Horrors in my head

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*****I'm feeling mega depressed atm so this chapter is a way to vent out my emotions

~{TW}~there is mentions of suicide and self harm*****

**Bakugou's POV**

There I was, standing in front of the mirror that hung on the wall, restrained by 4 bolts in each off it corners. The mirror wasn't going anywhere, it was held up, waiting to be smashed by the anger, frustration and despair of another. That's exactly how I feel; alone, worthless, like nobody gives a care in the world. But deep down inside I know that people do I just couldn't convince myself.

The door next to me swung open revealing a shadowy figure. I stumbled back a bit from the shock of the door. The figure stepped forward to show me my loving boyfriend. But his face was darkened. I couldn't see any sign of happiness flowing through his cheeks or lips. He looked, hurt...

"B-Bakugou... You- You're a monster! Do you realize that no one likes you?" He spoke, and with that my heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Ei... You don't m-mean that do you? We love each other very much and wouldn't hide anything from each other! How could you say that?" I questioned, demanding an answer.

He chuckled. Cocking his head to the side and let out a toothy grin, but not one that would fill my heart with joy and warmth. No, this one was filling me with dread and fear.

"How could I love someone as worthless as you? You're arrogant and boorish not to mention cantankerous! How could ANYBODY love someone like you? You're better off dead."

Eijiro's face was then covered with cuts and scars of the same words that covered my body. His eyes turned back and his jaw dropped agape and a black ooze began to rush out. 

The room turned dark and I could no longer see Eijiro, I could only see myself. I try calling out for him but I got no response. Tears began to fall from my eyes. I felt helpless, hopeless and insecure about everything that I could. I can't become who I want to be with the man of my dreams because he doesn't love me the way I love him. Nor does he think that I could be loved by anyone, how could he say all that nasty shit.

But honestly he's right, I'm just an arrogant boisterous piece of garbage that people only hang out with to prevent him from killing himself. God I HATE  how people pity me! Just be honest and I can change but I can't if you make me believe that who I am is alright.

**Kirishima's POV**

Katsuki has none stop been stirring in his sleep even when I came over to comfort him he hasn't stopped. It's very unusual, he normally calms down after a few minutes of cuddling. The nightmare he's having must be really bad.

Looking down at him I notice one of his arms is bandaged up. 'Strange' I thought he didn't go to sleep with them on so how did they get there.

After a few minutes I decided to remove some of the bandage, mostly out of curiosity but also out of worry and that's when it hit me. Fresh marks were on his arm, not old ones from the kidnapping. These ones were redder and looked like blow was just flowing out of them. He's been cutting I realize. Tears threatening to flood my eyes I push them back and began to bandage up his arm again. 'I have to confront him about this' But not now. I have to be there for him. He's obviously feeling very low.

**Bakugou's POV**

Standing in front of me are the bastards that's corrupted me, smirking and glaring at me. But in the middle of their group was a chair with straps on it. The same chair that I was bound to.

"Come back to us Katsuki Bakugou, we know you enjoyed it, you know you enjoyed it." The chapped one said.

I step back, horror filling my face as I begin to see Eijiro in the chair. The straps looked very tight on his arms and legs and torso. His face was covered in his tears and blood. He was crying out for help but couldn't make a noise as there was a gag in his mouth. Scars littering his body, he's in the same predicament as I was but I know this is a nightmare and that I have to wake up.

I turned around and pinched my arms and scrapped my neck trying to inflict pain to wake up so I didn't have to see this sight. Nothing worked, when I looked back Eijiro didn't have the gag in his mouth and he was whimpering, pleading to be let go and that's when the blonde psycho dragged a knife across his chest, enough to make him bleed a lot but not enough to kill him. His screams began to tear me down and the bloody sight of my boyfriend was nearly enough to make me collapse.

"It's time to wake up now Katsuki but please come back, you'll love it." A voice said from behind. As I turned around a fist collided with my face.


I awoke to Eijiro holding me looking so sad and upset. My face was wet, probably from sweat and crying. He asked if I was okay and I just nodded whilst beginning to cry. Then we sat there for the rest of the night, holding each other whilst I silently sobbed. Clutching onto the man of my dreams, and now my nightmares, I didn't want to let go.

**BTW I HAVEN'T THOUGHT OF SELF HARMING OR SUICIDE (in case you was wondering)**

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