Chapter 20

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You woke up and saw that Dabi wasn't next to you. You sighed and got up. You done what you needed to do and then went to the bar. You saw that everyone was already there and Dabi was having drink in a dark corner some where. The reason you knew that he was there was again because of your quirk.

You walked up to the bar and stood there. Kurogiri gave a drink and some food for your breakfast. "Don't forget Dabi, Y/N we will be going later and won't be back until later on in the night. So it's up to you to keep this place tidy. Got it?" Shigaraki asked you both. Dabi nodded his head and you so did you.

Dabi then came from the dark corner and looked at you with a smirk. You knew what that ment since he did say that he would continue where he left off. You turned your head to Shigaraki and Toga. You smiled at them and then went to a table. You sat down and didn't pay attention to what the others were talking about.

Soon enough they left and not with out giving you two another lecture about keeping the hide clean. And all that. You rolled your eyes at him and then saw that Dabi wasn't paying attention to his lecture.

He will never change like at all.

You finished with your food and then put the plate away. Dabi wasn't paying attention to you at this point right now so he didn't realize that you already left the area. You brushed your teeth like all ways and then went out. You was in the corridor and you felt arms wrap around your waist. You flinched at the sudden contact. "Shall we continue?" You heard Dabi ask you. You smiled at him and he turned you around.

⚠️Lemon starts here⚠️

Dabi made his lips connect with yours and he picked you up. Without breaking the kiss he took you into the bedroom and owed the door you helped him lock it and he dropped you on to the bed. He was now on top of you and your face was red. "I-I haven't done this before." You stated.

He just smiled at you and he brought his head closer to yours. "Neither have I." He told you. Your eyes widened with shock, but you feel more relaxed. At least your not the only one to not know what you are doing. Dabi connected your lips again and this time it was more passionate and rough this time. He moved his hands down to the bottom of your top. He took it off and then took his off as well. He moved from your lips to your neck. He got to a certain place on your neck (sweet spot) "mha." You couldn't hold back a moan.

You felt him smirking on your skin as he sucked, licked and toyed with that spot. At this point you didn't think you could have been more of a moaning mess than you already are. Dabi took off your pants and started to to go to your breasts. He kissed around the edge of your bra and then took that off as well. He played with the nub of one and massaged the other. "Ah." You tried to hold back the moans but you couldn't.

He made quick work of his pants and now there was only thing on each of you. You then saw that some of the burns was by the side of his waist. You frowned your eyebrows upon seeing this. Dabi lifted up your chin and smirked at you. "Don't worry. It doesn't hurt. And speaking of hurt are you sure you want this?" He asked you. You smiled at him and then nodded your head.

"Yes, I want this." You told him.

And that's all he needed to hear. He took off the remaining clothes that the both of you had on pointed a finger by your entrance. He started to pump the finger in and you could were an even more moaning mess. "Mha" you couldn't help but enjoy the pleasure that he was giving you. But he didn't stop at one, added another and pumped that in.


You could sense that he was enjoying this as well. He then stoped with the finger and entered his tongue instead. He explored every thing, you could feel a knot start to grow, "mha, T-Touya." You moaned. You slipped at that part you ment to call him Dabi but it came out as Touya. He stoped and looked at you, your liquids was still around his mouth.

"That was a lot baby girl. Can you say it again?" Dabi told you.

You titled your head at him as he face back down, he still wasn't finished. "Say my name again. My real name." He told you.

Your face headed up and if you didn't look as red as erza's and Karma's hair then it does now. "T-Touya." You said again. He smirked and then continued to do what he was doing. You moans continued and you said his name a couple more times as well. The knot in your stomach grew. He stoped and alined himself with you.

"I will ask you one more time. Are you sure?"


You answered him without hesitation, you wanted this to happen. He nodded and held your hands. "It will hurt but I will do my best not to make you feel it for long." He told you. You nodded your head at him as he entered himself into you. He started to move. The pain made a few tears come out of your eyes but the pain quickly turned to pleasure.

"F-Faster." You told him.

He done what you commanded and he moved faster. The both of you was going to hit your climax "Dabi I'm...."

"Yeah me too."

And you both came together. You saw Dabi fall to the side of you and you looked at him with a smile on your face.

⚠️End of lemon⚠️

Once you and Dabi got dressed in new clothes you was too weak to move on your own so he left you there. You felt sick but you didn't know why.

Am I starting to have regret for doing that?

Nah I wanted it....
Didn't I?

Little did you know that you was going to have a little surprise.

What's the surprise?

I'm pretty sure you all know where this is going but I don't care. This is the story....Unless you want me to stop the story right here.

Do you?

I don't mind if you do or if you want me to continue. If you do want me to continue then I have some ideas for the rest but if not that's fine too.

Thank you so much and

🎉Happy 20th Chapter!🎉

Never thought I would make it this far, either. Wow 20 chapters that's a lot for me. Couldn't have done it without you guys. So thank you.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

Touya Todoroki (Dabi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now