Chapter 24

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You and Dabi made it back and you looked at everyone and smiled. "How did it go?" Shigaraki asked you. You and Dabi looked at him and then nodded your head.

"Yeah the twins are fine." You calmly said.

You was just wondering what their reactions would be. You could tell that Kurogiri was shocked. Toga had a smile on her face. Shigaraki looked at you and then nodded his head. He was about to say something but then stopped and looked at you with a shocked look plastered on his face.

"Twins?" He asked you.

"Yep twins." Dabi said while having a smile on his face.

Shigaraki looked at you with a happy look on his face. Which you had never seen him have. But you didn't care. Not at all. He was happy and so was you.

You went to sit down while everyone was looking at you. You looked at Dabi and then smiled. He smiled at you and then walked up to you. He hugged you and you hugged him back. Everyone looked at the both of you with a on their faces. "I love you so much Y/N." Dabi whispered to you. You looked at him and then smiled at what he just said to you.

About 20 minutes later you and Dabi made your way to your room. You sat down and he looked at you with concern. "What?" You asked him.

"You should rest from now on. Let me do things for while you have a rest." He told you.

"How many times? I'm pregnant not made of glass." You told him.

He sighed and then looked at you. "Look. Y/N please. You have two little ones growing inside of you." He told you.

"Doesn't mean I can't do anything." You told him.

"Fine. But no lifting up heavy things like what the doctor said ok?" Dabi told you. You nodded at him and then he continued. "And no over doing it. Ok?" He asked you again. And again you nodded your head at him.

He nodded his at you then he sat next to you. He pulled you into a hug and then say there with you. You looked at him with smile on your face. You never thought that you would be Touya. Let alone having his child.

(First time you read this, is the child thing what you was expecting? Because I was hoping that would be a surprise. Be honest with me though.)

"Y/N. I can't believe that going to be a father. And the father of our kids." Dabi told you.

"Yeah. I feel the same. It's unbelievable." You told him.

Dabi nodded his head at you and then looked at you. "Got any names for them?" Dabi asked you. You shook your head at him and then looked at him.

"Only the ones that I had already told you." You told him.

(Of you don't know what I'm on about. The list I made on the other chapter. That's what names you told him ok?)

He (Dabi) nodded his head at you and then looked at you. "so you haven't narrowed them down yet then?" He asked you. You looked at him and then shook your head at him.

He sighed and then turned to the wall. "I do like the name Karma, but Kuroha is a good one too. But then again Yuichiro is good as well." Dabi told you. "Um....Karma Todoroki? Karma L/N?" Dabi said trying to think.

"How about we have the last name L/N so then others don't get suspicious?" You asked him.

Dabi looked at you and then nodded his head. "Yeah. I don't want people to know that I'm Touya Todoroki!" He said the last part in a whisper just in case.

You looked at him and then nodded your head. "Yeah of cause." You told him. He looked at you and then nodded with a smile spread across his face.

Secretly you wish your son or daughter was like Touya. But you don't care either way. As long as they are healthy. Am I right?

Yeah of cause I am.

You and Dabi laied down on the bed and then closed yours and his eyes. And the both of you couldn't help but fall asleep.

Yo guys. Sorry for not updating. But here is another chapter. Guess what!? I have finished my compulsory education yesterday and now free until I have to start college in September. (My time of cause). Anyway. I have a question.

Do you want me to continue after your child is born?

Like do you want me to write even after they are born?

If so that's fine! I have ideas.

If not that's fine too.

Be warned the chapters might be shorter than what I started with. I started with writing over 1000 words and now I'm writing 900+ words. But not getting to a thousand.

Sorry about that.

Bye for now

To be Continued!
(Hopefully I mean anyway!)

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