Chapter 10

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Once you woke up saw the sunshine. It was really bright. You had to be known by Midflame for today. You smiled and got dressed in your hero costume since you could take home ready for today.

You run out to met your parents to start your day of your patrol. When you finally cought up to them they were smiling at you. "Morning sweetie. Ready?" Your said. You nodded your head and smiled.

All of a sudden you had a text from Touya. You raised an eyebrow as you walked with them. Being very careful of your surroundings. You opened the message and read it.

Jesus Christ he does not shut up. Help me.... I need therapy after this.

Haha. You picked him deal with it.

😭 Your so mean. But seriously he won't shut up about being the top hero. I wish he would shut up about it.

Well you will have to put up with it until tomorrow. I'll come and knock for you then.

Thank you.

You rolled your eyes. And then walked with your parents. You walked through the streets and saw a kid being a hostage with the villain. Your eyes widened as you ran to the building. You told your mam and dad that since they have permission to use their quirks in the street they can fight the villain and you get the kid.

Thankfully they agreed with your plan and you ran in the building. You ran up to the floor of the hostage and looked at the kid. It wasn't just one. There was two of them and one was really hurt. It looks like she was standing up for her self. Since the villain was distracted you called the other two over.

Once they had ran over to you, you let your mother and father capture the villain and you brought the two children with you back to there mother. Huh they have the same mother and father, maybe siblings....Haha of cause that what it is duh! I'm stupid. As soon as the kids ran up to there parents you smiled at them.

They were happy which made you happy. But you couldn't help but think about Touya. Is he ok? That one question was going through your head over and over again.

You were starting to get worried but then decided to ignore it. After all it is Touya he will be fine. He's strong and he can take care of himself. You smiled and saw the whole family running up to you and thanking you.

"Thank you so much how can ever repay you?" The parents said to you.

You just smiled at them "no need to thank me I was just doing my duty as a hero." You said to them. They smiled at you and then looked at there children. They hugged them and then looked at you.

"Thank you so much we are in your debt." They said to you and then walked away.

You felt really happy that you helped someone out. The only thing was something was right. But you didn't know what it was and that has never been good. "Well done Y/N your plan worked. You will be an amazing hero someday." You heard your father say to you.

You smiled at him, "thank you father." You said to him.

"That new hero Midflame is awesome. She's really good." You heard some comments that the bystanders was saying.

You were already known as Midflame. And you liked that name. I didn't mention it before but Touya came up with that name for you. He it would be cool if you carried on your families legacy. So he came up with Midflame. And it was pretty catchy. You didn't know this but Touya made a promise to him self to keep you safe.

(Forgot if I mentioned it but still you don't know now!)

You carried on walking through the streets and you kept on thinking about how Touya was with his father. He said that he will need therapy after today. Touya I hope you were joking. Your making me worried about you now. You frowned but then thought that he will be fine. After all he is Touya Todoroki. He will be fine....You hope.

Sorry it was so short. But I had nothing seriously I had nothing. Sorry about that!


Bye for now

To be Continued!

Touya Todoroki (Dabi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now