Chapter 5

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Once Touya was finished with setting the table and you plus Rei finished making the food you all sat down at the table together. You was sat next to Touya and opposite a boy with white hair. He was fighting with a girl with white hair and tiny parts of red in her hair. "You two stop fighting." Touya said to the both of them. they both turned there heads to him and smirked.

"Big brother Touya is only acting tough because he got his girlfriend with him." The boy said, The girl next to him only laughed at what he said.

"Natsuo! How many times? it's not like that." Touya told the boy which you now know as Natsuo. You smiled at Natsuo's comment.

people can only dream Natsuo!

You looked at Touya who was looking at his mam.

Touya's POV

as soon as Natsuo said that from the corner of my eye I saw my mother giving me a look as if to say 'when were you going to tell me?' I just looked at her and gave a look of my own.'it's not like that.'But she just smiled at me. "Big bro got a girlfriend!?" All you could hear was Shoto saying that. I sighed and looked at him. He nodded and continued to eat. He know that just by one that I give him.

I moved my eyes to Y/N and saw that she thought Shoto was cute, I couldn't blame her everyone does. Just then I could see my father looking at me, and he looked like he wasn't amused. But then the strangest thing happened.

My father turned his eyes to Y/N."So Y/N what is your quirk?" He asked her, my eyes widened as he said that.That bastard, he's going to....I turned my head to my mother and saw she knew what was going on. Of cause she did. "O-oh I have a quirk that lets me control light and I can make black flames." Y/N told him. I could see a smirk creep onto his face.

 Again my eyes widened. he better not...."Ah I see....Wiat I know two people with those quirks!" My father said.I moved my eyes to Y/N and so did my mother, Natsuo and Fuyumi is young but they still know what's going on. Shoto still doesn't know and in a way that's a good thing. But anyway we looked at her and I saw that she was smiling while nodded her head at him."Yeah they are my parents. M/N also know as Midlight and F/N which is also known as Darkflame." Y/N answered him with a smile on her face.

Then he smiled. Right now my mother is looking at him with the death stare. "Well wouldn't that be an amazing quir...." I can't take it anymore. I slammed my hands on the table and went up stairs to my room. As soon as I got to my room I was stood and looking down at the floor.That bastard wanted....I was snapped out of my thoughts by hands wrapping themselves around my waist. My eyes widened with shock as the person hugged me. "Touya are you ok?" I heard Y/N say to me. I hung my head down so even if she did walk in front of me she wouldn't see my eyes.

Nobody's POV

Touya slammed his hands down on the table making a loud noise. Everyone looked at him while he just kept his head down. He then walked up stairs most likely gone to his room. You looked at his siblings and saw two of them Natsuo and Fuyumi looking down. You that Shoto was worried about his older brother. You turned to Rei and saw that she was looking at her husband with the death stare.

you then stood up.

"If you don't mind I'll go and check on him." You told Rei and everyone else. They all looked at you. Rei had a smile on her face and she nodded at you, you nodded back and went to Touya. You went to his and saw him standing there looking down at the floor. Oh Touya! Seeing you like this makes my heart hurt.You crept into his room and locking the door behind you. You then wrapped your hands around him. He was surprised by the sudden contact from you. "Touya are you ok?" You asked him. But he didn't answer you. Instead he moved his head. You sighed to yourself.

Idiot! now I know your not.

Touya's POV

Y/N removed her arms from around me and then quickly moved her leg and tripped me up. I got up but now I was kneeling on the floor. She crouched down and hugged me for real. My face went red because now my head was now on her chest. "Touya! I locked the door behind me. So if you want you want to cry do it. I won't tell anyone." I heard Y/N say to me.

it was true....Burt I only wanted to cry because of frustration.

My eyes widened as she said those words, She was worried about me. "Y/N!" I called out to her. she nodded her head at me and I continued to speak. "My father only asked you that because he wanted to make a quirk marriage between us. But I think we should marry the ones we fall in love with." I told her. I didn't look at her but I didn't need to since I know she was smiling.

Even though I haven't known you for that long....Y/N I-I still fell in love with you and I want you to be happy. Even is it isn't with me.

"Touya, I feel the same way as you do. Everyone has the right to fall in love on there own terms, no one has the right to take that freedom away from any of us. No one should be forced. And you know what Touya?" She said. I only answered with a Mm and she continued to speak. "speaking about love....I love your family and of cause you. But I am serious I know you want to cry because of frustration so do it. I won't tell anyone." Y/N said again.

Her words the last part she said. 'I love your family and you' those words echoed through my mind. And for some reason I did start to cry. As soon as I did she started to stroke my hair. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.

Once that was done. Y/N had to go home I walked her to the door. By now my face was back to normal. My mam and Shoto came up to the door and smiled at her.

"Bye. Thanks for having me." Y/N said and then bowed to us.

I smiled at her "No problem." My mother said to her. She stopped bowing and lifted up her head.

"Rei take care of your self." Y/N said to my mother who only smiled at her words as well as nodding her head.

"Don't be a stranger. Come over again I wanted to see big bro face go red again. That was funny this morning." Shoto said to her.

That brat.

"Haha. Ok Shoto I'll come over again. Be good ok Shoto." Y/N said to him. He smiled and hugged her. Then walked back to my mother's side.

"I think he likes you." I told her. Shoto nodded his head while smiling at the comment I just made."Aww. I like you too Shoto"

"Thanks Y/N" I said to her."HUH!""For the books.

She made a O with her mouth and then nodded her head at me.

"Oh that no prob." She told me.

"And for earlier. Thank you." I told her.

Nobody's POV

Thank you." You heard the end of what Touya said to you. You smiled at him and then he pulled you into a hug. This feeling....Is this what his quirk feels like?

"Right bye guys." You said and then left.

Idiot! I would like to marry to you one day.


thanks for reading guys. this is kind of like a special but it is a chapter as well but


hope you enjoyed this chapter.

bye for now

to be continued!

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