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"I think there's something wrong with the education system." You accuse, setting down your black canvas backpack onto a leather rolling chair. You lean backward, trying to pop your spine after carrying the overweight bag that is bursting at the seams.

"I completely agree, I'm just glad the end's in sight for us." Christian agrees while pulling away a chair to sit on around the honey-colored circular table in the library.

"So, (Y/N). Have you decided on what you want to do after college yet?"

"I was thinking about going into journalism, but that's probably a stupid idea." You criticize yourself, taking the seat next to him.

"Why, you're great at writing. Anyone would be lucky to have you." You nonchalantly bury your hands in your face to cover up the blush caused by the cheesiness of his compliment.

You've had a crush on the baseball superstar for years, but have always been too afraid you admit it. The two of you met in college. You have no idea how he balanced everything so easily. Not only does Christian play in the MLB, but is also a full-time student. You could barely walk and text at the same time without managing to stub your toe.

Little did you know, Christian had been head-over-heels for you ever since you met at a party during freshman year. He absolutely loves everything about you. He loves how your dark hair compliments your chocolate brown eyes. How you scrunch the bridge of your nose when you laugh. Even the way you write catches his attention. He adores you, seeing absolutely no flaws.

"Thanks for the compliment," You begin with a saddened smile, "but even if I did want to pursue a career in writing, there's absolutely no money in it. I would probably be broke and living in a cardboard box."

He chuckled at your comment, thinking of what the correct response should be. Marry me, and money will be taken care of. He thought to himself while folding his hands on top of the wooden table.

Noticing Christian deep in thought, you decide that it's now or never to begin studying. You unzip your backpack and dig blindly through the mess. What happened? You used to be so organized and put-together, but senioritis is definitely real.

After finding a pen and nearly giving yourself a papercut trying to pull out your notes for chemistry, you finally force yourself to read the material so that you might actually have a chance in hell to pass the final. Christian snaps out of his fantasy and quickly copies you, easily finding himself something to study.


"Ugh," You bellowed, "I admit defeat, I need caffeine." You say while standing quickly, nearly knocking down your chair behind you. "You want anything?"

"I'd kill for an Americano." He groans in a husky voice, revealing how truly tired he was.

"Be back in five." You shout while flinging your backpack over your shoulder walking out of the crowded library, earning yourself a "Shhh." from the librarian at the front desk.

Christian tried to stay awake while you were gone, he really did. But gravity was doing him no favors as he found himself lowering his head onto the table, falling into a coma-like state with a string of drool pooling onto the papers beneath him.


You nearly had to drag your feet behind you to advance to the coffee cart that was only twenty feet away from the entrance of the library. "Give me two Americanos please, both with an extra shot of espresso." You say to Robert from the other side of the cart. "Only for my favorite customer." He compliments, obviously trying to earn a tip.

He busied himself making the hot coffee when you decide to express your thanks to him for keeping you awake during the last four years. "I'm going to miss you, Robert." You begin, leaning against the counter. "This might be the last time I see you as a student."

"You could always come back and work at the coffee cart with me. It's a great job, I get a whole nine dollars an hour." He explains while laughing, obviously meaning the comment as a joke.

Handing you the two drinks, he broke the silence only after a few moments. "So are you and Yelich a thing now? I've seen you guys hanging out a lot." Nearly spitting out your sip of coffee, you wave your hands in front of your body, indicating that there was nothing between the two of you. Even if you did have a crush on him, there was no chance in hell he would reciprocate the feeling.

He laughed so hard at your awkwardness that you nearly felt the ground rumble beneath your feet. You threw a wadded-up five-dollar bill at him and quickly walked away without saying another word, clearly embarrassed.

You pushed open the heavy glass doors to the library, staring at the ground. "No food or drinks in the library (Y/N), you know the rules." The grey-haired old lady behind the check-out desk barked at you. You responded by simply walking past her without a fault in your step, giving her the middle finger. She snarled and hissed at you like an angry dog, but you didn't give it a second thought as you made your way back to Christian.

You kept your eyes glued to the floor as if you had tunnel-vision. After nearly tripping over anything and everything that found itself in your path, you spotted the table that Christian was sitting at and walked over to him, noticing that he looked like he had passed out.

He looks so cute and peaceful sleeping, but you need to wake him up. You set down the two steaming hot coffees and extended your arm, getting ready to shake his shoulder to bring him back to reality. However, you stopped and froze when you heard him mumbling something. You brought your ear closer to his mouth to listen.

"(Y/N).... Really.... Pretty.... Wedding......" He stuttered and you stare at him with your jaw dropped to the floor and your eyes open wide. What does this mean? Does he like me back? Should I wake him up or keep listening? Is it right to listen to him? You think to yourself, not noticing Christian stretching his arms, finally waking up.

"Uhh, (Y/N)," He says while reaching for his americano sitting across from him. "You feeling ok? You look a little pale."

You awkwardly laugh and sit next to him at the table, studying in silence for the rest of the night until he walks you back to your dorm room.


"Tick, tick, tick, DINGGGGGGGG." The kitchen timer on sitting on the professor's desk rings so loudly that you nearly jump out of your skin. It was both the best and worst sound you've ever heard. Not only did it mean that your final was over which you had prayed to pass, but it also meant you finished your senior, and final year of college.

You clicked the end of a pen on your desk, standing up to turn in the collection of pitiful answers. You joined the line of students and dropped the papers into a metal bin so that the professor could later grade them.

As you followed the rest of the students out the huge oak double doors, you feel a tap on your shoulder. Turning around to meet Christian face to face, he extends his arms and welcomes you into a bone-crushing hug.

You both laugh and squeal with smiles on your faces, finally realizing that the stresses of college were over and you could move on with your lives. Christian would devote his time to the MLB and you would do God knows what to get by. But you didn't worry about the future, all that mattered at this moment is that you were safe in Christian's arms as he picked you up and twirled you.

He set you back onto your feet and he kept his eyes glued to the floor with a smile still glued to his face. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out a single red rose and held it out to you.

"(Y/N), would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" He blurts out so quickly that he nearly stumbles over his words, taking you by complete surprise.

"Hell yes." You reply almost immediately and he scoops you up again into a tight hug.

Imagines ~ C. YELICHWhere stories live. Discover now