The Spanish Lesson

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***Disclaimer, classes 1-A and 1-B are mixed in this.***

He sat there, in the corner of the room, gazing at Ms. Kayama as she when through conjunctives with the class. The same guy who tackled me to the ground was in the same Spanish class as me. This is great, a lesson I'd normally be enjoying is now being ruined by the presence of the an imbecile. I've just gotta smile my way through class and find Bakugou after to tell him my misfortune.

"Okay class, I'm going to sort you into groups and we're doing a group activity to see if you can remember infinitives." Ms. Kayama spoke out.

A wave of anxiety crashed over me, thoughts running wild in my head. 'I hope I'm not with him' I thought to myself. Ms. Kayama spoke out names of those who were to be in a group.

"Koda, Ojiro, Mina and Aoyama, you four are group one" She listed, "Kirishima, Monoma, Jirou and Tokoyami, you four are group two" She continued.
I had no idea who any of these people were, I looked around to see if names matched faces. I think Jirou is the girl in leather I thought to myself, and Tokoyami must be the guy in full black. But Monoma didn't match any faces.

Ms. Kayama continued, "Shinsou, Midoryia, Uraraka and Asui, you are group three."
Cheers rung out from that group, they must be close friends, unlike me I know literally no one here.
"And finally, Tetsu Tetsu, Kendou, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki, you're our last group."
We was moving on to having our task explained when a voice called out,
"Ms. Kayama, I'm not in a group." 

And that's when I realised who said it, the idiot that tackled me, I honestly thought it was Monoma but I'm greatful that it isn't.

"Ah, right. Mineta... you... erhm.. will be with group two, Kirishima's group." She stuttered, as if she was embarrassed that she left out a student.

My face dropped. It dropped so hard that you could probably hear it hit the table. I was not prepared for this.
I turned around to look at him, just to have his eyes meet mine within a glare. I was intimidated to say the least.
We got into our groups, the five of us sat down around a four seated table, luckily Mineta was small so it wasn't a tight squeeze. We got given our task which was to translate these infinitives into English:

I instantly knew what they were:
To give;
To speak;
To eat;
To live;
To be;
To look.

The rest of the group was astonished at how fast I could translate them, I felt a bit overwhelmed. It was basic Spanish after all. But there was one who wasn't bothered about it, Mineta. He just sat there content that he doesn't have to do anything. What an idiot.

The bell rang and class ended for break. As I was making my way to the exit a voice called my name. I turned back to see Mineta stood behind me. I felt the atmosphere freeze. Was I really afraid of someone his size? Apparently so.  He spoke,
"Good job in class, I guess. And... don't tell anyone I said this but... I'm sorry for attacking you yesterday. I just hate to see public relationships, the reason is, I've never been out with a girl so I hate to see others together, even if it is a homosexual relationship."
I almost felt sorry for the guy, as I was about to respond but then he barged past me.
I had to find Bakugou, quick!

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