Chapter 21

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Emily's POV

I bit my lip and tapped my heel against the floor anxiously. I had already changed into the skinny jeans and oversized black shirt that Jojo had put out for me, and I was waiting to get my hair and makeup done.

“Are you all right?” asked Michael, sitting down next to me.

“Uh... yeah?” I said, trying to convince myself. “No, I'm freaking out! I can't do this!” I covered my face with my hands.

“It'll be fine,” he said in an attempt to reassure me. “Just play like you have been in rehearsals and you'll be brilliant!” I looked up at him through my fingers. “Trust me,” he said, looking into my eyes. He gently rested his hands on mine, and pulled them away from my face. He held my gaze for a long time, still wrapping his hands around mine. It didn't feel awkward; it just made me forget the rest of the world, forget all of my worry about the concert, forget the crazy rush around us. For a moment I thought he was leaning in closer, his lips parting gently and his eyelids dropping, but then he pulled away, letting go of my hands and looking over in the opposite direction. I watched him curiously for a few moments, turned away almost as though he had forgotten I was there. He had snapped away so fast, and I was confused. Had he really been about to kiss me? I didn't believe that, but his actions made me think that he might have been. If he had, what made him change his mind? Did he not want to kiss me after all? So many thoughts were running through my head that I could barely breathe. We sat like that, silently ignoring each other, before I was called over to have my hair done. His eyes dropped to the ground as I walked past. I was determined to ask somebody about it later – someone who knew him well, perhaps Jojo, or Luke? I chewed my lip thoughtfully and looked at my reflection in the mirror whilst a hair stylist brushed and straightened my blue hair.

“Don't do that,” warned Jojo, walking past with an armful of makeup. “I'm about to do your lipstick.” I rolled my eyes, but stopped biting my lip whilst another stylist did my makeup. I had thought that we weren't going to be styled a lot seeing as we would be mostly in the background, but I had never realised how important all the tiny details were that went into making a show like this.

“Are you okay?” asked Jojo, coming over to check that I was ready. “You don't look very awake.”

“I'm fine,” I said, shaking my head to try and clear all thoughts except for what I needed to do for the show.

“Good. If you need anything else just let me know, if not, I'd better go and see to the boys.” She smiled and rushed off to the chairs where hair and makeup were being done, and I went to sit with Calum and Luke on the sofas.

“All ready to play?” asked Calum.

“Yeah, I think so,” I smiled. “I mean, it's always gone fine in rehearsals, so I'll try not to worry too much. I'm sure after I've done it a few times, I'll be fine.”

“That's a good attitude,” said Luke. “Do you want any food?” He gestured to the sweets and other foods that had been laid out for us on the table.

“I'd better not, Jojo's just had my makeup done and she seems pretty busy, I don't want to give her anything else to worry about.”

“So considerate,” teased Calum. “Your makeup looks great by the way.” I pulled a face. He might have meant it as a compliment, but it didn't sound that great.

“What he means,” said Luke, cutting in. “Is that you look amazing, like you always do.”

“Thanks,” I laughed, looking down at my shoes awkwardly. “You look great too. Like you always do.”

“You two are so cute, I think I'm going to be sick,” said Calum, holding his stomach and miming vomiting.

“Shut up,” mumbled Luke, hitting him playfully. “You know it's not like that.”

“I'm not sure that I do...” Calum teased, looking at Luke knowingly. I smiled awkwardly, but we were soon called to get ready. I bounced up and down with nerves and excitement, waiting with Michael, Luke and Calum. We were just waiting for the stage to be set up, and then we would be on.

“Come over here, please,” called a man wearing black.

“Where are Maddy and Ashton?” I asked, worried.

“They're already over there,” yelled the man as we followed him through dark corridors.

“Woah...” said Calum as we walked round a corner into a small space near the stairs to the stage.

“My eyes!” complained Michael. Maddy and Ashton were kissing passionately, arms wrapped round each other's necks. We watched them awkwardly for a bit, pressed so close to each other that you could hardly tell who was who, until Michael cleared his throat and tapped Ashton on the shoulder.

“Mate,” he interrupted. “I'm really pleased for you and everything, but you need to focus on the show, not on Maddy.” Ashton slowly pulled his lips away from Maddy. He seemed out of breath, and had lipstick smeared on his mouth and chin.

“Jojo will murder you,” I said softly. “You messed up both of your makeups.”

“Are we ever going to get a moment alone?” sighed Ash, shaking his head.

“Guys, I just came to say good lu-” Jojo rushed in, then stopped suddenly. “ASHTON IRWIN, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!”

“Okay, you're on!” The man in black gestured towards the stairs.

“No, they can't go out like that!” she said, but we were shoved forwards, lipstick stains and all, onto the stage, lights shining bright into our eyes.


Sorry, it has been ages since I last updated! School started this week and I'm very busy, so unfortunately I'm only going to be able to update about once a week from now on :( I just want to try and keep it interesting, so each chapter takes a while. I love you all so much for reading this, please vote and comment! Thank you xx

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