The Torture

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**Kirishima's POV**

Red lights were flashing when we found Bakugou; covered in many gashes and words cut into his body saying things like: Worthless, Idiotic, Unlovable. It was painful for us when we found him, unconscious, tied to a chair. The restraints looked very powerful and could probably hold a body builder down. The gang that we came across before finding him put up a tough fight, the blue haired man that was on the news, a school girl or what looked to be one, and a guy covered in burns. They must've been through a lot because they were all completely insane.

We rushed him to the hospital in an ambulance, and he was still out cold. However they put him under some sleeping gas so he wouldn't wake up and freak. We were told to wait in the waiting room until further notice. 


A doctor came out, "Is Kirishima Eijiro here?" He asked whilst looking at his clipboard. At the call of my name I shot up out of my seat and ran towards him, "Is he going to be alright? Can I see him?" I spat out the questions rapid fire. "He's going to be alright but because of the damages to his body he lost a lot of blood and will need a blood transplant, his blood type is O and I am obliged to ask if you would like to give some of your blood if you are a matching type."

"I am type O! Now can I see him?"

"Very well."

**Bakugou's POV & Flashback**

Muffled screams, blood oozing, tears staining my cheeks. A crazy blonde girl dressed up in a high school uniform was terrorizing me with knives, blunt objects and more. Carving horrific words into my body such as: Monster, Unlovable etc... I've given up all hope, I don't know how long I've been here, not long to be honest maybe like a day but I could feel all touch slipping beneath my fingers. My eye sight slowly deteriorating as I start to lose consciousness. 

"Is little BakuBaby having nap time?" The blonde questioned, a menacing grin spread across her blushing cheeks.

I couldn't reply, nothing I said was even audible. I don't think I was even trying to say actual words.

There was a massive and painful banging in my head. Then I saw another person standing there. In the entrance of the door, he was covered in burns and had piercing's all over his face, some looking to be keeping his jaw intact with the rest of his head.

"Toga, we have company so come with me and lock this door. Bring all the knives you have." He spoke, sounding very calm about a situation that doesn't seem to be in their favor. But he said there's more people and at that I began to hope again. Maybe it was the police, or maybe it was Kirishima.

I tried to scream, I tried to squirm, I tried pulling at my binds, still nothing worked. The ropes didn't budge and the gag was tight. Muffles and slight noises is all I could muster. Blackness started to grow more apparent whilst the light began to fade. Eyelids growing heavier but in the doorway there were a few people, Kirishima being amongst them but Mr. Aizawa as well. Then I sub came to darkness

**Kirishima's POV still Flashback**

There he was, the man with blue hair and a chapped face, standing right in front of me. But he wasn't alone he had a blonde girl with two messy buns and a school uniform and a man covered in burns and piercings. They were very intimidating but before anything went down there was a knock at the door.

"POLICE OPEN UP!" And with that the door got kicked down revealing Mr. Aizawa, Present Mic and more police officers.

We knew we'd be in big trouble but that was the last thing in the agenda at the minute, right now, save Bakugou and make it out safe and alive. 

In a flash the blonde girl drove a knife at me, merely missing my face. I grabbed her arm and dragged her to the ground, keeping her in place so she couldn't move. I heard yelling, looking up I see the other two members fleeing out the window yelling "Good luck, Toga!" The police force chased them, all except Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic.

"You should've stayed at the dorms! You could've gotten yourselves killed!" He scolded us for. 

His yelling made me flinch, and my grip on the girl weakened enough for her to get from underneath. She panicked and tried to flee, Present Mic jumping in the way of her only to get a knife driven right through his chest. And with that Toga was gone.

Present Mic fell to his knees, his face turning pale. A scream came from Mr. Aizawa who rushed to his aid, cradling Present Mic in his arms. Tears falling from Aizawa's eyes and tears flushing down Present's face. 

"YOU'RE GONNA MAKE IT HIZASHI! DON'T DO THIS TO ME, I LOVE YOU!" Mr. Aizawa pleaded, wiping Hizashi's eyes and putting pressure on his wound trying to make the bleeding stop.

Present Mic's eyes were fading as his face lost more and more color. He started to whimper, not wanting to die. "I-I love you t-too, Shota..." His body fell limp and all that could be heard was Mr. Aizawa's pleads and cries for him to stay. He truly was devastated.

"I-I'm sorry Mr. Aizawa.." I said, he then beckoned for me to come closer.

"Kirishima, I-I... This isn't you're fault. Don't blame yourself, but the next time I see that crazy looking fucking bitch. She's. Fucking. Dead!" He said, "But now, let's find Bakugou and pray he's still alive." He then said, trying to find the urge to get off his knees and find Bakugou.

I looked down, seeing Present Mic's body. His lifeless body laid before me. I couldn't help but cry, I couldn't help but feel the guilt. If I just kept my grip on that bitch Present Mic would still be with us and she'd be put away.


I finally found the courage to leave Present Mic's body and made my way down to the basement, hoping to find Bakugou. In front of me was a metal door and a lock on it.

"GUYS! COME DOWN HERE I THINK HE'S IN HERE!" I bellowed, trying to open the door with all my might.

Mr. Aizawa came down and saw the door, he then pulled out something from his pocket that looked very dangerous. "This is a metal cutter, it cuts metal using intense and focused heat."

He put the device to the lock and in no time the door swung open and there he was. The man of my dreams, bound to a chair, beaten up, covered in cuts and scars. Tears stained his cheeks and blood stained his clothes and body. He was awake, but slowly slipping out of it. I ran to him screaming his name, he didn't respond. Panicking I pulled at his binds, finally freeing him. But he still wasn't responding. I didn't know if he was dead or just unconscious but I wasn't risking it.

We carried his body and Present Mic's to an ambulance that came with the police. And we were taken away to the hospital. I placed my hand on his whilst silently crying. "Please be alright, Katsuki. I can't live without you."

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