Family Time

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Blake's POV

I looked up from my plate when I heard Brian crying. Freddie ran to the front door and so did Jim. What's going on? I got up and walked to the front door. I saw the three of them huddled up and the front,the door was open. I tugged on Jim's sleeve. "Dad, what's wrong?" He looked back at me with a big smile. He led me in front of him and put his hands on my shoulders. I saw Brian holding a blond guy and crying. Holy fuck. My eyes widened. That's ROGER MEDOWS TAYLOR!! Omg. I looked up at Dad. "Is that who I think it is-." He cut me off. "We should give the three of them some time.. wanna make cookies?" He looked at me smiling at the three of them now holding each other and sobbing. I nodded but before I left I walked up to Freddie and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. He was smiling he nodded at me and Jim and put his head down again. I walked away holding hands with Dad and we made our way to the kitchen.  We proceeded to make chocolate cookies.... obviously I ate a lot of the cookie dough. Dad and I then watched a couple of movies. Just as we were watching our 3rd movie, Freddie walked in and knocked on the door frame. "Hi Papa! Are you feeling better?" He smiled. "Yeah I am.. I want you to meet someone." He stepped aside revealing the blond. I got up from the couch and walked up to him. He held out his hand for a handshake. I rushed up to him and gave him a hug,almost knocking him over. "Sorry... big fan." He chuckled and hugged me back. "So you know who I am! Cool. Well I'm your uncle too! I'll be your favorite in no time!" He said smiling. Brian looked at him through the doorway. "I'll always be her favorite! Bring it on pretty boy!" He said getting in a fighting stance right after. I laughed and smiled. "You both are equals! Although I think Deaky might be my favorite..." I said. "wHaT?!" Brian and Roger said in unison. "wHy DeAkY?!" I chuckled and smirked. "I looked up to him and Papa the most since I am a bass player and a singer but I've always loved you guys too because I wanted to be just as good as you guys were on the drums and guitar!" They both nodded and understood. "Hey umm the cookies should be done." Roger perked up. "WHAT WHERE ARE THE COOKIES?!" He said running into the kitchen. "NEVER MIND." He said his mouth obviously filled to the brim with cookies. We all laughed. "Was he usually like this?" I said asking my dad and his fellow bandmate. "Oh darling, you have no idea." He said. I just nodded. I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I saw Roger eating a bunch of cookies. Half of the tray was gone. "Mind if I join?" He looked back at me like a deer caught in the headlights. Then he smiled and nodded. I nodded back and started stuffing my face with cookies. Click.
We both looked to the doorway of the kitchen, to find Brian with his phone taking photos of us. I pulled up my hoodie and pulled the string hiding my face. Roger blushed and backed away from the empty tray. "HOLY FUCK ROGER DID YOU EAT THEM ALL?!" Freddie yelled. Jim elbowed him in the stomach and pointed to me. He nodded. "Sorry." I squinted my eyes. "You don't have to do that, Dad. Papa it's ok! I curse all the time!" Jim shrugged 'ok'. "Oh... are we not gonna eat dinner?" I said. Everyone looked at me and headed to the dinning room. I grabbed everyone plates and heated them up. We all were eventually seated at the table and I had gotten Roger a plate as well and we all started eating. So Papa.... your birthday is in 3 days what would you like to do?" I asked sweetly. He smiled. "I haven't had a big party in a while for my birthday." He smiled. "That's hard to believe." Rog said. "Well I just wanted to spend time with the people I held close to me over the years and not many of them were with me so.." Freddie said. "Oh Ok." I smiled a little bit and helped clean up the plates so Joe didn't have to. "Where's Liza?" Freddie asked. "He ate earlier and went to bed." I said while cleaning up. Freddie nodded. "Here let me help." He said while I was washing dishes. "Nuuuuuuu!! Let me help on my own pleeeeaaasssee!" I said like a 5 year old. He wet his hands and sprayed water on me. "HOW DARETH YOOUUUU!" I said and sprayed water back. He played along saying. "THE QUEEN OF THIS HOUSE HOLD AND ROCK DARES!!" I laughed and we soon kept spraying water. " Oi you two!! Stop spraying water everywhere!!" Dad said walking in. Rog and Bri begins him just chuckled and left. "Yes Mother." Freddie said quickly running away because Dad was chasing him. "HHEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPP!" He said running around the house. I just laughed and mopped the floor and wiped down the counter so they weren't wet anymore. I then watched a movie with my two favorite uncles and I dozed off.

Btw this is what Roger looks like:

Btw this is what Roger looks like:

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Freddie's POV

I walked into the living room to find Blake asleep. My heart melted as I looked from her to Jim. He had the same expression. Rog and Bri looked too and smiled. "I'm going to put her in her bed... I'll be right back." I picked her up bridal style and carried her upstairs. I laid her gently on the bed and tucked her in.... I never thought I'd have kids... my career was more important to me... but, I wish I didn't wait so long. Children are wonderful. I'm glad I have Blake now. I'm content right now. Al that would make it better is if Deaky were here so the band could be complete. I walked out of the room but not before kissing her on the forehead. I walked back into the living room. "Never thought you'd be the type to have kids. You were always great with children but never wanted them." Rog said. I nodded. "I shouldn't have waited. They truly are wonderful. I also wouldn't have lived my life any differently.... if not I wouldn't have ended up with Blake." Rog nodded and smiled. We all talked for a little bit and then we all eventually went out separate ways. Rog slept on the couch.

Brian's POV

I was glad to have Roger back. We talked for a little while after Freddie and Jim left. We were always closer to each other than the other band members (all four of us were still close though.) As we talked I felt happier. I remember when we would talk all the time and the years closer to my death we were farther apart and not as close. But I guess us losing each other changed that and we realized how much we needed each other's support.

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