Chapter 19

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And here's another chapter for you all. Again thank you all for reading this. And thank you for your support!


Today was Shoto's birthday and you and Dabi can't see him today since you have to get something from town. When you did you walked for ages and you saw that Dabi was looking at someone. When you turned your head you saw Natsuo, Fuyumi and Shoto. You frowned and then looked at Dabi. You could tell that he wanted to see them and talk to them again.

But he can't.

"Come on let's go."

You pulled Dabi's sleeve and then he started to walk. You knew how fast Shoto was growing up and he is so strong as well. But Dabi misses the times that him and his siblings shared when he was Touya. Dabi turned and you turned the corner to meet up with one of Shigaraki's acquaintance.

"Here." He told Dabi.

You found out that since he was the leader of the vanguard action squad he had to do things like this. It's the leader's job to make sure that everything runs smoothly. You couldn't be more proud of him. But what you don't understand is that he got kicked out for not having the ice ability but his flames are stronger than Endeavor's flames.

That man has no common sense at all.

Touya would have been number one one day. After all he is a very strong villain. The way his own father treated him was just plain wrong. The meeting was over and now you was back out on the streets. Dabi saw that you thinking about something and it made you angry.

"Touya was the hero."

You snapped your head to him and then he continued. "And Dabi is the villain." He told you the last part in a whisper, so no one could hear him. You looked at him and then you entered the shop and got something. When you paying for the things Dabi was waiting outside. You turned your head to the door and saw Shoto, Iida, Bakugou, Izuku, Kirishima and Denki walking into the shop.

You walked passed them sneaking the present you got Shoto into his bag. We would see it later. You walked out and saw Dabi with his head down. Again you frowned at the sight. It looked like he was hurting. But there was nothing you could do.

The both of you then walked back to the hide out. Dabi went straight to the room that the both of you shared. You helped Kurogiri put everything away and then asked him for a drink. "What's wrong with Dabi?" He asked you. You looked at him and gestured him to leave it. He nodded like he understands.

You didn't bother to talk to him either. What could you say? Anything you say might make things worse than they already are. So you didn't bother. You ignored every instinked you had to go to him.

But you couldn't ignore them for long. You got up and walked to the room. You closed the door and locked it behind you. You walked up to him and then tapped his shoulder. He got up and then looked at you. You spreader out your arms and he pulled you down so he could have you in his arms instead. He hugged you very tightly but of cause not to tightly. He didn't want to kill you.

Or did he?

Nah he did I was joking.

After about an hour of him hugging you he let go and took the present that he wanted to give Shoto. He decided to take a walk and you joined him, which he didn't mind. After all he wasn't doing anything at the moment. You and him was talking a long walk (off a short peer. Nah joking. Don't hate comment meh please!) He just need to take in some fresh air.

All of a sudden he turned his head to a ally way and he sprinted to it. You ran after him and saw Shoto as well as the other boys lying on floor. Your eyes widened as you knew they were attacked. You bent down and tried to heal the really bad wounds as best you could. But they needed a hospital.

Dabi bent down and got Shoto on to his back. While you used your light to carry the others. While walking it was already dark so not many people was out. But you turned your attention to Dabi and saw a heart broken moment.

(See the picture at the top!)

Dabi still cares for his little brother but you don't think Shoto will remember him. Which is heart breaking. But if Shoto does remember him the sight before you is still heart breaking but also heart warming.

Once you both reached the hospital you told the doctor what happened and he he nodded his head. "Wait!" Before the doctor could even move Dabi called out him. He walked up to him and handed him the present. The doctor looked at him with a confused look.

"Can you give that to Shoto Todoroki?" He asked him.

The doctor looked at him and then nodded his head to him. You could see that there was a little note stuck to the present. You turned to Dabi and gave a small smile to him. He shrugged and then the both of you left to go to the hid out.

Shoto's POV

When I woke up I was in a hospital bed. How did I get here? The last thing I remember was that a villain came and attacked us when we were out for my birthday. It was Izuku's idea, he told me that I should spend it with friends. So we decided to go out. Then we heard this noise from the ally way and we went to check it out.

There was a Villian so we all fought. We all got knocked out. "Shoto Todoroki?" I heard a voice say. It sounded more confused. I nodded my head and they gave me a box. It was presented. There was a note as well. I took it and read it.

To Shoto.

Happy birthday, I got you this from when you was little but I didn't have the chance to give it to you. But I do know I hope you still like it!


Who's T.T?

And that's that. Oh your Lemon chapter is next. I will put a ⚠️ sign at the beginning and when it ends. Yes the lemon will effect the story but if you don't want to read it then don't. And don't expect much. I'm not comfortable writing lemon even tho I have written some but still....they are crap....

So bare with me.

Thanks again.

Bye for now!

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