Chapter 7

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I'm going to do a time skip after the festival. I don't know what to do for that so this is a day after it which means you have two days off. Just in case you want the results:

1st place- Y/N L/N

2nd place- Touya Todoroki

3rd place- (random person)

Enjoy this Chapter!


When you woke up you saw the sun shining brightly. You stretched out your arms and got up and got dressed. You then decided to go to the Todoroki family home today. When you finally got there you went to the door and knocked the door. All of a sudden the door opened reveling a white haired boy. It Natsuo. You smiled and gave a little wave to him. As he looked at you his face lit up and smiled back at you. "Hello." He said to you.

You nodded your head at him and then looked at him. "Is Touya here?" You asked him. He thought for a while. "Yeah but he's still asleep. I'll go and wake him for you....come on in." He told you while stepping aside for you to walk in. Once you did you went into the living and sat down. Shoto and Fuyumi was already there and playing Mario Kart when you walked in they stopped playing and turned to you. "Y/N!" Shoto shouted while running to you.

That caught the attention of Rei and she came in and smiled at you. She that Shoto was hugging you and her smile grew. Natsuo's POVAs soon as Y/N walked into the living room I smiled. Then I ran up stairs to get big brother awake. I found his room and tapped on the door but there was no answer. So I let my self in.

I looked around and then my eyes landed on my big brother's sleeping body. I rolled my eyes at him and then went to up to him. I cupped my hands and put them to my mouth. "Touya wake up!" I said a bit loud. But nothing.Lazy. He is so lazy.I began to shake him but he still didn't wake up. This is gonna take forever. I carried on shaking him while talking. "Wake up! Y/N is here." I said. But yet again nothing. I sighed and called mom. She came up and saw that Touya was still sleeping, she then turned to me.

"Why haven't you woken him up yet?" She asked me. I looked at her and then sighed. I then looked at the time. "I've been trying for 30 minutes." I told her. Now it was here turn to sigh. She then nodded her head and disappeared from the room. When she came back she was holding a bucket of water. "if you have tried everything else. Then either do this or tell him that breakfast is done." She told me then she walked over to Touya and poured the water all over him. He then woke up. Finally.My mother smiled and then went of the room. Big brother Touya looked at me as if to say. 'tell me what you want and it better be good' I gulped and then chuckled awkwardly. "Big brother." I said he looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "What?" He said kind of annoyed and angry at the same time. "Y/N is here for you." I told him.

His eyes widened with shock as I said those words. "WHAT!?" He shouted as he quickly got up ran out of his room and done what he needed to do. Then he came back and looked for clothes to get changed in. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" He asked in a rushed tone. I raised my eyebrow to him. "I was trying for 30 minutes and you didn't wake up. So then I called mom and she managed to get you awake." I told him. "How long have Y/N been here?" He asked me again in a rushed tone.

"30 minutes." I answered him. Once he was done he rushed down stairs almost falling while running down them. Nobody's POVYou, Fuyumi and Shoto was playing Mario Kart when Touya walked into the living room. Just then you won and then Shoto and Fuyumi drawed. "About time big brother." Shoto said to him. All of a sudden Rei came in with Touya's breakfast. He smiled at her and then sat down. "Well done on winning the Sports festival Y/N!" Rei told you with smile. You looked at her and smiled. "Thank you." You saw Touya watching his siblings play the Wii. You then decided to wide Touya up for making you wait for a long time. "What I'm surprised about is Touya getting 2nd place. Rei saw your face and saw that you only wanted to tease him. She smiled at you while Touya looked pissed off.

 "What was that Y/N?" He asked a bit annoyed."Nothing~"Touya rolled his eyes at you and then finished eating. Once he did Touya asked if he could go out and Rei nodded her head. So that's what you and Touya did. You and him are walking around. The two of you talked about the future. Then...."HHHHAAAA!" You and Touya stopped and looked around you then grabbed his hand and turned to him.

"Hold on tight and don't leave your mouth open." You told him. And then used your light speed to find out where that was coming from. When you got there you saw that someone was being attacked by a villain. Touya called the police and reported it while you tried to help the civilian. You and Touya managed to hold the villain back when some hero's came. Once it was over the man rushed up to you and Touya and bowed his head. "Thank you so much. Because of the two of you I'm still alive." He told you. You both smiled at him and shocked your head.

"No problem sir. What kind of hero's would we be if we didn't help someone?" You heard Touya say to him. You then smiled at him. Touya you really are gonna be a great hero!Then you and him went home.


Bye for now

To be continued!

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