I had,had in the last year had been taken from me. I usually woke up feeling this way. Feeling empty,depressed but it only seemed to get worse as the days passed. I felt so much torment as soon as I had woken up just like I had the day before. I finally got out of bed and started getting ready for school, putting on a black hoodie,black jeans, and platform black boots. I walked out the door never saying goodbye or hello to my mother. She deserved none of my kindness for how she treated me. She always reminded that I was nothing and had nothing to give and that she would never loved me so I had stopped trying to buy her approval. I had started walking to school when I was caught by one of the girls and her clique from my school. " Hey fatty what the fuck are you doing?" I hadn't answered her. She was a cunt that I loathed because of how she thought of herself and how she treated others especially me. " I'm talking to you bitch!" She yelled. "....."I said nothing again. " Beat the shit out of her." She said and then smirked. The whole time I had been walking until her clique started bolting towards me. I started sprinting and trying to run to the nearest place to hide but they caught up to me. They had tripped me and started kicking me in the stomach until I coughed up blood. " That'll teach your fat,ugly ass to answer me when I'm speaking to you... let's go" then they left. I ended up with a black eye and a shit ton of blood on my clothes. I got up and walked to school. No one had asked if I was ok even though it was clear there was blood on my shirt. As I walked though the hall in a daze I heard the words they called me.... "Fat bitch", "Ugly", "Faggot". I had been so used to these words being uttered in front of me that I didn't care. I was so fed up with dealing with all the things they called me and how they treated me and how everyone treated me. I went through all my classes and walked home looking like an absolute mess when out of the corner of my eye I had seen my ex girlfriend.... She ruined my life. That bitch had taken advantage of me,raped me, treated me like nothing. She looked at me. And started walking towards me smirking. That was the last straw. I ran home and bolted towards my bathroom and locked myself in it. I started sobbing. I had dealt with so much shit over the years. I wanted to end it. Now. I ran a bath and stepped without taking off my clothes. I had given up. I was done with life and the torment it gave me. I put in some Queen on my phone and listened to Freddie Mercury's voice. "Thank you for giving me the very little amount of happiness I had in my life..." I teared up. In my hand I held the weapon I had used to hurt myself. And... I finally did it. All I saw was black then I saw a pure white stair case. I walked up until I saw a golden gate . I failed to notice the silhouette of a man. "Hello?" I looked sideways and froze. The person who I had looked up to and had listened to for years. Freddie Mercury was standing in front of me. " I guess... welcome to heaven." "... y-you're Freddie Mercury." I stuttered. " Yes I am. If you don't mind me asking. How did you die?" I stopped. "Why would you like to know?" I said. " I'm just curious. You look so young." " I'm only 16" I uttered. " 16 Why are you up here?! You should be enjoying your life!" " Well let's just say my life wasn't easy-" " Well we need to find a way for you to get back-.." "NO!" I screamed hysterically. " I'm not going back." "But you are so young and you have your whole life ahead of you-.." " Freddie listen.. my life was a hard one to live and-.." "What could possibly be so bad that you would take your own life?" " YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IVE BEEN THROUGH! I HAVE BEEN BULLIED,TOLD TO GO KILL MYSELF BY MY OWN MOTHER AND I WAS RAPED BY MY GIRLFRIEND! You don't understand what I've been through(started crying).... and yet your music helped me through that all but I couldn't do it anymore." He said quietly " I'm so sorry I didn't know... I-I umm I'm sorry" " it's ok...but umm to change subject I don't know how heaven works... do you know?" I had stopped crying by now. " I do you need to register yourself so that they know you are here." "Who is they? I might have said that wrong but fuck it." He chuckled. "well heaven is kind of set up like a county in a way. When I said they I was referring to the people who run this place." He smiled "Ok! Umm so where do we go to register?" I was now smiling and I felt happy again. "Before we do that I wanted to go see Jim, I haven't seen him in a while. By 'a while' I mean an hour. I love him too much!" he exclaimed as he walked to the gates as they opened. " Oh! Ok should I wait here?" I asked. " Silly child. No! Come with me." " Oh! Ok!" I exclaimed nervously as went through the pearly gates. My new life should be exciting.

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