Chapter 29

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First I am sorry, but I love this picture. It's cute😍~

Second, before I let you look at it I am Bakugou in this!

Second, before I let you look at it I am Bakugou in this!

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Seriously I am Bakugou. That would be me! 100% mmmmmeeeeeee!!!!!

Now the story~!

Shoto and Dabi arrived at the house, Dabi unlocked the door and you just put the food down on the table. You looked at the both of them and smiled. "Hi Shoto. Come you two food is done and eat as much as you want!" You told them.

"Thanks, Y/N." Shoto said to you.

You looked at him and then nodded your head. All of you sat down and then started to eat food. "Y/N, I told Shoto that he could come here whenever he wants." Dabi said to you. You looked at him and then looked at Shoto.

Shoto looked at you permission was filling in his eyes. "Of cause you can Shoto. Your welcome anytime." You told him.

Shoto looked at you and then smiled at you, "thank you so much Y/N and Touya." Shoto said to the both of you.

Dabi nodded his head while eating as much food as he could. Your eyes widened and concern was filling in them as you saw Dabi shoving the food in his mouth. You couldn't stand it anymore and stopped him. "Hey!" He said to you.

"Your going to choke calm down. The food ain't going anywhere." You told him.

"But hungry. Now give me back my food." He told you.

"Will you calm down?"

"Jeez woman let me eat!"

That's when you heard a laugh. You turned to Shoto and saw him laughing. A real laugh. He acts so cold in school and when he's back at his house. But he's laughing....with you and Dabi. You smiled at Shoto and so did Dabi. Shoto stopped laughing and then looked at you and his older brother. You could see a smile on his face. Something you haven't seen in ages. You smiled at him and then felt something missing.

When you looked Dabi already took his food back and started to eat it. You looked at him with a blank expression on your face. While he kept on eating and eating his food as fast as he could. You looked at him and then sighed.

Shoto started to laugh again, "don't laugh Shoto it will only give him encouragement." You told him. 

But he still laughed at his older brother, you can tell there was still a bit of Touya left in there. Somewhere, he's still a hero. After they was finished you got all the plates and was about to walk away. "Are you sure your suppose to be doing that?" Dabi asked you. You looked at him with a cold expression.

"Yeah. If you don't want to me and Touya will." Shoto said to you.

Oh my had, I can't wait for you two to be born so then I don't have to deal with this anymore.

"I'll be fine. How many times do I have to tell you that?" You asked them.

They looked at you and then nodded there heads. You went to wash the dishes and dry them and then put them away. Once you was done you saw Shoto and Dabi sat down playing Mario kart. It was funny because Dabi was losing. You sat down and then watched them play. Shoto came first and Dabi came last. That's when Shoto passed you a remote.

(Anyone else still play that with there siblings or family? I do I'm always toad. Plus I always win as well. Go me at least that's something I'm good at right!?)

You clicked on (whatever character you want.) Then you all started to play. It was so much fun and it was best out 3. You all had fun while playing the game. These were the results;

First place, Y/N
Second place, Shoto
Third place, Dabi

"How do you keep winning at everything?" Dabi asked you kind of annoyed.

You laughed and then looked at the both of them. "Make this be a lesson, to not mess with the best." You told him.

Shoto looked at you and then smiled. "Hey Y/N. Can I put my hand on your stomach?" Shoto asked you. You nodded and he came over to you. He out his hand on your stomach and they moved. Shoto's eyes widened and a wide smile appeared on his face. "I can't wait to be a uncle." He said out loud. You smiled and then looked at Dabi.

"And I can't wait to be a father." He said to Shoto.

All three of you went back to playing games and Dabi got so frustrated with the games and you always winning that he one time he made himself die. You and Shoto laughed at him as he hung his head down low. Not long later Shoto had to go home. So you asked Dabi to walk him back. He nodded and then the both of them left. You packed everything away and could feel them moving but....

Something isn't right!

You had no idea what it was, so you just shrugged it off and continued to do what you needed to do. But the feeling never left you. You knew something wasn't right. But what could it be?

Sooner or later Dabi came home and he looked at you. "I think it's time for some rest." He told you.

You looked at him and then nodded your head. As you was walking up to yours and Dabi's room you looked at your stomach and frowned.

I know something isn't right. But what!?

Oh no! What happened!?

So guys I have decided to use the names that you have commented. Because those names are really nice.

Boy- Rin

Girl- Scarlett

Those are your kids names. But....are they going to be alright!?

Guess you will have to wait and see.

Oh and if you haven't already then please your opinion on the comment I have sent out to all of you. If you want a sequel to this just about your kids growing up and all. If not that's fine. If so that's fine too but please answer it so I know what you would like. I just want something that will be easier for you. So don't forget.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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