Bakugou... (The actual chapter)

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**Hope you didn't cry over the last chapter, it was a joke chapter dun worry.**

**Bakugou's POV**

I awoke, to a vast, dark room with a single light bulb on string dangling over me. I was bound to a hard wooden chair with a gag in my mouth. I tried struggling out of my bonds but to no avail, I couldn't get out.  I couldn't recall much from how I got here.


"What the fuck do you want? A chapstick?" I growled. Only to have him wrong at me with his crusty hands stretched out again. His face holding a manically smile and his eyes wide. "I want you, Katsuki Bakugou!" At the mention of my name I froze."

*Snap back to reality*

I couldn't remember much after that apart from the fact that there were no witnesses. Or so I think not. 

A sound of footsteps on a metal floor came my way and I began to panic. The door I was positioned in front of swung open and hit the cracked wall behind. There stood the man with blue hair and the maniacal face, a huge wicked smile plastered across the face. He looked like a rip off of Jeff the Killer if you ask me. "Well well well, look what we have here. A boy, tied to a chair. It's mean what those other people did to you, especially the girl. Ooh the girl, just wanted to cut you up into little pieces." He said, cackling at the end.

I tried to tell him to fuck off and untie me but it just came out as muffles.

"Aw is The Katsuki Bakugou unable to speak? What a shame, I'd love to hear your screams of pain and terror. In fact.." And with that he took the gag out of my mouth, "There is that better?"

"Fuck you! Fuck off! Let me the fuck go you fucking chapped ass old man!"

"Feisty aren't you, however you're in no position to tell me what to do. I mean I'm the one that isn't stuck to a chair, and I wouldn't get to angry, you could just get an even worse punishment." He then proceeded to smile like a mad man. "Now let's get started shall we?"

He pulled out a rusty knife from his back pocket and pointed in my direction, I could see the sharpness of the blade and it made a shiver crawl up my spine. And with a swift jerk the blade was in my shoulder. I let out a massive yell as blood oozed from my wound down my arm. Tears threatened to escape my eyes.

"Aww is someone going to cry? It's okay no one knows you're here so you won't have to fear them seeing you in such a terrible state."

Time passed by and I was nothing more than a bloody mess.

"Right, I'm bored, I know you had fun so I'll send someone else in here to continue your fun but for now have your gag back, it misses you." He told me whilst picking up the blood covered gag and shoving it to the back of my throat.

And with that he left.

**Kirishima's POV**

I made a plan to rescue Bakugou, using overheard information that was leaked to Mr. Aizawa from the other police officers. Apparently he's at some abandoned house on the outskirts of the town that's located behind a gas station.

It was 11:34 PM and the teachers and the rest of class 1-A excluding me, Mina, Sero, Kaminari and Jirou. Luckily I managed to convince them to assist me on the rescue mission. It was hard to convince Jirou and Sero because they really didn't wanna get into serious trouble or seriously hurt. I don't blame them I wouldn't but this is Bakugou, my Bakugou. And I can't stand around whilst he's probably in a ditch dead or something. There's never another one of him.

**Time skip brought to you by Hotel Trivago**

We managed to get off the campus without being caught, Jirou is amazing at hearing, I'm glad she came along. We were hiding out at the gas station that the house is located behind. Trying to psych ourselves up for a dangerous task Kaminari was quivering in his boots.

"K-Kirishima what if we-" I cut him off "There is not if's! We are getting him back and we are coming out unhurt, so don't you worry!" I reassured him. He seemed to gain confidence from that. We called a group huddle to discuss the plan.

"Jirou, considering you're good at hearing you can be look out, Mina you climb through the  back window with me, it should be either smashed or unlocked, and Kaminari you go with Sero to side and climb through one of those windows. Bakugou should be in the basement because the layout of the house is similar to my house. If he isn't in the basement we either have the wrong house or he's in to attic."

Agreements from the rest we put our plan into action. Bakugou, we're coming so hold tight!

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