Chapter 24

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Michael's POV

I rolled my eyes at the childishness of Calum and Luke as I walked much more maturely into McDonald's, especially as Luke had run off with Emily. I could tell from the end of the argument that he was determined to double his efforts with her, and it would have been kind of pathetic to watch him trying to make her laugh and pointing out things that he thought were interesting if she wasn't joining in, giggling and looking up at him as if he was the most fascinating person ever. I clenched my fist angrily as I watched him pull her close into the sofa next to him, and forced myself into the small gap on Emily's other side. The other seats around us soon filled up with the rest of the bands, and I shrugged apologetically when Luke glared at me.

“Sorry, no other seats,” I said innocently. We got Chris to write down what everyone wanted so he could remember it, and we sat and talked whilst waiting for our food.

“So, do you think you guys will have time to come and watch our show tonight?” asked Flavia hopefully.

“Definitely,” I promised. “Feeling confident? How did it go last night?”

“It was absolutely amazing! We've never performed to a crowd that big before, and lots of them seemed to like us! I can't believe we're going to be doing that again tomorrow, and all of next week, and again and again... I don't think I'll ever get used to it!” she laughed.

“I know, right?” said Emily. “I mean, we were only in the background but it felt so strange... I've been to concerts before, but in the audience obviously, and it's such a different experience, I couldn't believe it! I'm so excited for tomorrow night!” As I watched her talking excitedly, I caught sight of Luke on her other side, smiling at her stupidly and resting his face on his hand in the most cliché in-love pose ever. I snorted quietly, inwardly laughing at him, until I realised I was doing exactly the same thing. This was getting ridiculous.

Just then, Chris arrived with the food. He unstacked the piles of burgers from the tray and placed them on the table, and everyone searched and grabbed their own.

“I have never seen so many calories in one place,” remarked Ashton as he surveyed the chips and burgers spread over the tables.

“Nah, don't worry about the calories...” said Emily. “We need the energy.”

“That's a good excuse,” said Flavia, biting into her burger.

“I can't find my chips,” said Calum, pouting. “Can anyone see any spares?” Everyone hunted around the table, and Maddy produced them from behind her drink. She handed them over, and Calum seized them gratefully, before bringing his elbow down hard onto a sachet of ketchup, which spurted all over Flavia's top. Most of us burst out laughing, but Calum looked horrified.

“Sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry!” he apologised, grabbing a handful of napkins. He began to dab at the ketchup with a napkin, and I could see him blushing at the contact.

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