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The loud sound of the doorbell ringing echoes through your parent's mansion of a house. Your mother lifts herself off of the comfy leather couch and makes her way over to the double wooden doors.

Creaking one of the doors open, she waves at Christian to come inside. He willingly obeys the short blonde woman and she pulls him into a hug as if he was one of her own children.

You had met the team when your parents bought Miller Park. It had been a dream of your father's for as long as you can remember and you've never seen him happier.

You and Christian hit it off immediately at a party your family had thrown to get to know the staff and team. You bonded over common interests such as bowling, camping, cooking, and of course, baseball. It was safe to say that he complimented your personality, and you complimented his.

You and Christian became inseparable within only a few months of meeting each other and your families definitely noticed this. They have been trying to get the two of you together for nearly two years.

From inviting him over for movie nights to buying tickets to a Packers football game and pretending to be too busy to go and giving them to you, they were relentless.

Christian's siblings even wanted you to date him. They constantly gave you not-so-subtle hints anytime they had the chance.

Little did you your families know, Christian had asked you out two months after meeting and you have been dating ever since.

After learning about your family's attempts to break the ice between you two, you decided that it would be fun to drive them crazy by not telling them about your relationship.

Tonight was the opening night for the Packers and your dad had invited Christian and his parents to watch the game at your house. Of course, this was another trick up their sleeve to force you two to spend time together.

Your parents were so clueless that they haven't yet realized that you moved in with Yelich a few months ago. It's not that you and Christian wanted to keep your relationship a secret, but messing with your families was way too much fun.

"Come in Christian," Your mother welcomed warmly, "(Y/N) is in the kitchen."

"Good to see you Mrs. (Y/L/N)." He greeted the woman and began walking through the mansion of a house into the kitchen. He had gotten used to your mom sharing your whereabouts with him as soon as he made it through the door. She had just assumed he would be looking for you.

He walked into the spacious kitchen and rested his hands on the dark marble countertops after shaking hands with your father. You are currently setting the table in the dining room, awaiting your secret boyfriend.

"(Y/N) is setting the table, could you go help her?" Your father asked him as a desperate attempt for you two to have some alone time and Yelich nodded his head.

You caught a glance at your boyfriend's silhouette standing in the doorway between the kitchen and dining room. You smile as he approaches you and pulls you into a sloppy kiss after making sure your parents weren't watching.

After pulling away, you notice some of your pink lipstick was smudged into the corner of Christian's lips. You reach your thumb up to wipe it away when he stops you and smirks.

"Leave it, let them find out." He says, pulling your lips back into his.

You chuckle and hand him a stack of silverware that need to be placed next to the white ceramic plates. He smiles and gets to work while wiping your lipstick off onto his sleeve.

The voices of your parents combined with those of the Yelich's let you know that Christian's parents have arrived.


You and the five other adults gathered around the rectangular glass table in the dining room and dug into the feast, filling your plates in record time.

"So, how's your job going, (Y/N)?" Christian's mother, Alecia, implied while shoving a fork full of green beans into her mouth.

You had recently gotten a job as head chef at a world renown Italian restaurant and absolutely adored it. "It's a dream come true. Everyone there is so friendly."

Everyone at the table smiled at your response when your secret boyfriend's mother asked you, "So, are you dating anyone? I've heard rumors floating around the arena that you were off the market."

You nearly choke on your bite of mashed potatoes at the forwardness of Alecia's question. You grab your glass of water to wash the food down.

"Don't be silly. I think she would have told us if she was dating anyone." Your dad implied while looking at Christian's mom.

"I've actually been wondering that, too." Your mother confirms Alecia's suspicions.

The look of pure terror is spread across your face as everyone speculates who the lucky man might be.

"My guess is that it is that cute waiter at the restaurant. Oh, what was his name?" Your mom wondered with her chin resting in the palm of your hand.

"Or Alex, one of the sports journalists who started an internship with the Brewers last summer." Your dad added to the conversation.

"What about Travis Shaw? I've seen the way he looks at her." Your father implied.

This conversation had gotten completely out of hand. Everyone was talking as if you weren't even in the room. Having enough of your family's little guessing game, you take matters into your own hands.

You extend your arm to Christian who was sitting in the seat next to you and grab his shirt. Nearly standing up, you pull him into a very forceful kiss that lasted only a few seconds before you two returned to your seats and continued as if nothing had happened.

Everyone was completely shocked. Your dad was noticeably pale from the scene that just unfolded in front of him. However, Christian's dad looked like he was about to fist bump his son.

A squealing noise emits from both of the mothers as the run over to their children and engulf them into a bone-crushing hug, overjoyed with happiness. The secret is finally out.

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