Once an utopia, now a dystopia

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Blacking out twice in one day is not fun.

  Unlike the last time, where I was left alone with my thoughts, I was now left to suffer limitless pain.

  Darkness was all around me, gripping at my person. It was all I could see and touch. Coupled with his my whole body burned with pain, it was if someone had lit a massive fire and thrown me straight in to it.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to yell for help, I wanted to call for Sam.

But I couldn't, my mouth just wouldn't open.

  The darkness began seeping it's way in to my body, through the mouth, nose, ears and eyes. I couldn't even fight back as I felt every single part of my body invaded by the darkness.

  I looked down and almost screamed. My body was fading out of existence. First my legs went, then my body, then my chest until only my head was left.

"Please save me" I thought miserably as the last part of my body began fading out of existence.

Then my eyes opened. I was alive.

Before I could even think of how this was possible I was pulled in to a huge hug by Sam.

"Oh thank goodness Nico" he panted, "I thought I'd lost you"

"Yeah, me too" I whispered hugging him back.

  "We must get back to the sanctuary, who knows how many more times we will been attacked?" he said looking around.

"Wait, you have a sanctuary?" I asked, "Are there others with you?"

"Yes and yes" Sam answered pulling himself to his feet before offering me his hand, "Can you walk?"

'Whoa' was all I could say when I looked at what was once New York.

  The place where I had woken up must have on the outskirts of the city. I thought the destruction there was bad, but boy, that was nothing compared to this...

  The first and least horrifying thing was the sky. No sun, no moon, no stars. Just a huge layer of black clouds which encompassed the sky as far as the eye could see. The clouds gave a harsh and menacing look. It's like they were trying to say, "Yeah, you better not mess with us or we'll wipe you out of existence like we did with the sky."

  Thunder boomed overhead and lightning zapped through the clouds. I shuddered, I didn't want to imagine what it was like inside the clouds.

  I wondered if there even was a sky beyond that layer of black clouds. What if the sky had been destroyed and instead replaced by this? Was the entrance to space just above those clouds?

  Whatever the answers to those questions were, I didn't want to know. And I didn't get the chance to ask either, the horrors which lay in front of me made sure of that.

  Ever seen a overly grisly horror movie where blood and dead bodies are littered everywhere? Imagine that, but on an impossibly large scale in a destroyed city and you still won't be able to visualize anything close to what I saw.


  Everywhere I looked there was a body. Women...children...men, no one had been spared. Every one of the bodies was hideously mutated; some of the bodies were detached from their heads and some were missing arms and legs.

  It hurt my eyes to look at their bodies. The worst part wasn't their missing features or heck even the dried blood stains on them. No, the worst part was their faces.

  Each face got more hideous to look at that than the last. It looked like someone had burned and melted the skin right off of their faces, which, as I thought about it, was most likely what had happened.

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