Chapter 30

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"How are you?" Arjun asked.  "I'm fine, did you arrive okay, any problems with the flight?" Arohi asked softly.  "No problems," Arjun replied as he waited for his luggage at JFK International Airport.  "We didn't get to finish our conversation from yesterday."  he began.  "Arjun, not now, you're there and I'm here, there's no point in bringing this up right now."  Arohi interrupted.  Arjun frowned as Arohi continued.  "I'll let you go, enjoy your trip." she said.  "I'm not here for pleasure that I would enjoy this trip." Arjun snapped.  He couldn't help but feel that Arohi was shutting him out without just cause.  Arohi sighed.  "Whatever you say Arjun." she replied quietly.  Arjun let out a frustrated breath and then looked up as Niki came and stood next to him.  "I've gotta go, take care of yourself." he said and then added.  "I love you Arohi."  Arohi swallowed past the sudden lump in her throat and replied "I love you too Arjun." As she hung up, she let out another ragged sigh.  Arjun had left early that morning while she was still sleeping and now he was in New York for the next week with Niki.  It wasn't that she didn't trust Arjun, it was more that she didn't trust Niki.  Maybe she'd watched too many movies where business associates went away and getting lost in the moment ended up having an affair.  And let's face it she thought to herself bitterly, Niki was a young beautiful, extremely intelligent woman... who wouldn't want her.   Niki was way more Arjun's type then Arohi ever was.  They thought the same way, behaved the same way and she knew that Niki would have no issues with Arjun's love of his work because Niki herself was a workaholic.  Sitting down heavily on her bed Arohi shook her head at her cryptic thoughts.  Here she was pairing her husband with another woman.  She'd all but planned their affair.  "Get a grip Arohi!" she muttered to herself.  This was going to be an extremely long week if she didn't get a hold of herself and stop with these stupid scenarios. 

"Have you heard from Arjun?" Lara asked conversationally 2 days later.  "Yes, he calls every night." Arohi replied softly.  "Jai said that his meetings with the foreign investors have gone very well."  Lara replied.  Arohi nodded.  "I'm glad." she replied.  "Arohi, come on you need to snap out of this mood." Lara suddenly said, giving her friend a little shake.  Arohi bit her lip as her eyes filled with tears.  "I'm so stupid!' she snapped at herself as she hastily wiped at her eyes.  "I cry at the drop of a hat these days." Arohi added.  Lara gave her a sympathetic look.  "Is it because of the fight you two had before he left?" she asked.   Arohi's gaze shifted to her hands and then a few moments later she whispered.  "I feel like I'm losing him."  "Oh Arohi, that's not true, Arjun can be an idiot sometimes, but he loves you, I'm sure of it." Lara replied, putting a comforting arm around Arohi.  Arohi nodded.  "I've barely slept since he's left, thinking about what's happening to us."  "I've even in my head conjured up images of him having an affair with Niki!" Arohi said.  "I just don't know how to fix what's going on between us."  "I feel like we're moving so far away from each other, that we're barely even a part of each others lives."  "I haven't said it to him, but I'm so scared that the bitterness that developed between his parents will also develop between us."  "Infact I see it already."  "Like how you just told me his meeting went well...I didn't feel happy about that, I just felt resentment."  "I just felt that's just something else that will have him working day and night and soon there will be nothing left of our marriage." Arohi added.  "I know I'm a horrible person, he's my husband and I should want him to succeed instead I resent his success." Arohi said shaking her head in self disgust.  "Arohi, you're not horrible, you're human." Lara replied.  "And any one would feel the same way as you."  "Arjun needs to learn about balancing his personal life with his professional life, he loves you but he is taking your love for granted." Lara continued.  "What I think you two need is some time to yourselves."  "Like the cottage where it was just you two."  "I think you two need to reconnect." Lara suggested.  Arohi laughed a humorless laugh.  "Right, when can that happen?"  "He's always so busy with his work." "Well his work should be wrapping up in the next two days."  "Why don't you go to New York and surprise him... extend the trip."  "I'm sure Lily his assistant can extend his tickets and you go and surprise him." Lara said.  Arohi looked at her with surprise.  "Lara, you know he's probably itching to get back to the office." Arohi replied.  Lara shrugged.  "Well too bad!"  "You need to tell him he owes you a proper honeymoon and he's in the dog house right now anyways, I think he'll be okay with it." Lara added.  "Jai can take care of things here by himself for a few extra days, and watch... you and Arjun will come back way more connected and rejuvenated." Lara said excitedly.  Arohi bit her lip and listened as Lara talked some more about how this could really help their marriage.  The more Arohi thought about it, the better it did sound.  Her and Arjun alone, away from the usual interruptions.  Her and Arjun tourists in New York, walking through Time Square, watching a show on Broadway,  cycling through Central Park.  The more she thought about it the more she knew it could work.  "How am I going to get time off and book a flight and get ready to go by tomorrow evening?" Arohi asked.  Lara gave her a mischievous smile.  "Get the time off and leave the rest to me!"  "You know I live for this kind of romantic stuff!" Lara added with a smile.  For the first time in days Arohi gave her a genuine smile back.  It was time to go an reclaim her husband and she didn't care what happened but she wasn't returning from New York until her and Arjun had sorted all their problems out. 

"I think I should talk to a manager." Arjun said grabbing the phone.  "I mean this is ridiculous, we booked two suites and now we've been here for 3 days and they still haven't been able to provide us with another suite."  "They can't still be fully booked!" Arjun said, clearly annoyed.  Niki stiffened and then quickly replied "Arjun, I spoke to them about an hour ago, I'm first on the list once a suite or even single room comes available I will get it."  "Like I told you before, there are so many conferences happening that they accidentally double booked my suite."  "If sharing your suite is too much for you then I can go to another hotel." Niki said with a sad pout.  Arjun let out a frustrated breath.  "That's not necessary, the suite is more then big enough for the two of us, I just think it would be better if we had our own space!" Arjun said gruffly.  Niki hid a sly smile.  "Don't worry Arjun, it's just another few days." she said.  "Should we grab some dinner, I'm starving." she added, changing the subject.  Arjun nodded, I'll meet you downstairs I just want to call Arohi." Arjun replied turning to pick up his phone and missing Niki's frown.  "Sure, I'll see you down there." she forced herself to say as she walked out of the suite.  "Hi baby, just checking in and seeing how you're doing." Arjun said as he left a message for Arohi.  "Everything is going okay here and I'm hoping to maybe even wrap up a day early." Arjun continued.  "I hope things are good on your end...I miss you." he added softly.  Slowly he hit the end button on his phone.  This was the second time he'd gotten voice mail and not been able to talk to Arohi... and she hadn't called him back.  With a deep breath Arjun turned and walked out of the room. 

"Arjun, are you sure you don't want to share the bed, I mean it's big enough for both of us." Niki said with a smile.  Arjun raised a brow and answered, I'm fine on the sofa.  "And besides from what I can tell, I think this might be my last night here."  If we wrap up tomorrow morning then I'm going to try to catch the next flight out." Arjun answered.  Niki pouted.  "Arjun, all work and no play, I thought tomorrow we would be able to do a little bit of sightseeing." Niki replied.  Arjun shook his head as he pulled out a pair of sweats.  "No, I need to get home." he replied.  "Oh Arohi must want you back early...she must miss you." Niki replied a little snidely.  Arjun turned and with a frown replied.  "I miss Arohi,  infact I think I'm going to take a couple of days off when I get back." Arjun replied.  Niki forced a smile on her face and nodded.  "That'll be nice." she replied.  "I'm going to take a shower, are you staying in or going out tonight?" he asked.  "Um, I think I'll head out." Niki replied.  Arjun nodded and headed towards the bathroom.

"Tonight, I have to do it tonight!" Niki said to herself as she stood infront of her suitcase with her hands on her hips.  She had thought she'd have tomorrow with Arjun too.  They'd finish up work, then spend the day together, she'd remind him of all the fun they used to have together, and then they would go for a nice romantic meal and then come back to the suite where she'd easily seduce him.  But now her plans had been completely shot because of Arjun's need to rush back to his wife!  "I can't believe how infatuated he is with that Arohi." Niki said with a shake of her head.  But then a slow smile made it's way to her lips and she remembered a time long ago... her and Arjun inside the boys locker room back in University.  He'd told her they were just friends but when she'd kissed him, he'd kissed her right back and even now after so many years she could say it was still the best kiss she'd had in her life.  They had almost made love right there in that locker room but had been interrupted by some players.  After that Arjun had never touched her again, pretending like it had never happened.  And she'd let him, thinking that eventually he'd too feel what she felt.  Even years later when she was in London she kept tabs on him and his affairs.  Never anything serious, until he surprised everyone and came home from Chandigarh married!  That had left her reeling.  Arjun was not the marrying type!  And then when she met Arohi and saw Arjun looking at his wife with such love and affection it had made her blood boil.  Arohi who was the complete opposite of the type of girl Arjun would go for.  Niki knew his type...she was his type.  They were already a match in their professional lives and she knew personally in and outside the bedroom they would be a perfect match.  But his infatuation with this Arohi had thrown a glitch into everything.  This trip was Niki's answer to getting Arjun back.  A small voice in her head reminded her that she'd never had him... but she pushed that voice away.  Arjun was hers, she'd been the one that had been waiting for him and she'd be damned if she would let someone like Arohi come and take him from her!

Arjun stared at himself in the bathroom mirror.  He suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of tiredness take over.  He felt much older then his almost 30 years.  Running a hand through his wet hair he shook his head at himself.  Arohi hadn't talked to him properly since that night and when they did talk all he could hear was the sadness in her voice.  He'd vowed to keep her happy and he was failing miserably at it.  It's just that when she said things like all he cared about was his work and not her, that bothered him a lot.  He loved her so much and for a man who had no real idea what love really was... that declaration was not easy.  He never said or did something he didn't mean 100%.  And it was love, it had to be because if it wasn't, then it wouldn't hurt so much to be away from her.  It wouldn't hurt so much to know that she was hurting, because of him.  Maybe she was right, he didn't know about balance.  He'd lived his life for himself for so long that he didn't know how to live it with and for someone else.  These and many other thoughts ran through his head as he walked out of the bathroom bare chested with just a pair of sweats hanging low on his hips.  His hair still mussed from when he was running his hand through it.  His mind elsewhere, he didn't register that Niki was laying on the bed in a very seductive pose.  But a few moments later his gaze skimmed back to her and his eyes widened with shock.  Niki gave him a sultry smile and ran her hand suggestively down her bare thigh.  She was wearing a black lacy barely there slip that left very little to the imagination.  "What are you doing?" Arjun asked roughly.  Niki gave him another smile and then slowly rose from the bed.  "What do you think I'm doing?" she asked in a husky voice.  Arjun frowned and turned to grab his shirt, but Niki beat him to it and grabbed it before him.  "Give that back and put some damn clothes on!" he snapped.  Niki shook her head and gave him another sly smile.  "The plan isn't to put clothes on, it's to take them off." she replied.  "I'm married and even if I wasn't... you know I'm not interested in you in that way." he said holding out his hand for his t-shirt.  "Now Arjun that's a very bad deal, you're rejecting the product before you have even had a sample." Niki said as she traced a finger down his chest.  "You know I'm more then worth it." she said softly as she pressed her lips against his chest.  Arjun jerked her back.   "What part of I'm married and not interested are you not understanding."  "I can't believe you'd even try something like this and ruin a perfectly good friendship." Arjun said shaking his head in disgust.  Niki's eyes blazed in anger.  "We're more then friends, all those years ago when you kissed me I knew then that we'd be the perfect match!"  "You knew it too, so don't deny it!"  Arjun stared at her in shock.  "What the hell are you talking about?"  "We were 20 years old!"  "That kiss meant nothing!" he snapped.  Niki's eyes filled with angry tears as she stared at him.  "You're lieing and tonight I'm going to prove to you how much it did mean!" she snapped as she threw herself at him.  Arjun was completely taken by surprise as he was thrown off balance and both him and Niki fell backwards on to the bed.  Before he could recover she was kissing him.  Arjun shoved her off and quickly moved up and off the bed.  "You're crazy!" he yelled  "I'm not interested and I want you dressed and out of my suite within 5 minutes!" he added.  A loud knock on the door had him striding over.  "Get dressed!" he snapped again as he wretched open the door, still shook up over what had just occurred.

Arohi.  Arjun's mind yelled as he stood staring at a smiling Arohi, a smile that was rapidly slipping  as her gaze shifted over the lipstick mark on his chest.  Her gaze moved to his mussed hair and she gasped as she looked behind her to an almost naked Niki, who wore her own shocked expression.  "Arohi, I can explain." were the first words out of Arjun's mouth.  But Arohi was in no mood to listen to explanations as she pushed past Arjun and entered the room.  Pausing for a second as she looked over at the rumpled bed.  Her eyes filled with tears and the next moment red hot anger consumed her as she took a few steps and reaching out she slapped Niki across the face.  Niki was shell shocked and cowered back as Arohi stared at her with murder in her eyes.    "Arohi," Arjun said from behind her.  Arohi closed her eyes at the sound of her name from his lips.    A now visibly frightened Niki grabbed her coat and and purse and practically ran out of the room.  "I know it looks bad." Arjun began softly as he slipped on his t-shirt.  Arohi turned around slowly and regarded him with open contempt.  "Niki came on to me, I was just telling her to leave." he continued.  "What was she doing in your room practically naked?" Arohi asked softly, her eyes blazing.  Arjun swore under his breath and then replied "We've been sharing the suite."  Arohi felt her knees go weak and she reached out a hand to steady herself.  Arjun take a step towards her to help her but she snapped "NO!"  "No, don't come near me." she managed to choke out.  Arjun stopped and stared at a Arohi who was now trembling.  "Why were you two sharing a room?" she managed to ask.  "The hotel had double booked..." Arjun said and then shook his head knowing almost instantly that that was a lie.  Arohi stared at him in surprise and then anger, "You are a liar!"  "I had Lily check to see if we could be moved to the honeymoon suite and she was told by the hotel that wouldn't be a problem as they were running at low occupancy right now."  Arjun stared at the tears that fell from her face.  The tears that she brushed at furiously as she glared at him.  "I'm sorry Arohi, I just believed her when she said it was double booked." Arjun replied knowing how lame the excuse sounded.  "You believed her, you who double check everything just believed that manipulative, home wrecking wh*re!" Arohi yelled.  Arjun shook his head in disgust at himself.  He was such an idiot to not have seen all the signs.  "I was an idiot." he said softly.  "Yes you were and you must think I'm an even bigger idiot to believe any of the cr*p coming from your mouth!" Arohi yelled holding out her hand to stop him when he reached for her again.  "DON"T!" she warned.  Arohi please let me explain, it's not like that." Arjun began helplessly.  "There's nothing left to explain, you were caught that's the end of that."  "Not in a million years did you think your gullible wife would fly 15 hours non stop to surprise you and break up yours and your "business associates" party!" Arohi ranted.  "But you've had the last 3 days together, all cozy... sharing a room, a bed!" Arohi choked out as hot tears fell down her face.  "Arjun took a few steps and grabbed on to Arohi's arms.  "I swear to you Arohi, I swear on my life that nothing happened."  "I would never cheat on you, I love you!" Arjun said  "Stop lieing and let go of me!" Arohi yelled and sobbed.  "I don't believe you."  "The mark on your body, you sharing a room with that tramp, all those late nights...god I'm so dumb!" Arohi sobbed as reality seemed to hit her.  "How could I have been so stupid?" she asked pushing away from him.  "Baby, please I swear to you nothing has happened."  "I've been sleeping on  the pull out sofa,  all we've done is work and tonight was the first night she tried something.  "I came out of the shower and she was wearing the lingerie."  "I told her to leave." Arjun said adamantly.  "I'm sure you did!" Arohi snapped furiously as she moved towards the door, but Arjun quickly grabbed her arm.  "Let go, don't you ever touch me again!" Arohi snapped struggling to get away from him.  "No, I can't let you go until you listen to me and I can get you to believe that nothing happened between Niki and I." Arjun replied.  Arohi struggled until she finally decided it was futile.  That's when the tears really started to fall.  As her body tired, her emotions that she'd been trying to keep in check, came to the surface and the reality of the situation sunk in.  The man she loved...could he have been cheating on her?  "Arohi, please don't cry."  "I promise you nothing happened, I only love you, I only want you." he begged.  "Since I've married you I haven't even thought of another woman, and I wouldn't."  "You have to trust me on that." Arjun said.  "I know it looks bad but nothing happened."  "You have to trust me." he added squeezing her hand.  Arohi looked into his eyes looking for deception or manipulation but truthfully all she found was pain and anguish and...truth.  Arjun hadn't done anything with Niki...yet.  "Let go of me please." she said softly.  Arjun looked at her for a moment and then finally let her go.  "I, I...don't know what else to say to convince you Arohi.  "But I promise you I would never do that to you."  Arjun added.  Arohi sat down heavily on the sofa, as far away from the bed as possible.  "Why didn't you tell me you were sharing a suite with her?" she asked softly, staring at her hands.  Arjun came to sit across from her.  "I, don't know..probably because of our fight and I know you had some doubts about Niki."  "I just didn't want to make things worse between us." he answered.  Arohi gave him an angry stare.  "So you kept something as important as this from me?"  "Would you have even told me what that tramp tried to do if I didn't find out myself?" she asked.  Arjun cleared his throat uncomfortably and looked away from her.  "You wouldn't have told me." she asked in shock.  "I would have handled the situation and what's the point of hurting you by telling you something like that?" he asked.  Arohi stared back at him as if she didn't even recognize him.  "I thought you always told me the truth, no matter what it was."  "Now I find out you're keeping secrets?"  "What else have you kept from me?"  "You probably would have kept on working with her because god forbid anything effect your work!" Arohi snapped.  Arjun's eyes widened as he replied angrily "I haven't been keeping any secrets from you."  "You know that, I am brutally honesty with you but if we're already having a fight why add to it by telling you something like this."  "As for working with Niki..we have a partnership, I can't break it just because of her stupidity."  "I ofcourse am planning on having a talk with her and will keep my distance, and in the future there will be no more projects together... but this one has to be completed."  "I'm a professional, I know not to mix my personal life with my professional one."  Arjun answered.   "I can't believe you're saying this." Arohi whispered tearfully.  "What if a co-worker was to make an advance towards me, what should I do, just continue to keep working with that person like nothing happened?" Arohi asked.  Arjun's eyes narrowed and he bit out "I'd kill the guy that tried to touch my wife!"  "Are you even listening to me?" Arohi snapped angrily.   "You can't compare my business to your teaching position." Arjun finally replied.  Arohi's sharp intake of breath was the only sound in the room.  "My work isn't just a job, I'm helping shape the future of young children." Arohi replied.  "I had no idea you thought so lowly of my career."  "I guess being a ruthless self absorbed business man is the only profession that actually means anything." she snapped.  "That's not what I said."  "I understand your career is important to you but you can't compare it to my business."  Arjun replied.  Arohi stared back at him mutely.  What could she say to that?  Staring back at him she could barely even find the man she'd fallen in love with.  He was hidden behind all that ego and arrogance.  "I'm taking the next flight out." Arohi said standing up when Arjun grabbed her arm again.  Arohi looked pointedly at the hand and Arjun let her go.  "You've come all this way, why don't you stay."  "I'll be done tomorrow and then we can spend a couple of days together." he said.  Arohi shook her head no.  "I don't want to stay here." she replied softly.  "We can leave this hotel, check in somewhere else." Arjun suggested.  "No." Arohi replied with a shake of her head.  Arjun frowned.  "You flew all the way here and now you're going to turn around and just leave?" he asked.  "Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do." Arohi answered moving to the door and picking up the carry on she'd dropped there earlier.  "Don't be crazy Arohi, you're not going anywhere." Arjun said.  "I am, and I will."  "I'll get a room for the night and tomorrow as soon as I can I'm leaving." Arohi said in a voice thick with unshed tears.  "Why, you know nothing happened with me and Niki, you know I love you."  "So why are you being this way?"  "I was planning on coming home tomorrow to spend a few days with you anyways, we might as well do it here."  "I know you've always wanted to see New York." Arjun said a little anxiously.  "No, I have no desire to see it anymore." she answered.  "As for you taking time off for me..thank you so much for thinking of me, but I need to get back to my insignificant teaching position." Arohi replied.  "Damnit Arohi you are blowing this way out of proportion." Arjun snapped as he grabbed the bag of out hand.  "Please Arjun give it back, I am not staying in this room." Arohi replied.  Arjun nodded  "Okay we'll get another room."  "I'll call the manager and arrange it right now." Arjun said picking up the phone.  "No, no I need to be alone right now."  "I can't...I just...I just need to be by myself." Arohi replied past the lump in her throat.  Arjun started to argue but looking at the tension in Arohi's stance and the pain etched on to her face he thought better of it and said "You have every right to be upset and I know a lot has happened and it's a lot to take in."  "I'll get you another suite and you can stay in it by yourself tonight, I'll come see you in the morning before I leave for my meeting and then after the meeting we'll sit down and talk about everything again."  "Resolve our issues and then spend the rest of our time here enjoying New York." he said.  Arohi only nodded as she turned towards the door.  "Arohi," Arjun said softly from behind her.  "You know I love you right?"  Arohi paused for a second and then gave a small nod.  Arjun waited and then called the front desk to book another suite.

Arjun tossed and turned all night.  His mind on Arohi and everything that had happened.  She was upset, ofcourse it was natural.  Hell if he'd found Arohi in that kind of situation he probably would have killed the guy.  He'd now do anything and everything in his power to rectify the situation.  And she knew he loved her, only her.  He would never hurt her like that, he would never break her trust like that.  But as he lay there and ran everything over and over again in his head he couldn't get past the look on Arohi's face as she left him.  Her face, her incredibly expressive face appeared, withdrawn and emotional less.  Her eyes devoid of emotion...almost blank as they stared at him for a moment before she shut the door of her suite on his face.  He couldn't shake this cold feeling of dread that had settled over him.  "No," Arjun muttered to himself as he sat up.  "I'll fix this, everything will be fine."  "We just need some time together like we had at the cottage."  Things were bad before they went to the cottage too, but they'd gotten past it.  They could get past this too he told himself as he stood up.  It was 5:30, Arohi was probably sleeping and Arjun knew there was no point in laying around rehashing everything in his head.  He'd go down to the gym, have a workout, shower and then go see Arohi.  Maybe convince her to have breakfast with him.  Yes, everything would be just fine he told himself.

"What do you mean she checked out early this morning?!"  Arjun snapped staring at the hotel manager.  "Mr. Singhania, your wife checked out at 4:00 this morning, she left this envelope for you."  the manager repeated looking a little flustered by the anger and surprise on Arjun's face.  Arjun turned around and glanced at his watch.  It was 8:00 am.  Where the hell had she gone?  He'd already tried to call her several times to no avail and now he had no idea what to do.   Ripping open the envelope he stared at the one sentence written in her neat hand writing. 

I'm catching the 7:00 am flight back to Mumbai.  Arohi.

And just like that that feeling of dread was back.  The paper clenched in his hand Arjun felt like soemthing was slipping away from him.  He just couldn't figure out what it was, but it left him feeling cold and vulnerable.  Something he hadn't felt since he was a small child.  He wanted to go after her, demand that she come back.  But he couldn't.  She was gone and he would have to wait until tomorrow to talk to her.  Grabbing his phone he called Lily , who answered on the first ring.  "Sir," she said, used to being on call 24 hours a day.  "Lily my work here will be finished this morning, I need you to book me the next flight out." he ordered.  Giving her a few more details he hung up as his eyes met Niki's who had just entered the foyer.   "Good morning Arjun." she said softly.   "I'm finishing up this meeting and then I'm leaving."  "When we get back to Mumbai we have many things to discuss, things I have no desire to get into here."  Arjun replied.  Niki nodded slowly.  "I'm sorry for what happened last night." she said softly.  "Yeah, I'm sure you are!" Arjun snapped as he stalked away.  He had already decided what he was going to do with Niki.  Once he got back he was going to lay it out on the table for her and her father.  Him and Jai would be finishing the project without Niki.  He anticipated some resistance but if Niki and her father wanted the big payout this project was going to bring them, then they would back up and let Arjun do his job.  He knew how to get what he wanted and he'd been pretty stupid not to have seen Niki for what she really was.  He couldn't let there be another instance like the one Arohi had walked into.

The next morning (Mumbai)

Arjun rubbed the back of neck trying to soothe away the tension.   He was exhausted and needed to see his wife, then a hot shower and something to that order.  Walking into his home he saw Maria who rushed over to him.  "Sir, you're home early." she replied worriedly.  "Yes, I was finished earlier then I thought." Arjun answered as he headed to the stairs.  "Arohi's upstairs?" he asked.  Maria gulped and then quietly replied "No."  Arjun glanced back at Maria.  "Has she already left for school?" he asked glancing at his watch.  It was early for her to be at work.  " it's holidays now."  "She's off for a month." Maria answered uncomfortably.  "Where is she then Maria?" Arjun asked irritated.  "Well, sir she's...she's gone."  Maria replied as she cleared her throat.  "Gone?"  "Gone where?" Arjun probed.  "Well, she didn't say, I asked sir, but she came home from New York, packed up some things and said good bye to us...and left."  Arjun's mouth fell open in shock.  "What the hell?"  "She packed up and left?"  "Why didn't you call me?" he asked angrily.  "She asked us not too." Maria replied not meeting his eyes.  Arjun was livid.   "She...she asked you not to?" "Why the hell not?" he asked and then held up his hand.  "Forget it, I don't care!"  "I just want to know where she went!" he demanded.  Maria shook her head not knowing what to say.  She'd cried when Arohi had left, but she'd also seen the hollow look in her eyes and knew that finally she'd had enough.  Arjun sir was a good man, a smart man, but when it came to his wife...he was an idiot!  She watched at Arjun rushed up the steps and to his room. 

Arjun looked around at their bedroom, his eyes settled on the dresser where Arohi's creams and perfumes and various other toiletries used to sit.  They were gone.  He walked to his closet and opening it he saw that most of her clothes were missing too.  Leaving a big gap between his and her things.  She was gone.  How could she be gone.  No, she wasn't allowed to be gone!  This was ridiculous, he had explained to her that nothing happened.  And he thought she believed him too.  No he needed to get her back home, home where she belonged.  Grabbing his phone he called Jai but got no answer.  His gut told him that's where she was.  Not bothering to change he stalked out of his room ready to bring his wife home. 

"Where is she?" Arjun asked as he walked into Jai and Lara's place 20 minutes later.  Jai raised a brow and then said "Hello to you too."    "Where is Arohi?"  Arjun repeated.  Jai who was just pouring himself a drink asked "Do you want one?"  Arjun glared at Jai and then watched as Jai shrugged and poured himself a drink.  "Where is she!" Arjun demanded, completely irate now.  Jai took another drink and took his time answering.  "She doesn't want to see you right now." he replied.  Arjun regarded him with shock.  "She doesn't want to see me, I'll be the judge of that!"  "Is she's upstairs." Arjun demanded as he headed for the stairs but Jai moved to stop him.  "I think you need to go home and cool off... and like I've said she's not ready to see you."  "   "I told you this would happen but you wouldn't listen to me!"  "I told you what that Niki was like!" Jai said angrily.  Arjun stared him down.  "Get out of my way Jai, I'm taking my wife home!" Arjun replied.  "I'd like to see you try." Jai replied, staring him down.   Just as the two were about to come to blows they heard "Jai, I'll talk to him."  Arjun's eyes flew to Arohi standing at the top of the stairs, her eyes on Jai.  Arjun felt his heart rate accelerate.  She was here, she would talk to him... he'd convince her everything was fine and then they'd go home.  Home, their home.  Arohi slowly made her way downstairs.  Lara stood at the top of the stairs glaring at Arjun, and Jai had still not backed off.  "It's okay Jai." Arohi said softly.  "If you're sure." Jai replied, giving Arjun a glare before he backed off.   Arohi walked past the two men towards the family room, Arjun followed and shut the doors behind the two of them.

"What are you doing Arohi?" he asked walking up to her.   "Let's go home and discuss this." he added  Arohi took a deep breath and turned around.  "I'm not going home." she replied.  Arjun gave her a confused look.  "Why the hell not?" he asked.  Arohi's eyes widened and she shook her head in disbelief.  "You need to ask?" "You can't see what's happened and is happening to us?" she asked.  "What couple doesn't have problems Arohi, that doesn't mean you leave home over it."  "You sit down and talk about it and work it out." Arjun replied.  Arohi shook her head no.  "We have more then a few problems."  "I don't recognize you anymore and truthfully I don't even recognize me anymore."  she replied honestly.  Arjun shook his head and said angrily "This is still about Niki isn't it?"  I told you nothing happened, I swore to you nothing happened between us!" he said.  Arohi shook her head.  "I believe you, I believe that this time, nothing happened."  "But Arjun where we are in this relationship...I feel like a couple of more months of this distance and something will happen."  "I...I don't trust you not to hurt me." she said, her eyes filled with tears.  Arjun was shell shocked as he stared at her and then angrily said "So let me get this straight, you left home because you think I might not have cheated this time...but I may cheat on you!"  Arohi closed her eyes for a moment and then opening them gave a mirthless laugh.  "Why do you always do that, you always hear what you want to hear."  "You always just take what you want out of a conversation, you don't hear that I don't trust you because I feel so disconnected from you."  "I don't trust you because I gave you my heart, I have loved you with every fiber of my being, and you've taken that love for granted."  "I have not taken your love for granted!" Arjun snapped.  Arohi stared at him and then asked "When you found out I left New York yesterday morning did you go to your meeting first?" she asked.  Arjun paused and then replied "Yes, but..."  Arohi cut him off...There it is, always the but."  "You knew how upset I was but your meeting was more important than trying to make things right with me."  "So that was a test?" Arjun asked coldly.  "You wanted me to miss my meeting the whole reason I was in New York because you wanted me to chase after you?" he added.  Arohi shook her head..."It wasn't a test Arjun, it's our every day life, you choosing everything over me."  "And everyone..."  "You haven't once thought about how it effects me that Vicky is living with us." Arohi choked out, fighting back tears as she remembered Vicky's taunts.  "Arohi what I don't understand is if you have no feelings for Vick, why do you care if he's in our house?" Arjun asked.  Arohi's eyes widened in shock.  "I can't believe you just asked me that?" she said in disbelief.  "Your brother left me devastated and just because I don't have feelings for him doesn't mean that I can just forget the hurt and pain he caused me and my father."  "And then there's the small matter of his constant taunts." Arohi said wiping at the tears that fell down her face.  Now it was Arjun's turn to be surprised.  "What taunts?" he asked reaching a hand out to her.  Arohi quickly stepped back.  Arohi shook her head and wouldn't answer him.  "Arohi, what taunts?" Arjun asked in a low voice.  Arohi stayed silent and then finally replied  "He's made comments about you leaving me and always choosing him and that you were forced to be married to me."  "The list is endless."  Arohi said, shaking her head in disgust.  Arjun's lips thinned and he asked "Why didn't you tell me this before, I would have spoken to Vick and set him straight."   "Because it doesn't matter, none of this matters, the truth is that if I was secure in our relationship Vicky's words wouldn't have the power that they do have, the power to hurt me."  "If I really believed you loved me the way I had thought you did, then nothing anyone did could harm our relationship."  Arjun was livid as he grabbed Arohi's arm and pulled her against him.  "What do you want from me Arohi, do you want me to freakin tattoo it across my chest that I love you?"  "What do you want, I have been faithful, you know how much I care about you, Anything you want is yours at the drop of a hat..I try to show you that I love you...what more do you want?" he asked harshly.  Arohi struggled against him.  "If I have to explain it to you then it's not love is it?"  "I know how I feel, how not being with you, not seeing you hurts me, how much I miss you."  "But do you feel that same way?"  "I don't think so, if you did you wouldn't spend so much time apart from me." Arohi said shrugging out of his grasp and backing away.  "This is the first year of our marriage, I thought it took a few years before the husband lost interest." she mocked, tears glistening in her eyes as she tried not to break down infront of him.  Arjun stared at her stone faced and then finally said  "What do you want Arohi?"  "Tell me what you want?"  Arohi closed her eyes for a moment and then with a shake of head quietly answered.  "I think time apart would be good for us."  "NO!" Arjun barked.  "Infact according to you the reason we're at this point in our relationship is because of our time apart from each other!"  Arohi pressed her hand against her stomach, clenching her other hand against her hip as she stared at the man she loved, the man she had thought understood her better then anyone, but the man that stared back at her seemed more and more like a stranger with every word he uttered.  "I don't recognize you anymore." she said.  "You're not my Arjun."   "No, I'm not the puppet you want me to be that's the problem!"  Arjun snapped.  "I'm the same man, I haven't changed."  "You're the one that's changed, wanting time alone!'  'What the hell is that going to prove?' he asked.  "Come home, give me a week to wrap up a few things and then we can go away for a few days, maybe go to the cottage." he said reaching a hand out for her.  But Arohi shook her head as she stepped out of his reach.  "Us going to the cottage and you seducing me into believing that everything is fine is not going to help anything because when we come back you're still going to be the same Arjun, the one that puts everything before his wife and I'm still going to be the same Arohi who can't figure out why I'm not enough for you."  "And eventually I'll resent you even more then I already do." she answered, a heart heartbreakingly sad expression on her face as she willed him to understand.  But Arjun wasn't in the mood to understand, he just wanted Arohi home where she belonged.  "I'm asking you Arohi to come home...we will work on things, I will make more of an effort, I will talk to Vicky, I will..." Arjun began and stopped as Arohi shook her head vehemently.  "You don't know how hard this step was for me to take Arjun, I can't go back...there's nothing there for me." she said softly and then gasped as Arjun slammed his hand down onto the table.  "That's bull sh*t and you know it!"  "Your place isn't here!" he began.  "My place isn't there either." Arohi cut in softly earning a hard stare from Arjun.  Minutes  that felt like hours ticked by when Arjun finally spoke.  "Have it your way Arohi!"  "If you want to destroy everything that we have over some stupid misunderstandings then go ahead."  "But remember this..this is on you!"  "I don't want this!" "I suggest you take tonight and think about how ridiculous this whole idea of separating is, and  tomorrow you come back home where you belong."  Arohi bit back a sob as she watched Arjun turn on his heal and stalk to the door, throwing it open and then slamming it shut behind him.  Arohi winced and then lowered herself slowly onto the sofa feeling mentally and physically drained.  She'd cried so much over the past couple of days that she didn't think she had any tears left to shed...but she'd been wrong she thought as more tears trailed down her face.  Her marriage quite possibly was over.  Listening to Arjun she saw that even now he didn't see how bad things had really gotten between them.  That a weekend away at the cottage wouldn't fix all the insecurities and reservations she had about their marriage.  He didn't see what she saw, what in her heart she wasn't ready to admit until now...that things weren't going to get better and that he wasn't capable of changing.  And that she wasn't capable of pretending that everything would be alright.  She wasn't capable of waking up next to man that she knew less and less with every passing day  But worst of all..the thing that scared her most, was that one day she'd wake up and instead of the love that lived in her heart for him... all she'd feel was nothing. Bleak, cold nothing.  She didn't hear Lara walk into the room or even see her sit down next to her, it wasn't until she felt her friends' soothing hand on her arm did Arohi finally look at her.  And what Lara saw made her gasp.  A broken woman stared back at her. Lara pulled her into her arms and sat helplessly as Arohi's silent tears shook her whole body.  Tears that showed no signs of stopping.

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