Should I..? Should I not..?

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*Kirishima's POV*

It's been a week now since that night and I still haven't confronted Katsuki about his nightmare and the discovery of the slices on his arms, I just couldn't think of a way to bring this up. I can't be like: "Hey Katsuki, let's talk about the scars on your arms and the terrible nightmare you had the other week." or "Yo Katsuki can you show me your arms, no reason."

It can't be casual but it also can't be like I've uncovered something that could trigger something massive in him. Katsuki hasn't seemed as distant as he was that night, hopefully he's getting better the more he's with me. Thinking of that really takes some stress off my back. 

I know my Katsuki is strong and I know that we can fight this together but he needs to let me in. After all we are dating and he refuses to let anyone come close to him.

We was walking back to our dorm as we just finished our last class of the day.

"H-Hey Katsuki... I-I wanna talk to you about something..." I stuttered

"Go ahead on spit it out." He replied not seeming to care.

"N-Never-mind, it can wait."

"Are you sure? It seems to be bothering you."

I didn't reply and we just carried on walking through campus, hand in hand, whilst the sun beamed down at us. It was a lovely day, the temperature was not to cold and not to hot and the trees flowed effortlessly through the wind. You could hear the rapid laughter of other students around us and the footsteps of those eager to get back to their dorms.


As we stood outside our dorms I tugged on Bakugou's arm.

"What is it Eijiro? You've been a bit off lately." He questioned, his face forming a frown with each word that came out of his mouth.

"I just want to enjoy the view, will you come with me?" I asked as a blush crept onto my face.

"Of course babe."

*Bakugou's POV*

Kirishima's been off lately, I've started to worry about him. He somewhat seems distant, like he's trying to hide something or confess something, but what?

I couldn't not go with him, I'd feel awful for leaving him on his own and I need to bring up what happened the other week. The nightmare that truly terrified me. I would bring up the self-harm but I don't think his pure heart could handle that.


Eijiro led me to a clearing beyond the trees on the campus and he just stood in the midst of everything. I joined him, taking in each breath of air as if it was my last. In, out. In, out. Each exhale making me calmer, like nothing could bring me down as long as the love of my life is here with me.

Dropping to the ground I laid back and rested my head on my arms. Nothing could beat this, I'm glad Kirishima brought me here. When I looked up at my beautiful boyfriend I couldn't see a reciprocated emotion that I was feeling, he looked worried and cautious.

"Eijiro... are you sure you're okay? I mean you did bring me to this shitty place and you don't seem to be enjoying it."

"I-I... We need to go, now!" He exclaimed.

He grabbed my arm and practically pulled me back to the dorms. And I couldn't stop thinking what was that about? He seemed like he was about to start panicking. I'll have to ask him about that later.

**Meh I know I haven't uploaded in a looooooooooooong time but I honestly couldn't be bothered, I got involved with a performing arts business thing and started dancing *they're fucking amazing btw* and we've had shows left right and centre. This book maybe over soon, it may not, it depends...**

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