Chapter 17

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"I'm so confused." Arohi said letting out a frustrated sigh.  Shefali and Lara exchanged looks and then gave Arohi sympathetic smiles. They were hanging out in Arohi's family room.   "Why are men so confusing?" Arohi asked suddenly.  "They say women are hard to please, I think that's completely wrong!"  "We just want some love and attention and we're happy."  "Men on the other hand freak out if they get some love and attention, yet when you stop giving them that very love they ran from in the first place, they behave so irrationally that you're left so confused, basically  fumbling for some sense of direction.  Arohi said out of breath, as she gave her head a frustrated shake.  Lara and Shefali both sighed.  "Men suck!"  Shefali suddenly piped in.  "They steal your heart and then your grandfather's ring making you believe that you're their one true love and then they rip the rug right out from under you!" she added angrily.  Arohi and Lara looked at Shefali in surprise.  "Thanks for that!" Arohi snapped.  "We're not talking about Bobby who you barely liked or knew!"  "We're talking about my marriage and how it's completely falling apart!" Arohi said with emotion.  Lara grabbed Arohi's hand and gave it a squeeze.  "I'm sorry." Arohi whispered.  "I'm becoming such a shrew." she added, shaking her head in misery.  "No, you're not."  "You're hurt by Arjun's reaction and the crazy mixed signals he's giving you." Lara replied.  Arohi's eyes welled up with tears as she bit down on her lip.  "I love him so much, and he's my husband it should all be so easy, but it's not."  "It's all so difficult and I'm just having a hard time dealing with it."  "But I don't think he'll ever change his mind about us, I think he considers me his responsibility and we all know how seriously he takes his responsibilities.  For goodness sakes he married me because his brother left me the night before our wedding."  Arohi said softly wiping a tear from the corner of her eyes.  "No, I think you're wrong there Arohi." Lara replied.  "I think he considers you a lot more then his responsibility." "I think he cares about you a lot and it scares the hell out of him."  "He doesn't know how to deal with it so he pretends this feeling just doesn't exist."  Lara added.  "Well he better stop pretending then because March is going to be here sooner then we think, and then I'm gone!" Arohi said stubbornly.  "And then even if he begs me to return I won't!" she added, brushing away another tear.  Lara and Shefali reached out, each giving Arohi a hug.  Finally Shefail changed the subject, trying to cheer up her friend. "no more talk about guys and what idiots they are!"  "Tell us about the Christmas concert you're working on." Arohi gave a small smile and started to talk about all the work they had accomplished and how excited the kids were.  "Hey, sorry to interupt I just need to grab a few files." Arjun said a few minutes later, as he walked into the family room and strode towards a table at the far end of the room.  Lara and Shefali both glared at him and then Lara suddenly burst out  "Arohi those roses are so pretty." Shefali and Lara watched as Arjun's back stiffened.  "And red roses too, must be from someone who cares about you a lot." Shefali added, with a sly smile.  Arjun casually turned to glare at the offensive roses.  They were arriving every day and filling up the house, and they still didn't know where they were coming from and from the looks of it Arohi didn't care!   She just kept smiling and receiving them!  "I'm not sure who's sending them, but they are addressed to me and I've been getting a dozen ever since we came back from London." Arohi answered.  "Oooh a secret admirer." Shefali squealed.  "How sweet."  Arohi fidgeted nervously and watched Arjun's rigid back as he grabbed his files.  His face was set and his eyes angry as he stalked out of the room.  "I think I'm going to tell Maria to stop accepting the roses now, it's kind of creepy." Arohi said after Arjun had left..  "Nooo!" Lara and Shefali both cried at once.  "Keep accepting them, can't you see how jealous it's making Arjun!"  "Did you see his reaction when I mentioned the roses?" Lara asked with a giggle.  "Arjun needs to know that he's not the only fish in the sea and that there are many good looking eligible guys out there that want you!" Shefali added in.  "But I don't want any one other then Arjun, and I don't want to make him jealous!" Arohi said, furrowing her brows.  "Yes, you do want to make him jealous!"  "Make him so jealous he can't see straight!" Lara said determinedly.  "How am I supposed to do that!" Arohi replied.  "Keep accepting the roses, show him how happy you are in receiving them, that should get him bothered enough."  "The rest we'll work on." Lara replied.  Arohi looked between Shefali and Lara and shrugged.  Nothing else seemed to be working, what did she have to lose.

Arjun banged the file down on his desk.  "How sweet that some random guy was sending Arohi roses." Arjun mimicked Shefali.  "Just how sweet that some anonymous, would be psycho was sending roses to HIS wife and she was just so happy at receiving them!"  "How bloody sweet!" he bit out angrily.  That was it, he was going to tell Arohi that she couldn't accept them anymore.  They could be from some stalker for all they knew and here she was smelling them every morning with a big smile across her face!  But as he sat down in his chair he knew he couldn't tell her no.  That would give her the wrong idea, make her think he actually cared and he'd been giving her too many reasons lately to think that.  His outburst last night when he found out about her confronting that Rajan loser had spiraled a little out of control.  He'd lost his mind a little when he'd heard that Arohi had been so close to danger and he hadn't been there to protect her.  He couldn't seem to help himself where she was concerned.  She was constantly on his mind even when she was ignoring him and no matter what he did or how busy he tried to keep, he couldn't help thinking about her.  Hearing his phone ring he grabbed it, seeing it was Jai.  "Let's go out and have a drink." Jai said once Arjun had said hello.  "I'll meet you in 20 minutes." Arjun readily replied, needing to get out of the house and away from Arohi.  A nice stiff drink was exactly what he needed right about now!

CRASH! Arohi sat up straight in bed.  Her heart beating a mile a minute as her eyes adjusted to the light.  Looking around quickly, she saw Arjun standing a few feet away, with the vase with the red roses laying shattered on the ground.  "Sorry." he slurred a little, but he didn't look sorry as he smiled wickedly at the flowers, and then at her.  "It's fine." Arohi replied, getting up to clean the mess.  "No, no, I got it." Arjun replied, crouching down, he wobbled a little.  Arohi watched him suspiciously.  Was Arjun drunk?  she wondered.  "Arjun, i don't think you should be near glass right now." she said, quickly moving towards him, and then her eyes widened as he swore under his breath.  A drop of blood falling from his finger.  "Arjun!" Arohi exclaimed, forcing him up.  "Let me look at it!" she said worriedly.  "Arohi, it's nothing." he said with a slight slur.  Arohi glared at him.  "You're drunk!" she accused, pulling him towards the bathroom.  "Guilty!" Arjun replied with a chuckle.  "And I like it so don't do anything that sobers me up too quickly." he replied, as she stuck his finger under the tap.  "You look so sexy." Arjun said staring down at her, the slur much more visible now in his speech.  "And you're drunk!" she repeated.  Fiddling with the strap on her ribbed tank top he stared at her.  His eyes taking on a hot intense look.  "I'm not that drunk." he replied.  Arohi gulped.  "Let me see your finger." she snapped, checking it quickly and then applying ointment on it.   As Arohi busied herself, Arjun's other hand crept to her waist, and then moved down to her hip.  "Stop that!" Arohi demanded, as she stuck a bandage on his finger.  "No." Arjun replied as he bent down and nuzzled her neck.  Arohi bit her lip and tried not to react.  "Arjun, you're drunk and we both have work tomorrow so let's go to bed." she said, trying to push him away.  "No." he repeated, as he bit down on the tender flesh of her shoulder.  Arohi closed her eyes, trying her best to still not react.  Easier said then done!  "You smell so good Arohi, so damn good." he said, as his lips moved along her neck up her ear.  Arohi bit back a moan.  "I think about making love to you all the time Arohi."  "Sleeping next to you had become impossible because it's all I can do to not reach out and pull you to me."  "Not kiss you and touch you until you want me as much as I want you." he said hoarsely, as his lips slid to hers.  Arohi moaned against his lips.  He was an unbelievable kisser.  He could make her forget everything and everyone, including herself with just the touch of his lips against hers.  As her hands slid up his chest and Arjun deepened the kiss, Arohi pressed herself closer.  Arjun didn't need much more encouragement then that.  He kissed her ravenously.  His mouth doing things to her that made her body feel like putty.  If he didn't have his hand around her waist she was pretty sure her knees would have given out by now.  Moving from her lips, he kissed her throat, his hands moving over her body.  As he moved away to tug off his t-shirt Arohi gulped.  His hot eyes slowly raking over her body.  She started at his chest and her hand itched to reach out and touch him.  It was only with sheer will power that she forced herself to move back as he reached for her again.  "No..No." she stammered, taking another step back and quickly walking out of the bathroom.  Arjun was right behind her.  "No, we aren't doing this." Arohi said shaking her head adamantly.  Arjun's arm came around her waist as he stood behind her.  His lips on the nape of her neck.  Arohi closed her eyes, holding her breath as his hand crept under her tank top.  "Oh god." she whispered breathlessly  as he bit down on her earlobe.  Feeling his fingers untying  the ties of her shorts had her pulling away again.  "Arjun, stop right there." she said breathlessly as he advanced towards her and she kept backing up.  "Stop right there, this is not happening." she repeated, trying to convince herself as much as she was trying to convince him.  But Arjun didn't seem to be listening as he gave her a slow seductive smile and continued to stalk towards her.  Arohi felt her mouth go dry.  Be strong, resist...resist she kept repeating to herself.  But he did things and made her feel things that usually clouded all of her good judgment.  As she hit the back of the bed and went tumbling backwards, Arjun stopped.  "Just where I want you Arohi." he said as he followed her down and kissed her.  In the back of her mind she knew she was angry and upset with him.  She knew that things weren't right between them, she knew she was confused...but right now none of that mattered.  Right now all that mattered was Arjun and her and how he made her feel.  As he continued to kiss her and his hands moved over her Arohi gave up resisting.   She let herself kiss him back.  She let herself enjoy what he was doing to her promising that she'd stop him soon. 

Arjun was so far gone... almost past the point of no return as he pulled off Arohi's tank top, kissing and touching her bare skin.  Her skin was so soft, and she tasted so good.  Too good, his hand actually shook as he touched her delicate skin.  He felt her moan before he heard it.  Her face flushed in passion.  His gaze settled on her and as he looked into her eyes he paused.  There it was, the one thing that could act like a bucket of ice cold water being dumped on him.  The one thing that could sober him up in seconds.  Looking in Arohi's eyes he saw what he'd seen the last time they'd been in this position, and not only then, but many times before and since then.  He saw love.  Intense love for him.  So intense that it's scared the sh*t out of him.  Arohi watched as Arjun stared at her transfixed almost.  His eyes boring into hers and then she saw guilt growing into weariness and then a flash of anger.  Rolling off her he got out of bed and wordlessly walked to the closet and pulled out a shirt and tugging it on roughly.  Arohi stared at him in shock, tears filling her eyes.  How many times was she going to be left in such a vulnerable position?!  Tugging on her tank top she swiped at her tears.  "Arohi, I'm sorry." she heard him say softly.  "Yeah, I'm sorry too..sorry for being so stupid!" she replied, her voice cracking as her eyes flashed with anger and hurt.  Arjun raked a frustrated hand through his hair.  "It's not you, it's me." he began.  Arohi winced and held out a hand for him to stop talking.  "Please, please don't use one of your lines on me."  "It's not you, it's me."  "Oh my god Arjun is that what I'm being reduced to." "And here after knowing everything, after knowing that you WON'T ever love me... I still...I still can't resist you." "I still let myself get sucked in by you, time and time again."  "I'm still ready to let you make love to me... and you just leave me humiliated once again."  "How many times am I going to be humiliated by you before I learn my lesson?" she asked angrily.  "It's the way you look at me." she heard him say softly making her pause.  "What?" she asked tearfully.  ""It's that bloody look in your eyes Arohi!"  "What look?" she asked in disbelief.  "That look asking me, no begging me to give you something that I can't."   "That look that wants me to feel something that I will never be able to feel...something I'm not capable of feeling Arohi." Arjun replied.  His voice emotionless.  Arohi stared at him, not being able to speak.  Shaking her head she tried to push back the tears but they weren't going to stop or listen.  "Arohi," he began roughly taking a step towards her.  Arohi quickly shook her head, holding out her hand again to ward him off.  "Please..." was the only word she was able to get out before she raced to the door throwing it open.  She couldn't stay here tonight or for that matter any night,  she couldn't be this near him any more.   "Wait a minute Arohi, where are you going?" he called after her,  but the only answer he received was the click of his door shutting behind her.  "You are the world's biggest idiot!" he told himself angrilly.  He was making love to Arohi, she was letting him make love to her, and he had to go and ruin everything all because of some look.  What the hell was he even doing looking into Arohi's eyes?  Things were so intense, she wanted him just as much as he wanted her, he should have just ignored the way his heart suddenly seized up when he saw that look.  Or the way his breathing suddenly seemed to slow down.  Like he was being choked.  All because of what he thought he saw in Arohi's eyes for him.  And in the process he had hurt her again.  No matter how much he tried not to hurt her, that was all he'd been able to do as of late.  Cause her pain, bring tears to her eyes and tonight had been no different. She'd been  so heart broken all because of him!  He didn't deserve her, it was good she was leaving in March.  She didn't deserve this.  She deserved someone who could return all that love she had to give.   Love that Arjun could never feel, or be a part of. 

The next morning Arohi looked at her red puffy eyes and made a final vow to herself.  No more crying over Arjun.  So he didn't love her, he didn't care about her.  A tear slid down her face as she thought about those facts.  "Stop it!' she told herself sternly.  "You don't need him to love you."  But she did, she wanted him to care about her so badly.  She wanted to feel him hold her in his arms and mean it.  Yesterday when he'd pulled away from her again she thought that was the worst pain she would ever feel.  But when he didn't even try to comfort her, instead offering lame excuses...that was the worst pain.  She was just another girl for him.  Just another Tania.  She couldn't stay until March, she'd die from this pain if she had to stay until March.  As it was she didn't know how she'd make it another week...but she had to.  Get through the Christmas concert and then leave, that's what she'd decided last night.  It was best for everyone concerned.  She needed to protect her heart because instead of falling out of love with Arjun with every passing second in this house she was falling more and more in love with him.

The next two days Arohi didn't give Arjun a single opportunity to talk to her.  Thankfully the Christmas concert preparations were keeping her busy, and forcing her to spend late nights at school.  Once home she quickly locked herself in her room, making it clear that no matter what, she wasn't returning to his room.  One night when Arjun had knocked on her door she'd pretended to already be asleep.  It was on the third night while Arjun sat infront of his laptop, he found his mind wandering.   His eyes weren't on his work but rather he was staring off into space.  He had been restless all evening, glancing at his watch numerous times.  Arohi was working late at the school to get things ready for the concert, he knew that.  But he still felt a sense of anxiety.  Something didn't feel right and he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was.  Truth be told he'd been feeling like this for a few days but had just brushed the feeling off.  Getting up he walked out of his office and headed towards the family room.  "Mom, has Arohi called?" he asked.  His mom shook her head no.  "She said she'd be late and for us not to wait up for her." his mom replied.  Arjun nodded.   His brows furrowed as he glanced at the clock again.  Shaking his head he told himself to stop it.  He was probably just feeling this way because he hadn't seen her in two days.  Since that night in his room he knew Arohi was avoiding him.   Returning to his office he tried to get some work done but half an hour later when he found himself staring at a page full of numbers and not being able to decipher any of them ,he knew he needed to call Arohi.  He'd hear her voice, she'd probably snap at him a few times, and then everything would be okay.  Picking up his phone he dialed her number and then frowned when it rang and rang and then went to voice mail.  "She's avoiding your calls." he reminded himself.  But that feeling that something was wrong was still there.  Still gnawing away at him.  "Stop it Arjun, he told himself.  He had let her completely take over his head to the point that he couldn't think straight.  No more, no more of this BS.  He had work to get done and she'd get home when she got home! 

"Thanks Samir for walking me to my car." Arohi said with a yawn.  "You okay Arohi?" Samir asked worriedly.  He'd noticed that her eyes were puffy and her bright smile had diminished in the past few days.  "I'm fine, just tired." Arohi lied.  Samir looked at her and tried not to frown.  He had a pretty good idea what could wipe the happy smile off of Arohi's face...actually who, would be more accurate.  Arjun Singhania.  Samir just could not figure out why someone would ever want to hurt someone as innocent and loving as Arohi.  Someone who was so good and so generous of heart, so beautiful inside and out.  How did someone that perfect get a husband like Arjun Singhania?  Suddenly a thought struck him leaving him cold.  What if Arjun was abusing Arohi?  "Arohi, you know if anything is happening you can talk to me." Samir said.  "You can trust me, you know that right?"  "I will do anything and everything in my power to help you through whatever is hurting you." he said, reaching out to squeeze her hand.  Arohi's smile wavered.  "That's, that's very thoughtful of you Samir, but I'm fine." she replied softly.  Samir noticed she didn't make eye contact with him.  "I better get going." Arohi said waving Samir off.  Samir finally turned around walking to his own car.  Arohi got into her car throwing her bag and phone on to the seat next to her.  Resting her head against the steering wheel she closed her eyes.  She was so tired.  So tired of making  wrong decisions, so tired of waiting and wishing and crying when what she knew all along what would happen...actually happened.  "So tired." she whispered, finally siting upright after a a few moments.  Glancing at the passenger seat she let out a frustrated sigh.  She'd forgotten her folder with all her notes for the concert.  Now she'd have to go back.  Opening her door she rushed out.  She'd just run in, grab the folder and then be on her way.  She was pretty sure she left it on the stage in the gymnasium.  Jogging back into the school she suddenly glanced back.  She thought she'd heard footsteps.  but hearing nothing she told herself to stop being so paranoid.  "There it is." she said out loud,, as she grabbed the file.  "And there you are." she heard from behind her.  Arohi turned around quickly, her eyes widening with fear at seeing who was standing at the entrance of the gym.  "What, what are you doing here?" she asked, trying to be calm.  Reena's husband Rajan, gave her a big smile sending a cold shiver down her spine.  "I came to see you Madamji." he said, starting to walk towards her.  Arohi was in full panic mode now.  "Rajan you better stay right there, don't come closer!" she stammered, as she started to back up towards the rear doors.  "School security is always making their rounds, someone should be here any second." she warned.  Rajan laughed as he continued to advance towards her.  "School security huh?"  "Is this the same school security who's fast asleep at the rear of the building?" he asked.  "That's some fine security you have here." he said laughing again.  With fear taking over, Arohi quickly turned and ran towards the door.  Please god let them be unlocked she prayed.  She could hear his footsteps not far behind.  "Madamji why are you running, I'm going to catch you anyways." he chided.  Arohi reached for the doorknob and the door clicked open letting her into a hallway.  Arohi raced to her left,  all the while she could hear his footsteps getting closer and closer.  Oh god please, please help me." she prayed.  Straight ahead all she could see was a classroom.  If she could get in and lock the doors she might be able to buy herself some time, she thought as she raced towards it.  She didn't count on how strong Rajan really was.  As she got into the classroom she gasped as he easily pushed open the door that she was trying to shut.  Quickly following her into the room.  Arohi picked up the first thing that she saw and threw it at him.  The stapler hit the side of his face and she saw a look of rage flash over his face.  "You're going to pay for that!" he growled, as he quickly caught her and back handed her so hard that Arohi saw stars.   She fell hard against a desk and then fell to the floor.  "Stupid women like you and Reena only learn with a good back hand!" he said meanly.  Arohi forced herself to stand up.  He caught her by the hair and pulled her to him.  Arohi could smell alcohol on his breath and as he brought his face closer she felt herself choking.  Struggling against him, she bit his arm and ran across the room.  "You're going to pay for so much tonight MADAMJI!" he said with a voice filled with contempt.  "I've been watching you...a husband at home waiting for you, yet you stay late at school with strange men."  Tsk, tsk.." Rajan said shaking his head at her with disgust.  "And you judge me for giving my wife some well deserved slaps!" he snapped.  "She deserved everything she got, just like you're going to deserve everything you get." he roared.  Arohi had heard enough.  Adrenaline and fear ran through her as she picked up random objects and started to throw them at him.  She didn't know how she was going to do it, all she knew was she needed to get out of here orelse this man was going kill her.  As he cried out in pain at something hitting his head she rushed past him and out the door.  Running as fast as she could, she could hear him getting closer, she could hear his roar of anger.  Blinding tears fell down her face, he was too close, he was going to catch her.

As she turned the corner she slammed into something large and hard.  Secure arms wrapped around her and instantly she knew it was Arjun.  "Arjun...oh my god Arjun." she cried.  Arjun held a shaking and sobbing Arohi against him.  Fear making his heart beat wildly.  A moment later he saw a man stop a few feet from them and start to quickly back away.  "Are you okay?" Arjun asked Arohi.  Arohi nodded as Arjun gently pulled away from Arohi.  "Rajan." he heard Arohi say with fear as she saw Rajan and quickly flung herself back into Arjun's arms.  "It's okay, I'm here now." "I won't let anything happen to you."  Arjun murmured against Arohi's hair.  Rajan took that opportunity to turn around and run, and Arjun was after him in seconds catching him quickly.  He was blinded by a rage so strong that he couldn't see.  All he wanted to do was hurt this man that dared to touch his Arohi.  He wanted to beatl him until he was laying bloody and dead at Arjun's feet.  "No, no." Rajan cried but he was no match to Arjun's anger or strength.  "You like to hit women do you." "Well why don't you try someone your own size!"  Arjun roared as he hit him repeatedly.  The man was no longer conscious but Arjun couldn't seem to stop.  It took 3 security guards and Arohi begging him to stop for him to finally pull away.  "Please, please stop." Arohi cried as Arjun pulled her into his arms.  His whole body shaking.  "Call the damn police!" he snapped to the guards who stared at a half dead Rajan laying on the ground.  The guards scrambled to do what they were told.  Arjun pulled away from Arohi and looked her up and down.  "Are you okay?' he asked letting his gaze drift over her body.  There was a gash on her arm and the side of her face where Rajan had hit her was swollen.  "He did this to you?" Arjun snapped, his eyes dark with anger as he looked at her face.  Not waiting for an answer he quickly turned towards Rajan.  He wanted to kill the bas***d!  He couldn't rest until the man that had hurt Arohi was dead.  Arohi saw his intentions clearly written on his face.  "Please Arjun, please don't. I need you." she sobbed.  Anguish clear on his face he pulled her into his arms.  "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." he replied, holding a sobbing Arohi tightly against him.  Guilt weighing heavily on his shoulders.  He didn't even want to think about what could have happened if he hadn't arrived when he had.  He was already to blame for what had happened.  If he had just listened to his gut that was telling him something felt wrong, he would have been here earlier.  And his Arohi wouldn't have had to go through this terrifying situation.   But he hadn't listened because of his damn pride.  Arohi ignoring him and showing him indifference as of late had him getting his back up.  If she didn't want to talk to him that was fine, he wasn't going to beg her he had thought to himself.  In the end that nagging feeling had gotten the best of him and he'd decided he would drop by and just make sure everything was okay and then leave unnoticed.  Never in his worst nightmares did he think he'd come and find this.

Hours later after Arohi and Arjun had spoken to the police and Arjun had taken Arohi to the hospital and had her checked over for any other injuries, did they finally arrive home.  His family was already asleep not knowing what had occurred.  He'd purposely hadn't told them yet because he knew how drained Arohi was.  She needed rest and not a 100 questions from his bickering parents.  Arohi leaned into Arjun as he carried her upstairs not stopping until he got to his own room.  Arohi didn't have the strength or desire to argue...not then and not even when he helped her change out of her clothes and into a set of warm pajamas.  Tucking her in, he got in beside her, and pulled her to him.  And a few moments later he felt her shaking against him as she sobbed and sobbed.  Arjun wrapped protective arms around her and held her.  A feeling of uselessness sat heavily on his heart.  He was Arjun Singhaina, he had made some of the biggest deals happen in the development business.  He was the man behind some of the most expensive and impressive architecture all over India.  He had people literally fear him, people that wanted to emulate him, people that wanted to be him.  He could have anything at the snap of a finger.  He desired it, he wanted was his.  No one said no to Arjun Singhania.  He was that powerful. That's why it was ironic that the thing he wanted most in the world, the thing that he would give his own life to make happen was to erase this night from Arohi's memory.  To go back in time and reverse everything that had occurred.  To reverse all the tears and pain and fear his Arohi had experienced.  But no amount of snapping fingers, orders, or making big deals, or even threats was going to make that happen.  No amount of coercion, ruthless tactics, would make this night disappear.  Nothing he could do could make Arohi's pain go away  make her forget that when he should have been there, when she needed him most he wasn't there to protect her.  For the rest of his life he would need to live with that horrible truth.  Eventually Arohi fell asleep, but all night he held her  tightly against him, not only for her but for himself.  He needed to reassure himself that she was alive and relatively unhurt and with her in his arms the tight grip of fear over his heart finally started to unclench.  Listening to her steady breathing, he did something he hadn't done in many many years.  He prayed.  Thank you god...just thank you."

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