Chapter 30

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Anyway this will be a time skip!

It's been 9 mouths since you were pregnant. So that means your kids should be born anytime now. However, that awful feeling that you had never left you. You knew something was wrong but you didn't know what it was.

And this made you nervous.

Lots of questions was flying through your head right now. Like; what if something is wrong is wrong with the children? That was just an example. Of cause you didn't want to panic yourself. It wasn't good for the babys. You got up and walked into your living room. You saw Dabi sat there smiling.

"Any day now right?" He asked you.

You smiled and then nodded your head at him, "yep any day now." You told him.

You started to eat food, you ate alot of food, more than usual. Every time you was hungry you would eat a city. Yeah that's what happens when your pregnant but still. You looked at Dabi and then smiled.

"I can't wait, I really do want to meet Rin and Scarlett." Dabi said to you.

You smiled and then then sightly laughed at Dabi's childish behaviour. You saw walked to the couch and then sat down. You started to watch TV and then heard the door knock. You looked at it and then it opened. "ANY DAY RIGHT!?" Shoto asked excitedly you looked at him and then started to laugh.

Shoto looked at you with utter confused, he turned his head to Dabi and he saw that his older brother was confused as well. "What?" Shoto asked you.

You looked at him and then opened your mouth to speak. "You two are definitely brothers. You have the same reaction." Your told him.

Shoto smiled and then turned to his brother he walked over and you got up. "I'm going to take a shower." You said to the both of them. They both nodded there head and you went up to the bathroom.

Dabi's POV

After Y/N went up stairs Shoto sat at the table with me. I looked up from breakfast and locked eyes with him. "Had breakfast yet?" I asked him.

He looked at me and then opened his mouth, "is it the number 1 hero?" He asked me.

I got up and then grabbed him a bowl. I gave him some cereals and he poured them in. He then poured the milk in and started to eat. "Thank you." I heard him say. I nodded my head and then turned to my food. I started to eat it and looked at my little brother. He changed a little. He has become more colder.

I looked at him and then sighed, I knew he had a scar on his face from mother and I also know why. She was stressed out and she couldn't take living with it. But frankly who could blame her?

I certainly can't.

But that's not an excuse to burn Shoto. Yeah she apologized to him for doing it. But that doesn't mean it was right. I really do miss them all except from you know who. But I get to see Shoto everyday. Seriously he comes over everyday. Not that I mind.

Fuyumi and Natsuo is a different matter, I can't just walk up to the house and knock the door. He might be there so I can't.

But that doesn't mean I won't try.

And I'm going to see my mother one day as well. With Y/N and maybe the twins. It depends though. If Y/N will actually let me.

"Touya." Shoto called out my name.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. "Mm" that's all I could answer with since I had my mouth full of food.

"Y/N's been in the shower for a while." He told me.

My eyes widened, he's right. It's been ages. When I was going to get up I heard something.


It was Y/N, she screamed my name. I looked up and ran towards her. I opened the door but no one was there. I ran to the bedroom and there she was duly clothed. "Y/N. What's wrong?" I asked her quickly.

"M-my water broke. There coming."

Once I heard that my eyes widened, "SHOTO CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I shouted down and picked Y/N up and quickly ran down stairs.

"Why?" Shoto asked.

"Y/N water broke." I told him.

His eyes widened and he quickly dilled the number and asked for one. "Yeah, my sister-in-law water just broke. Please hurry." Shoto said. He said the address and then hung up.

"They'll be 10 minutes." He told me.

"Sister-in-law?" I asked him.

"Well, she might as well be." He told me.


I heard Y/N cry out in pain. Not long later the ambulance came and drove me, Shoto and Y/N to the hospital. Once we got there I was allowed in but Shoto had to wait outside.

Nobody's POV

"Ok, Y/N we are going to need you to push, ready?"

You nodded your head and then held Dabi's hand. "go." Once you heard that you pushed as hard as you can. You also squeezed Dabi's hand as hard as you could. One of them was out. It was a baby boy. "Come on another one." You pushed again and the other one was born. A baby girl. "One more."

"WHAT!?" You and Dabi shouted together.

You pushed again and the other one came out. A baby boy. You relaxed and you held two of them while Dabi held the other one. Once they were sorted out.

"Rin." You said to one of them.

"Scarlett." Dabi said to the one he was holding.


"Yuichiro." Shoto said to you.

You looked at him and then smiled. "Hello Rin, Scarlett and Yuichiro." You said to them with a huge smile on your face.

"Shoto do you want to hold one?" You asked him.

Shoto nodded his head at you. And held one.

So that was the feeling. I wasn't carrying twins. I was carrying triplets.

~the end~

Thanks for reading guys. Don't worry I am making a different book on your children growing up. Yuichiro was just a. Random name that popped into my head.

Hope you liked the story!

Until next time.

See ya all.

Don't worry I will let you all know when it's out.

Until then....


Touya Todoroki (Dabi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now