The Next Day

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Strolling cautiously into the school grounds, my eyes darting around the area. I quickly scanned the area to see if that gang of students were anywhere to be seen. Luckily there was no signs of them in the slightest. Maybe they've been put in detention? Maybe not, it's not like there was any witnesses.

"Kiiiiirriiiissshhiiimmaaaa!!" a distant voice called.

I swiftly turn my head to see the ash blonde making his way towards me. A concerned look across his face.

"Are you all right," he continued, "did you see any of them on the way to school?"

"No, I didn't." I replied with the sigh of relief lingering in my breath.

We continued chattering about yesterday's encounter as we made our way to our first period, English. 


Our teacher, Mr. Yamada, bellowing out quotes as if his life was on the line, seemed like he was enjoying himself.

"Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it." 

Stamping around the room, bringing life into his teaching seemed to get half the class awake. It was a Tuesday morning, no one could've been ready for English, especially if it's with Mr. Yamada. The loudest teacher in the whole facility.

Luckily, I haven't seen the hooligans from yesterday, i'm pretty sure they weren't in this class anyway. But fortunately Bakugou was. And he vowed to keep me safe from them.

He is a strong person, and I admire his will.


The bell rung, telling us it was time to make our way to the next period.

Me and Bakugou wait until everyone evacuated the room before Mr. Yamada actually murdered them with another Lady Macbeth quote. I didn't mind English that much, it was enjoyable to read about Shakespeare's play writes.

When everyone left, we followed. Stepping out the door to only-- *Smack*

I fell to the floor, gazing up to see Bakugou grabbing another blonde boy by his uniform. Bakugou doesn't look happy at all, his face was flushed with anger for the boy who bumped into me. 

Shooting to my feet, I attempted my very best to pry Bakugou's grip from the terrified looking blonde. Attention was on us three, It didn't feel great at all.

"Bakugou!" I yelled, nothing, "Bakugou!" I yelled again, nothing again, "BAKUGOU!" I bellowed, he stopped.

"S-sorry Kiri... I just don't want you to get hurt again." Bakugou quavered whilst releasing his tight grip on the blonde's shirt.

"It's fine Bakugou, just next don't overreact." I replied, averting my attention towards the horrified blonde with a... black streak on his left side? I asked, "Are you alright?"

"Um, I don't know. I'm just a bit startled. I didn't mean to bump into you and knock you down. I'm sorry." He said, "I'm Kaminari, I take it you're Kirishima."

"Y-yes... How did you know? I asked, wondering.

"Everyone's talking about you and the incident that you had with a few others yesterday, and. Because I heard that guy call you Kiri, so i assumed it was you." Kaminari explained.

"Well, glad to meet you and I hope this whole drama about me and the other people dies down soon, I didn't come to a new school to be bullied on my second day." I rambled.

After that, me and Bakugou went to second period. Unfortunately he was in Mathematics and I was in Spanish. I was pretty good at Spanish, I mean I keep a conversation flowing. But that's when I saw one of them.

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