Father and Daughter

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Freddie POV
I went back upstairs to our room and took my acoustic guitar from its stand and strummed the chords I knew. I tried make up something on the spot but I'm not a guitarist so I didn't usually play my guitar. After putting my guitar on the stand I went back to the table that Jim had made us back at the original Garden Lodge that was sitting in the corner of the room and grabbed the papers I had left there with some lyrics on them. I looked at them and grabbed them and went to the piano downstairs. First I played 'We are the Champions' then transitioned to some minor chords and eventually moved onto little bits and pieces from our songs over the years. I was in the parlor so I had heard the front door open quite clearly and Brian and Blake walked in. I couldn't see them but I heard their voices. I heard some instruments being plugged into amps which interested me. I walked in to find Blake playing the bass. I watched her play a song I'd never heard of but enjoyed anyway. After the song ended I walked out of the room but I don't think she had noticed me. I walked out into the garden and found Jim pulling out some weeds. "Jim honey can we talk?" He looked back at me and nodded. We both walked upstairs to our room. "What is it Fred?" I looked up at him then looked down. "I want to ask her today. Let's ask her today." I looked up to find him smiling at me but then his smiled fell a little. "Okay" He said hopeful but we both still had mixed feelings about asking Blake if we could adopt her.

Le time skip :P

Still Freddie's POV

Jim and I walked downstairs together and walked into the room where Blake and Brian were hanging out in. They were both just talking. I noticed two new instruments in cases in the corner along with two new amps. I shrugged it off and walked into the room. "Blake darling could Jim and I talk to you for a minute? You're not in trouble I swear!!" I laughed playfully but deep down I was a little nervous. She walked up to us, "What's up?" I looked at Brian with nervous eyes  "Brian can we talk to Blake for a minute?" He nodded and left the room. "I think we should sit down for this." She sat down and eyes us nervously. "Have I done something wrong? Are you gonna kick me out? I totally understand but umm my money got a little shortened today and—." "Blake it's nothing of the sort!! We would never. Actually what we were wondering was the complete opposite. Jim and I wanted to adopt you as our own." She looked at both Jim and I surprised. Her eyes were as wide as they could be. "So....would you be ok with that?" She started to cry. "R-Really?" She looked at us with glossed over eyes. "Really." Jim and I said in unison. She ran up to us and tackled us both onto the couch. "I would love to be adopted by both of you!! Nothing would make me happier than to have both of you as my parents!" All three of us rated hugging for a while. "She then sat back down in her seat. "One question though...." I smiled at her "What is it?" "......Can I call you father figure names and if so..... what would you like to be addressed as?" We all started laughing. "Well I quite like dad. What about you Fred?" I shrugged. "I really don't know. Blake you chose for me!" She smiled playfully and a little mischievously "Okay!" We all smiled. "Well I'm gonna go take a shower because it's a little late." I looked at the clock and it read 8:00pm "Bish it's 8 that's not even late!! It's not like you have a bed time!! We are fun parents!!" I joked and said playfully. She smiled at me. "Let me rephrase that... IM TIRED!!!" She joked back and we all laughed again. "Brian you can come back in!!" She called back and Brian came through the door. "I already know what happened. I'm happy for you guys!!" We all smiled at each other. "Well I'm tired and I want to go to bed so tootles!!" "Good night darling" I called back. "GOOD NIGHT YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS!!!" She walked into the doorway and bowed. We all burst into laughter and then she left. "I quite like the name!!" I yelled to her but she was already up the stairs and in her room already. "Fred, Jim you did good. I'm glad you guys adopted her. You guys are gonna be great parents!" Brian pulled us into a hug. "Thank you Brian." Jim said. "Alright well I'm also gonna head to bed... see you in the morning." I nodded and he left. "Well since it's just us.... wanna watch a film or got to bed?" I said to Jim. "I'm quite knackered let's got to bed." He said tiredly and I nodded and we walked up the stairs. It was silent while we both got ready for bed and once we were both cuddling together we both fell asleep on each other's arms.

Blake's POV

(Dream POV)

I looked around to see myself in my bedroom at Garden Lodge but something was wrong in the atmosphere. I felt this weird feeling in my stomach. I looked to my window to see it opening. Someone was breaking into my room. I feared of what would happen so I tried to call out for Freddie, Jim or anyone. But I didn't have a voice. I started chocking on the air around and I couldn't breathe. The shadow of the person got closer until I could see who it was. It was Victoria. My ex. She made her way on the bed and was trying to touch me but I wouldn't let her until I felt my hands being tied back by chains. The more I looked at her the more she looked like a demon. I looked at the chains. They had words on them saying stuff like. She loves me. It's all just a misunderstanding. Maybe it's my fault. But I love her. I looked back at her and she started to take my cloths off I finally got my voice back and I started to whisper until I could use my voice to talk and then I screamed as loud as I could. "no. get off me. No. Get out. Get off me. NO LEAVE ME ALONE. NO. NOOOOOOOO" until I found myself awake in my bed. I woke up in a cold sweat and I started sobbing.

My door opened and Freddie walked in. I rushed up to him and he hugged me tightly while I cried into him. After a while he walked me to my bed and tucked me in. He sat on the bed. "Do you want me to stay?" I nodded and he nodded back at me. He cuddled up next to me and I felt better. I soon dozed and didn't have anymore nightmares.

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