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"Dang it, Christian!" You yell at your mischievous boyfriend who was sitting across the black leather couch, nearly spilling your hot drinks. He howls with laughter at your response to the picture he just shared with the world on Snapchat.

You stare at your phone in disbelief of what Christian just posted. It was a very unattractive picture of you watching Star Wars with mustache of whipped cream smeared across your upper lip. "Well, that's the last time I ever make hot chocolate for you." You retort, lifting yourself off the couch.

You walk into the bathroom and flip on the light switch. You let out a small chuckle once you see yourself in the mirror. "Wow, I really do look ridiculous." You mumble under your breath as you wipe the cream from your lip with your sleeve.

"You are going to pay for this Christian Yelich! You better watch your back!" You scream from the bathroom, doing your best impression of a threatening voice while trying not to laugh. Looking down at the bright screen on your phone again you start planning how you are going to give him payback.

After a few phone calls, your plans were quickly set in motion.


The next morning, Christian woke up for his usual practice. After showering and eating a quick breakfast consisting of oatmeal and fruit, he grabbed his keys and headed out the door, kissing you on the way. "I'll see you this evening, we still have that movie to finish." He stated, kissing you once again on the forehead. You giggle in response and he leaves the apartment with a smile on his face.

"Oh, if only he knew." You mumble quietly to yourself, chuckling as you watch him get in the car through your living room window and drive away.


As soon as practice ended, you were in the parking lot of the ballpark and were ready to surprise Christian. You sat silently in your car, waiting for the signal to meet the team.

A couple of minutes later, your phone buzzed and you read the text from Lorenzo Cain, "Practice is over. We are all in the dugout. I will text you when to come inside." You smiled and left the car, excitedly skipping across the sidewalk.

Meanwhile, the team entered the dugout and sat down for their usual pep-talk from coach. They were all aware of the plan that you had set into motion, well, except for Christian.

Once the coach was done addressing the team, the Brewers assistant coach told Christian to stand in the middle of the locker room and close his eyes. He claimed that it was a trust-building exercise and Christian was quick to believe it.

Cain texted you to come inside and you got the camera on your phone ready. You turned the corner to see your boyfriend standing in the middle of the room with his eyes closed surrounded by his teammates who were all grinning from ear to ear.

You pressed record on your phone and gave the guys a thumbs up to let them know you were ready. They all simultaneously took a can of whipped cream out of their gym bags and sprayed Christian.

Before he could realize what was going on, he was already covered in the substance. He looked up to see you standing in the doorway and smiled with a hint of evil in his eye. He ran over to you to try and take the phone out of your hands to delete the evidence, but it was too late. You had already shared the video with everyone you knew, and Christian would learn his lesson.

He picked you up in a bear hug, covering you in whipped cream. The two of you were surrounded by his laughing teammates who high-fived each other for the successful prank on their friend.

Imagines ~ C. YELICHWhere stories live. Discover now