Freddie's Birthday

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September 5th, 2031

Blake POV

I woke up in my cozy bed and looked around. Over the past year I was able to change up the room and put a couple of framed band posters up and make it more homey. It was as quiet as can be. Sun light shined through the open blinds and warmed me up. I smiled. I hadn't had a nightmare last night, so I had slept well. I got out of bed and put on a hoodie and sweat pants and made my way to the bathroom. I put my hair in a messy ponytail, brushed my teeth then made my way downstairs with my acoustic . I walked outside quietly and sat down in the grass and strummed a few different chords Bri taught me. I didn't know what time it was but I guessed it was 8:00 or 9:00am. I still tried to strum the chords while singing and I kinda got the hand of it. I smiled and put my guitar down for a second. I looked around the backyard and was drawn to the koi pond. I walked over and marveled at the fish. I eventually walked back inside and passed the living room and found Roger sprawled out on the couch. "Hehe lol" I said. He had his hair in his mouth and didn't look pretty at all. It was funny as hell. Today was Papa's birthday. I had written a note and put it on the counter. I then grabbed my wallet and phone from my room and left the house. Brian and Roger already got Freddie his presents. So did Dad. I just had to get his present and the party stuff. He said he wanted a small dinner with us this year which was apparently unlike him according to Poodle of and uncle. And I had to agree.... I had known my father for about two years and he was always very out there with his attitude but then again around certain people he was as quiet as can be. My father was a complicated and sweet man and I loved him that way. As I made my way down the street to get the party and dinner stuff I hummed a little tune in my head happily.

An hour later.....

After leaving the grocery store I made my way to a shopping center that had a Japanese antique store. "Score." I said while making my way to the doors of the store. I went in and looked around. I couldn't find anything and left. I then tried my luck at a regular antique shop. Again. Nothing. I walked out with a frown. Then I had an idea. It was either a hit or a miss... Over the years I saved up a bunch of money and I wanted to treat my father, he deserved it. I ran back home and walked back up to my room quickly. I got my laptop and bought the present.

Le time skip brought to you by this dork :P

I walked down stairs with the small wrapped present and sat down next to my Dad on the couch. "Hi Dad!" I said while kissing him on the cheek and hugging him. He kissed me on the forehead and nudged me. "Go say Happy Birthday." He whispered. I nodded. Papa was in the kitchen stirring his tea when I hugged him from behind and screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA!!!!!!!" He flinched "AHHH! Don't do that!!" He turned around smiling. "Thank you." I nodded. "I do the screaming because I love you." He smiled. "Sometimes it's a little much! It's early!" I laughed "That's surprising coming from you, Mister Having-A-Drag-40th-Birthday-Party!!" He laughed. Brian and Roger came down and we all had a nice breakfast. The whole day we stayed together and had a fun time.

Time skip to dinner.....

Joe and I were finishing the final touches on the dinning room, making it all fancy and pretty and stuff. Dinner was already done. We had made his favorite meal, spare ribs with onion sauce, chilli con carne, and much more. I was sure he was gonna love dinner... the present I was a little worried about. "Hello Darlings!!!" Freddie said coming down the stairs. Joe looked at him and smiled. Brian laughed, " as always." He said smiling. Freddie smirked and lifted his head in pride "I'll take that as a compliment, Bri" Brian just laughed and sat down at the table. Everyone eventually made their way to the table and we sat and started eating,making jokes and having a good time. I clinked my fork on my glass and said "I wanna make a toast!" Everyone quieted down and looked at me. "To my dad... Freddie! Papa I love you and I hope you are happy for eternity!" He smiled, "I love you too my beautiful daughter come here!" I walked over to him only to be tackled into a hug and I returned it. We eventually finished dinner, Joe and I moved all the plates to the kitchen sink and made our way to the living room. We each held our present to Freddie as we waited to give our presents to him. Freddie opened Brian's first then Roger's and Joe's and Jim's finally mine. I handed the small package to him. "Listen.. you can tell me if you don't like it, it's fine." I said nervously looking down. He looked at me confused. "I'll love anything you give me!" He said smiling. He opened the small package. He looked at it for a second making me very nervous.

Freddie's POV

I looked at the gift she gave me. Plane tickets might've been free in heaven but this was the best thing I got by far. I looked at the plane tickets for a flight to Zanzibar. I had been in heaven for a long time but I hadn't really thought about going back to Zanzibar. I was glad I got these as a present. I would be able to show her my home country. Well it wasn't a country anymore.. it went by a different name and was united with another country but you get the idea. " you like it? I'll pay for the whole thing." I looked at her. I smiled "I love it." I said. I went up to her and hugged her. We ended up talking about all the presents then I told Blake about all I remember from my time in Zanzibar. She eventually got tired and started yawning a lot. I told her she should go asleep. Of course... she is stubborn... like me. So she of course refused to go upstairs saying... "I'm not tired I just think I'm drunk..." I squinted my eyes as I looked at her. "You haven't had any alcohol!!" She looked at me. "True... I haven't.... but that bought me some time." She then rushed around the house and hid behind my poodle of a friend. I sighed. "Brian can you tell your best friend to get to bed." I said in a mother voice. He nodded "Come on Blake" Brian said while throwing her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and taking her upstairs. At first she refused and kicked but then she stopped quickly and just fell asleep. I laughed. She was definitely like me. Roger was passed out on the couch when I walked back into the living room so I turned off the lights. Jim had already went upstairs. I walked into our bedroom. It was all dark so I had guessed he was asleep. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. When I got out the lamp beside my bed was on. Jim was laying on his side looking at me. "...are you wearing any clothes under those covers?..." he smirkedz "Wanna find out?" I smiled. "Happy Birthday to me." I said quietly while jumping in bed with my husband. I always thought that had a nice ring to it.

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