Chapter 19

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Arohi yawned and looked downstairs, then looked away, a moment later her head whipped back around to stare at Arjun in shock.   Raising his beer to her in a silent salute, he said in a husky voice. "Honey, I'm home."  Arohi quickly rubbed her eyes again and looked down at where Arjun sat.  Yup still there.  No, that couldn't be.  "I'm dreaming" she suddenly said out loud.  There could be no other explanation to why Arjun was sitting downstairs looking all to relaxed with a drink in his hand, and a smug smile on his face, so early in the morning. "Your not dreaming." he said, as he took a swig of his beer.  Arohi's eyes widened.  She wasn't dreaming?!  "Wha..What are you doing here?" she stammered as she tried to smooth down her hair.  "Drinking a beer." was his answer as he took another swig.  Arohi sent him a withering look as she quickly turned on her heal and walked briskly to Lara's room.  "Empty...?" she said, furrowing her brows.  "Looks like it doesn't it." said a voice close to her ear making her jump.  "Are you trying to give me a heart attack!" Arohi screamed as she quickly moved away from Arjun and his smirking face.   "What have you done with Lara?" she demanded.  Arjun raised a brow in his answer to her question.  "I killed and buried her body in the backyard and now it's your turn." he replied sarcastically.  Arohi glared at him.  "I wouldn't put it past you!" she snapped, as she rushed out of Lara's room and into Shefali's.  "Empty!"  "What was going on here?" she thought folding her arms across her chest.  "Wow, no Shefali either...what a shocker." Arjun mocked.  "What's happening here?" "Why are you here and where are my friends?" Arohi asked angrily.  "Probably well on their back home to Mumbai." Arjun answered, turning around and heading towards the staircase.  Arohi chased after him.  "On their way to Mumbai?"  "What are you talking about?'  "We're here on a girls trip, why would the girls leave me here alone with you?"  "Because your friends are meddling, crazy idiots that are playing matchmaker." he replied, as he made his way downstairs.  Arohi gasped.  "How dare you call my friends those names!" she snapped, poking him in the chest as they stood at the foot of the stairs.  Arjun narrowed his eyes and gave her a look that showed just how irritated he was by this situation.  Walking a few feet he picked up the note and then taking her hand he slapped the now wrinkled note into her hand.  "Read this!" he barked.  Arohi quickly scanned the note and her gasps filled the room.  She couldn't believe her friends would do this too her.  Tears filled her eyes as she stared at the last line "See you in 4 days!"  4 days of just her and Arjun and his gigantic ego and her unrequited love!"  "I can't believe they would do this to me." she whispered.  "Too you?" Arjun asked in shock.  "What about me?"  "I'm the one that has  a business to run and now I have to leave it to Jai to not run it into the ground in 4 days!" Arjun snapped.  Arohi gave him another withering look.  "As I was saying, I don't know why they would do this when I've made it clear that being in your company is the equivalent to being in a hungry lion's den for me!"  A smirk lingered on Arjun's lips.  "So I'm a lion and your my prey?" he asked.  Arohi clenched her little fists and glared at him.  "Shut up!' she snapped.  Arjun's teasing mood quickly evaporated and raising a brow he snapped back "Neither one of us wants to be here but we have no other choice!"  "I'm not spending the next fours days fighting and arguing with you."   "Good, because I don't plan on speaking to you over these next four days so there should be no reason for any fights." Arohi replied, turning back around and heading upstairs.

The morning went fairly uneventfully with Arohi fuming upstairs and Arjun staying downstairs.  It wasn't until Arohi heard her stomach growl that she realized she hadn't eaten since the night before.  Peaking outside her bedroom door she listened for Arjun but heard nothing.  Slowly making her way down the stairs she looked around and found the living room empty, and a little cold.  Hugging herself she pulled her short pink cardigan a little tighter against herself.  Where was Arjun was her first thought as she walked into the kitchen and stopped as she saw the kitchen door open and then close.  Arjun had just come in from a run, wearing grey sweats, his face flushed from the cold, his hair windblown.  And just like that Arohi was no longer cold, in fact she was suddenly a little too hot.  Must he be so damn good looking she thought as her eyes unintentionally drifted over him again, all the way to his knowing smile.  Just the thought that he knew she was checking him out had Arohi flustered and quickly looking away.  Arjun pulled off his sweatshirt and grabbing a towel wiped the sweat off his face.  Arohi watched from the corner of her eye as the T-shirt he now wore tightened against his chest.  Drool was starting to form on the side of her mouth.  She hated that after everything that happened between them she was still so attracted to him physically.  "I'm going to take a shower would you like to join me?" had Arohi swinging around open mouthed.  "Whaat?" she stammered.  "I'm going to take a shower." Arjun replied, giving her a quizzical look for her odd behavior.  "Oh well then go ahead, why are you announcing it!" Arohi stammered, quickly busying herself looking through the fridge.  "Are you okay?" Arjun asked.  "Fine...just fine." she said, turning her back on him.  Yeah just fine for someone who was daydreaming about taking showers with him!  What was happening to her? They'd barely been in the house together and she was already having dangerous thoughts.  This was not a good precedent.  "He doesn't love you, you're just a  responsibility to him." she muttered to herself when she knew he'd left the room.   That had to become her anthem now, because cooped up in this house just the two of them could lead to something they would both regret later.  And she couldn't afford to have any more regrets where Arjun was concerned.   She knew that she was too in love with him and barely holding it together, if they made love she didn't think she'd be able to take the hurt that would come after the pleasure that she knew he would bring her.  The pain of losing him would only be that much greater and probably too much for her to bare. 

Arjun walked into the kitchen freshly showered, and paused.  His eyes drifting over Arohi as she worked busily at preparing lunch.  She was so breathtakingly beautiful that not for the first time he couldn't help but stop and stare at her.  And then as she bent to pick up something he smiled, she had such a cute backside and he knew from first hand she had a pretty terrific front side too his gaze drifted over her pink cardigan.  Another devilish smile appeared on his face as he made his way to her.  "Need some help?" had Arohi yelping in surprise as she turned around quickly and found Arjun standing much to close.  With no where to go between Arjun and the counter and her hands covered with dough she stared helplessly at him.  "Move..move back! she stammered.  Arjun didn't move, instead he raised his hand and moved an errant wisp of hair out of her face, his knuckles slowly skimming the side of her face as he gave her an intense look.  Arohi stared back, sucked in not only by the intensity of his gaze, but by something else she saw there, but couldn't put her finger on.  Arjun was the first to move away and break the moment.  "What are you making?" he asked gruffly.  "Stew and biscuits." she answered with her back to him.  "Really?" he asked peaking over her shoulder and sure enough Arohi seemed to be working on the pastry.  "Since when do you cook?" he asked.  Arohi tossed a glare at him over her shoulder.  "Don't we have a no talking to each other rule?" she asked irritability.  "Since when do you cook?' Arjun repeated, ignoring her remark.  Arohi sighed.  "I know how to cook, infact I used to enjoy it."  "I use to experiment in my kitchen all the time time back in  Chandigarh, but here with your strict rules I never really got the chance." she replied.  Arjun folded his arms across his chest and gave her a dark look.  "Oh you mean the rules about not having a dog in my house?" "Oh wait a minute, how could that be a strict rule when there is a mangy mutt living in my house, who has destroyed everything he can get his paws on."  "Or is it the rule about no unexpected visitors moving in without speaking to me first?"  "Oh wait, how can that be a rule when my parents, my nani, the dog, Reena and her daughter have all moved in."  "Or is it..." he continued until Arohi held out her hand to stop him.  "Your parents don't need your permission to come live in your house."  "Reena and Gia needed help and since Reena works for you it's your responsibility to help her, and as for Sweetoo, you have to be heartless not to love him."  "Oh wait a minute I forgot you don't believe in love." she replied with a toss of her hair as she turned back around to her biscuits.  "I believe in lust though and whether you admit it or not, you do too."  "I saw you checking me out earlier." he added.  Arohi paused for a second, willing the blush that she knew was making it's way up her face, to disappear.  But that was wishful thinking on her part.  As she finished her biscuits and stuck them in the oven she turned around to look at Arjun.  His eyes boring into hers, daring her to deny what he'd said.  Are you not reading too much into things Arjun, I mean I just find it  funny that when we are in the middle of "lust" you see love in my eyes and it scares you and then today you imagine lust when all there really was was disinterest and even a little bit of disgust." Arohi replied mockingly.  "Maybe it's time to get those old eyes checked, you are after all approaching 30." she added, with an overly sweet smile.  Arjun's eyes narrowed and his lips tightened into a grim line.  It took everything in him to not reach out and prove her wrong with just one kiss.  But he knew from experience that him and Arohi rarely stopped at just one kiss and with the way things were between them right now he didn't think that the next time he touched her he'd be able to stop at all.  "You were looking at me with disinterest was it?"  "Should we test just how uninterested you are in me?" he couldn't help saying.  "NO!" Arohi quickly said as she rushed out of the kitchen but not before she heard him say  "You're a bad liar Arohi."   Arohi didn't stick around to argue the point.  She was a bad liar and if he looked into her eyes he would know just how right he was and he would also see that where he was concerned she had zero will power.

Arjun sat in the family room staring out at the magnificent view in front of him.  It was so quiet here, so peaceful and by some miracle the restlessness he had been expecting hadn't set in yet.  It's still early he told himself as he stared straight ahead.  "If you want some lunch it's ready!" Arohi snapped from behind him.  "It's really quite beautiful here isn't it?" Arjun said as Arohi turned around to leave.  Arohi turned back around to stare out the large floor to ceiling windows that showed the view of miles and miles of beautiful sky and wilderness.  "This place would be heaven if you weren't here." she replied softly, staring out at the vast beauty.  Hearing Arjun chuckle had her pausing.  "It definitely couldn't be heaven because I don't think I'd be allowed anywhere near there." he replied still staring out at the view.  For some reason that statement upset Arohi.  Why did he think he was not worthy of heaven?  He might be thick headed and cynical and ruthless but he was also caring and protective and even though he tried to hide it, he did have a very big heart.  Too bad there was no room for her in that heart.  Arjun turned around and caught the look of sadness on Arohi's face before it was quickly hidden again.  "As I said lunch is ready!" she snapped, and walked out of the room.  Arjun sighed and getting up followed her out.  They ate lunch in relative silence until suddenly Arohi turned to look at Arjun.  "Why are you here?" she suddenly asked.  Arjun stared back at her.  "You know why I'm here, because of our meddlesome friends!" he replied, in tone that would be used on a child.  "NO!'  "I want to know how Jai even got your here?" she asked, laying her spoon down and staring at him, waiting for him to answer.  Arjun slowly chewed his food and then finally replied "I was lied to, to get me here." "What kind of lie?" Arohi pushed.  Getting information from him was like pulling teeth!  "Why do you care?!"  "I was lied to and now I'm here stranded with you and your 100 questions!" he replied irritability.  Arohi frowned.  "They would have had to tell you something major to get you here." she said pursuing her lips as she tried to figure it out.  "Did they tell you the place burnt down?" she suddenly asked.  'NO!" Arjun replied not meeting her eyes.  "Hmmm...did they tell there had been a burglary?' she continued.  "NO" Arjun snapped picking up his empty plate as he prepared to stand up.  "Did they tell you that we damaged the place somehow?' she pushed.  "NO!" Arjun snapped again as he walked into the kitchen to put away his plate.  "Well what did they tell you?!" an exasperated Arohi asked as she walked into the kitchen after him.  "Didn't you say you we have a no talking rule in effect?" he asked with a raised brow.  Arohi glared at him.  "We also have a no touching rule but you never seem to comply to that!" she snapped, before she could help herself.  A slow smile spread across Arjun's face.  "That's because you don't really want me to comply to that rule Arohi." he said in a low husky voice.  Arohi felt her insides turning to jelly.  Did he have to seduce her with just his damn voice!  "I, more talking!" she snapped, moving quickly out of the kitchen.  She knew she was being childish but at this point she didn't care.  Any more time in his company and she was either going to kill him or kiss him.  Both would end up putting her in hot water.

Arohi willed away the next hour or two flipping through magazines and pretending that she didn't care what Arjun was doing at any given moment.  Finally at 4:00 she'd had enough of hiding out and instead headed back downstairs.  As she approached the living room she came to a stop.  Her eyes landing on a sleeping Arjun.  He was so handsome and when he was sleeping was really the only time she could look at him without him thinking something was up, or giving her knowing looks.  His arm lay loosely by his side and before Arohi knew it she was beside him lifting his hand gently and placing it on his chest.  Softly she traced his temple and with a sad sigh she got up, about to turn away.  It was too painful to be so close to him and know that he wasn't hers. But as she took a step she felt a hand grasp her wrist and pull her back sharply.  Arohi gasped as she tumbled onto the couch and Arjun.  "Where are you going?" Arjun asked as his eyes drifted over her face and settled on her lips.  Arohi gulped as she saw a spark of desire in his beautiful brown eyes.  "I, I have things to do." she replied, struggling to get up but Arjun had other plans.  Wrapping an arm tightly around her hip he made it almost impossible for her to move.  "Let go Arjun, this isn't funny!" she muttered pushing at his chest.  He didn't budge.  "I have things to do!" she repeated, this time louder.   "Did you want to say something to me Arohi?' he asked as he moved his fingers to lightly caress her lips.  Arohi went still.  What was he doing to her?  "No, I have nothing to say to you!" she snapped, suddenly angry at not just him but herself too.  When was this feeling..this huge weight on her shoulders going to lift?  This pain, when was this pain going to stop eating at her?   Arjun didn't miss the anger and then  hurt in her eyes and slowly he released her.   Arohi slowly lifted herself away from him and grabbing her jacket left the cottage.

Arjun stood once again staring unseeing out at the beautiful view infront of him but it wasn't the view that his mind was on.  It was his beautiful, amazingly sweet and strong, intelligent and caring, and very stubborn wife!  He was hurting her over and over again, even when he didn't say anything he knew he was hurting her, just with his mere presence.  Raking a frustrated hand through his hair, he shook his head and moved away from the window.  Why the hell did she have to fall in love with him?  Didn't she understand how much pain love brought with it?  How much anger and hurt...oh wait a minute she did understand.  She understood because she made the mistake of  falling in love with the one man that couldn't return her love.  He'd learned at a very young age what destruction love brought and what a fickle emotion it was.  He'd learned that it was a very weak emotion, that made you do things and react in ways that not only hurt you and the one you supposedly love, but it destroyed other innocent people around you.  In his case it had been him and Vicky.  He'd tried his best to protect Vicky but he didn't really know how great of a job he had done.  For the first time since his marriage to Arohi he allowed himself to think about what if Vicky had married Arohi and right now Vicky would be her husband and not him.   It would be Vicky she'd be in love with, living with, sharing a life with.  Making a home with.  All of her care and attention would be directed at Vicky and it would be Vicky that she'd be making love with, having children with.  He didn't even realize how hard he'd been clenching the glass that he held in his hand until it shattered, making him wince in pain.  He stared at his hand in surprise, she was his wife..she was his.  Only his, he thought a little madly as he walked towards the bathroom.  After cleaning the wound he splashed some cold water on his face.  He was starting to lose it.  He didn't own her, and if she chose to leave that was her prerogative.  He couldn't stop her, because with her it was all or nothing.  If he didn't return her feelings she wouldn't stay but what she didn't understand was that it wasn't that he didn't want to return her feelings, it was that he just wasn't capable of doing it.

Arohi returned a while later.  She had walked through the trails trying to clear her head and she thought she'd finally succeeded.  Her friends, bless them, were only trying to help.  They didn't understand that no amount of time together would make Arjun realize something he clearly didn't feel.  She loved him, but that was her problem, something she needed to live with.  He didn't love her, but the more she let that upset her the further in despair she fell.  She had self gurued herself during the walk telling herself that she needed to stop thinking about this right now.  She had plenty of time once she got to Chandigarh to dwell on these facts.  These next few days she would keep her distance from Arjun, she would read, go for long walks just be by herself because god knew there would be lots of loneliness in her life.  With a groan she shook her head at herself.  "Self pity Arohi..really?" she muttered in disgust as she ran up the stairs towards her room.  The door to the room Arjun had taken was ajar and she glanced in as she walked past it.  Quickly back tracking she walked right into his room.  Everything she'd spent the last hour and half telling herself, gone in an instant.  Arjun's eyes widened as she grabbed his hand and looked up at him in shock.  "What is this?" she demanded, staring at the white bandage wrapped around his hand.  Arjun tried to pull his hand back from her death grip.  "Stop that!" she ordered.  "What did you do?" she asked.  "It's nothing, just a small cut." he said, clearly exasperated.  "A small cut?"  "What were you doing?"  "And it doesn't look like a small cut?" she snapped as she pulled him down on to the bed.  Arjun raised a brow at her school teacher voice.  "I asked you a question Arjun?" she said still staring intently at the bandage as if she had x-ray vision and could see the size of the cut.  Arjun hid a smile as she continued to stare at his cut.  Normally this kind of reaction would irritate the hell out of him.  Someone fawning all over him would just make him want to push that person away.  But with Arohi it was different.  He'd never admit it to another soul but he kind of liked the fawning over him and he found her school teacher voice, sexy as hell.  Leaning back against the headboard he watched her as her hair fell over one shoulder and he half listened as she lectured him on how careless he was.  He nodded his head when he thought it was necessary as his eyes skimmed over her gorgeous face with her big beautiful expressive eyes that could flash with fury one moment and then turn tender with sympathy the next.  Or turn dark with passion when he was kissing her.  "Tomorrow I'll re bandage it." she said and then stopped taking as she saw Arjun's hooded gaze resting on her.  A blush crept up her face and the tingling in the pit of her stomach started up.  Her gaze shifted to the bed and then she realized just how close she was sitting to Arjun.  Dropping his hand she quickly got up.  "I think we have leftover pasta from last night's dinner and I can make a quick salad, do you want that?" she asked  from the doorway.  "I'll help you." he said in a husky voice, as he started to get up.  "No, stammered.  She didn't want him anywhere near her right now.  "I can do it." she added rushing out of his room and into her own and then quickly locking the door.  The lock was not only to keep him out, but to keep her in! 

Arjun watched as Arohi carried her dishes into the kitchen after their meal.  She'd been extremely quiet throughout dinner, even when he'd complimented her on her cooking.  He did catch her glancing at his bandage and frowning a couple of times.  No doubt trying to think of a way that she could re bandage the insignificant cut for him without showing that she actually cared.  Walking into the kitchen behind her, he pushed her aside gently and took over washing the dishes, leaving an astonished Arohi to stare at him.  "You're going to wash the dishes?" she asked dumbfounded.  "Yeah, why not."  "You made dinner so I'll help clean up." he said.  Arohi stared at him like he'd grown a second head.  "It's just some bloody dishes Arohi!" he snapped, shaking his head and turning to the task at hand.  Yes they were just some bloody dishes but Arjun just seemed so out of place in the kitchen.  It was such an odd picture but as she cleared and put things away and watched Arjun from the corner of her eye she couldn't help but smile.  Domesticated Arjun was pretty cute.  He'd probably kill her for even thinking that he was domesticated.  He liked ruthless better, but right now as they played "house" she was the happy wife and he was the loving husband.  Oh she could wish she thought with a sigh. 

As they walked into the living room and Arohi headed for the stairs,  Arjun caught her hand.  "Don't go." he said.  Arohi turned to look at him.  "It's only 7:00 and I'm going to go stir crazy if I don't do something so I was thinking that you and I could..." Arohi stared at him.  Her heart starting to race.  Him and her could what????  "I was thinking that you and I could play cards or a board game or something?" he finished lamely.  He hadn't played a board game since he was a little kid but right now he needed to do something to stop himself from reaching for Arohi and finally making love with her.  "Board game?" Arohi questioned.  "Yeah, I saw some in the den." he replied gruffly.  Arohi bit her lip trying to decide whether to say yes of no.  She was actually getting pretty bored sitting by herself in her room and she hadn't played a board game in so long..."  As she walked to the den and glanced at the pile of games that no doubt Lara had left she smiled.  Monopoly.  She loved playing monopoly.  Arjun looked up as Arohi walked in carrying the Monopoly box.   "I'll warn you I'm the Monopoly Champion in Chandigarh." she taunted. "I buy and sell real estate for a living Arohi, do you really think this is going to be a game you're going to win?" he asked as he seated himself at the table.  "We'll see about that." she replied as she set up the game.  The first round was pretty uneventful but by the second and third rounds Arjun's competitive nature started to show.  "I'll buy it." he said to almost everything he landed on.  "What?"  "Why are you buying everything, that's so stupid." She would say and he would just ignore her.  Her strategy was to buy the most expensive places so that she could get the most rent.   But by the 6th and 7th round when Arjun owned 3/4's of the board and was giving her smug smiles, Arohi began to realize that she might have made a mistake.  Ofcourse, she wasn't about to admit to it or let him win for that matter!  Problem was she was landing on his properties at every turn which was depleting her cash quickly.  "Oh I see you've landed on Boardwalk and there's a hotel on own me $1500." he said with cocksure smile.  Arohi gulped and looked at the $800 in her hands.  "I don't have enough."  "Let's do an I owe you." she said with a sweet smile.  Arjun raised a brow.  "Do I look like an idiot to you?" he asked.  "There's no such thing as an "I owe you" when you're collecting rent!" he added.  "It's either you pay me now or I'll probably never see the money." he replied.  "Well I don't have enough." she snapped, glaring at him.  "I'll take one of your properties then." he replied.  "WHAT?!" she yelled.  "No way!"  "You've already taken everything else, you can't have one my one of my meager properties too." she said.  "Okay then admit your a loser." he said folding his arms across his chest and giving her a smirk.  Oh how she wanted to wipe that smirk off his face.  She just needed to buy some time, get him to land on some of her high rent paying properties and she'd be back in the game.  "No, the game isn't over and I'm not giving you one of my properties."  "Ask for something you want my "get out of jail free" card?' she asked, holding up the card.  Arjun stared at her shrewdly and then gave her a smile that sent off warning bells in her head.  It was the same sexy devilish smile that turned her insides into jelly.  "Actually, there is something I want." he said slowly.  "Whaaat?" she stammered.  "I want your shirt." he replied with that same smile.  " shirt?" she asked in a bewildered tone.  "Yup, you can't pay me so in return you have to take off your shirt and give it to me." he said matter of factly.  "Oh my god!'  "Have you lost your mind?!" she asked hugging her arms around her chest.  "This is monopoly, young children play this game."  "And here you are trying to turn it into po*nopoly!" she snapped.  Arjun grinned.  "po*nopoly, interesting."  "I like it, I think it would do really well if we try to sell it lke that."  "We could turn boardwalk into..." he began.  "Be quiet!" she snapped, covering her ears with her hands.  "Take it or leave it!" he finally said.  "Either you tell me you lose and I win or take off your shirt, and before you get any ideas you can't put on another shirt to replace it." he said as if he could read her mind.  Arohi's eyes widened.  How did he know that was what she was planning?  "It's cold." she said miserably.  "No, we're sitting right infront of the fireplace it's actually quite warm." he replied.  Arohi glared at him.  What to do...admit she was a loser which normally she wouldn't have a problem doing because afterall it was just a game, but Arjun's smug grin and attitude just wouldn't let her admit something like that.  Her only option was to go ahead and take her shirt off.  Oh how she hated him she thought as she felt an unexpected little thrill go through her.  "Fine, I'll do it."  "I'll take off  the shirt." she said finally.  Arjun's eyes widened and he smiled.  "Now." he said softly, watched as she slowly got up and holding the shirt at her hip she slowly pealed it off.  If she'd looked at Arjun at that moment their game would have ended right there.  He would have been around that table and she would have been in his arms in seconds.  Arjun had never seen anyone as sexy as his wife. She made pulling off a simple long sleeved shirt look so sensual.  The only thing that covered her upper body now was a lacy black bra and her arms which she was trying to use to cover up her body, were only in aiding to accentuate it more.  Arjun felt his mouth go dry as his hand itched to reach out and touch her bare skin.  What had he done?! he thought to himself as he forced himself not to reach for her.  "Your turn!" she snapped, bringing Arjun back to the present.  He was acting like an adolescent school boy.  Get a grip! he told himself as he rolled the dice. 

Arohi fumed she couldn't believe she'd landed on another one of his properties.  "That's $1700." he said looking at his card.  "1700!" she screamed, reaching over and grabbing the card out of his hand.  Arjun's eyes drifted over her body as she sat back down.  Why was he torturing himself like this, he thought as he clenched and unclenched his hand willing himself to not reach for her.  "You're one of those treacherous landowners that rob poor working class people!" she snapped, folding her arms across her chest accentuating certain body parts and missing Arjun's sharp intake of breath.  "I am an idiot!" he muttered to himself.   "What?" Arohi snapped.  "I don't have 1700!" she snapped miserably.  "Okay then just give me something!" he snapped.  "No, these are my livelihood I can't give you my properties." she said holding them protectively.  "Then give me your jeans." came out hoarsely from his mouth.  Where the hell had that come from?! he wondered, his astonished expression mirroring Arohi's.  "What?!"  "You, jerk!" she yellled.  Oh god she was all flushed now, her eyes flashing.  He wanted her so badly.  "Forget it, forget I said anything, infact put your shirt back on." he began, rubbing a hand over his face.  "No, no I owe you!" she snapped, as she started furiously tugging at the zipper of her jeans, not really thinking about what she was doing.  "No, I don't want your jeans!" Arjun snapped, as he grabbed her hand, and with his other hand tried to stop her struggles.  The moment his warm hand settled on her bare waist her eyes flew up to look into his, and suddenly he knew he'd just lost the whole bloody game.  Their hands stilled at her zipper and Arohi finally remembered that she was half dressed.  A gasp came out of her mouth and as she moved to stop Arjun, who's hand was now cupping the back of her neck he whispered.  "Too late." His lips were on hers in the next breath and Arohi forgot everything else, as she turned herself into him, and kissed him back.   Her mind no longer registering the game, her state of undress or that she had told herself she would not do this again.  As he continued to kiss her until she could barely stand his hands came up to her hip, lifting her until her legs wrapped around his waist and after that there was no turning back. 

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