Back at School

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**Kirishima's POV**

Ever since we returned back at school Katsuki hasn't been the same. Whether it was because everyone was bombarding him with questions and curiosities or because he wasn't over the experience. But I don't blame him, it must've been traumatizing to go through, the thought of never seeing daylight, friends, family or those who didn't mean much to you. Not to mention the constant questions must be annoying, as well as reminding him of the situation he was helpless in.

Looking over to him as we made our way through the hallways, his head hung low. Lower than he ever has it. Hands stuffed in his pockets and his back hunched over. Something felt off, he hasn't spoken to me in the 5 minutes that we've been walking. And I don't want to pester him but I can't help but worry.

"K-Katsuki, are you o-okay?" I asked, raising my guard in case he lashes out at me. Not that he would be he seems more unpredictable than usual.

"No.." He mutters under his breath, "No Eijiro, I'm not alright."

"Want to talk about it?"

He just shook his head. And silence began to dance around the hallways once more.

**Bakugou's POV**

I can't tell him, I can't tell anyone. No one can find out how hard this is, to go through everyday with the same questions being asked, "Who was the culprit? Were you scared? Was is painful? Were they scary?" Blah blah blah. But that one question "Were you close to dying?" gets me every time. I was close to being murdered. I was close to never seeing the light of day, never seeing my family and never seeing Eijiro. I can't live without him and I know he can't live without me.

But... no matter where I am, I still see his eyes. The devilish grin plastered across his chapped ass face and the touch of his hands, the burn of the knives, the high pitched squeal from that psycho girl. It haunts me day in and day out. Nightmares and hallucinations, I'm only able to rest decently thanks to Eijiro comforting me in bed.

I've been to Aizawa about this but he just says it'll pass. But I know that it won't. Never have I ever been in so much fear, pain etc... But what people don't know is how emotionally effected I am about the scares covering my body. Is that really what people see me as? A monster, unlovable... Is Eijiro just dating me out of pity? I've had so many thoughts, good yet mostly bad. Sometimes I wonder if anyone would've missed me if I did die. Like they find my body and then forget about me a week later.

Honestly, my body sort of misses the pain of a blade piercing my skin, and the sensation of blood trickling down my body. I want to feel that rush of adrenaline flow through my body. But with Eijiro watching me all the time I can't... It's for the best, what would people think if they find out wanting to cut? I'd be seen as even more of a weakling as I am now. An attention seeker, a monster.... Unlovable... Eijiro would leave me. I'd be alone. I'd be forgotten...

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