Chapter 11

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Once you woke up you realised that there was school today so you couldn't knock for Touya right now. You got up and then got changed. You got ready for school and then headed out the door. On your way to school you didn't even see Touya. You didn't see him where you normally do.

Maybe he went early!

As soon as you got school you walked to your classroom and opened the door but he wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere to be seen. That feeling that something went wrong was back. You grabbed your phone and clicked on his contact. First you tried to call him.

"The person you are calling is unable to take your call right now. Please try again later."


"The person you are calling is unable to take your call right now. Please try again later."


Since that didn't work you tried to text him. You started to type frantically.

Touya I'm worried....Please answer me. Is something Wong?


You can tell me what's wrong!


Touya have something happened?


Still nothing.... But why?

You sat at your desk and sighed. He wasn't answering you and he wasn't in school. Why?

I will knock for him later on....

You was worried a lot. You won't lie this have never happened. You were in third year now and Touya have always been in school. No matter what.


It was now after school and you went straight to the Todoroki family home. You went up to the door and knocked it. Fuyumi answered the door and looked at you. Her face was shocked and confused. "Is Touya here?" You asked her. Now she was more confused than ever. But you could also see a bit of sadness.

As you waiting for the answer you saw Rei come to the door. She was crying!? "Touya isn't here. He left yesterday after what happened." She stated. Your eyes widened and she let you in. You sat down while Fuyumi took Natsuo and Shoto somewhere else so you can talk.

"W-What happened?" You asked.

"Touya was being trained and he got burned by his father's quirk. That's when his own quirk got out of control and burnt him." Your eyes widened. You started to cry.

N-No! This is my fault. Why didn't I just say that he could come with me yesterday? Why did I make him go through that? Why am I such a horrible friend?

"*Sob* it's my *sob* fault." You said between your tears.

Rei pulled you into a hug and you started to cry. You couldn't help it. You loved Touya and now you miss him.

Once you left the Todoroki family home your reached a park and sat down. You pulled out your phone and rang him again. But nothing so you decided to leave a voice message.

Touya's POV

One Voicemail.

I opened it.

"Hey Touya I heard what happened to you. I am so sorry I should have been there for you and not told you to deal with it. It's my fault and I am so sorry. Please let me know that your ok."

I hung my head. I can't talk to her. I don't deserve to.

And it isn't her fault. She's the reason why I could put up with it but I couldn't take it anymore. So I will have to find a different way to let her know....I know!

Nobody's POV

You walk around the town but then you felt something so warm. Your eyes widened. You can remember that warm feeling. It was Touya. He is near by. "Touya. I know your near by and it's fine that you don't want to talk to me but please here me out....I am really sorry that I didn't help you. I should have but I didn't and I will always regret that but you will always be my friend!" You said to him.

Since I know he doesn't like me I have to say friend.

You felt the warmth that you was just feeling grow even brighter. You could tell he was happy. But then the warmth left so means he did as well. You had a smile on your face at least you knew he alright. You carried on walking through the town and looked through the window of some of them.

"Touya I will really miss you."

Since he couldn't hear you could say pretty much anything. You would be able to tell if he was around since your quirk could make that happen. You smiled at the thought that he is alright.

You looked around and saw that nearly enough everyone was happy with someone else. You gave a small smile but then you saw that a blonde haired woman with crimson eyes being annoyed into he street. You walked up to the people and stood in front of them. "Can you please leave or I will call the cops." You said while holding up your phone. They soon disappeared and you turned to the woman.

"Thank you. My name is Misaki Bakugou. What's yours?" She asked you.

"Y/N L/N. I'm sorry but I ah e to go now." You said to her. She nodded and she smiled at you.

I don't know why but I can barely think of stuff to make it a long chapter. Again sorry that it's short. It's a little longer than the others but it is still shorted than what if did. I will try and make them longer.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

Touya Todoroki (Dabi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now