Part I

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No matter how hard Hiccup tried he couldn't bring himself to ask Astrid out to Prom. In Junior Year of High school he couldn't bring himself to ask her so instead he asked Heather. Now it was Senior year at Berk High. "I'm going to ask her this year Fishlegs, I have too" Hiccup said talking to his best friend. "Hiccup she is dating the most popular guy in school" Fishlegs replied. Hiccup thought for a moment. He was right she was dating the most popular guy in school and that was Snotlout. No matter how hard Hiccup tries he couldn't match Snotlout. "Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup!  You ok man you kinda blanked out there" Fishlegs asked. "Oh yea I'm fine" Hiccup said in Response. Lunch had ended and Hiccup just couldn't shake off what Fishlegs said to him about Astrid and Snotlout. It was 7th period and Hiccup was walking to History class when he heard crying. "Hello, are you ok in there?" Asked Hiccup. A girls voice came out of the closet she was in. Hiccup knew right then and there who it was. "Astrid are you ok" He asked. "Hiccup I'm fine " She said. After the bell had already rung for class and he was late he knew it would be worth it for the love of his life.


Stay tuned to find out what happens in the next story!~

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