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It's torture. Not the kind where a madman from medieval times locks you in a dungeon, but it sure feels pretty damn close. Ok, I admit, I may have a small problem. I'm kinda in love with a guy who is way out of my league, but in my defense, how can I help it when his smile can immediately turn a bad day into one filled with sunshine and rainbows.

To be honest, just the thought of him is enough to make my heart rate pick up and convince me that I'm having a heart attack. Whenever I met the famous baseball player at one of my dad's get togethers, things may have escalated and had gotten a little PG.

Between the crowds and the alcohol, I wasn't surprised when I woke up next to someone the next morning, but who knew that said someone would be Christian Yelich, the one boy who I forbidden to date.

Being the daughter of Mark Attanasio, owner of the brewers, definitely had its perks, but my dad was incredibly strict about not dating baseball players due to his knowledge of how they tended to act. I always honored his rules and even agreed with him. Of course, I was always surrounded by baseball players growing up and noticed how they always acted like stereotypical jocks, but there is just something so special about Christian.

Sneaking a nearly two-hundred-pound baseball player out of my small second story bedroom window at four in the morning was not an easy task, but one that we completed with the help of a rope and now crushed bush that Yelich had used as a landing pad. The next time that I saw him was at the MLB all-star game, which my entire family just so happened to be invited to.

We both had indulged in conversation over a fancy dinner that my father had reserved. Sure, my entire family and a few other brewers players were there, but all of my attention seemed to belong to Christian. After a few rounds of champagne, we had found ourselves in a very familiar situation. Once again, Yelich had to sneak out of my hotel room in the early hours of the morning.

To be honest with you, this "relationship" if you could even call it that was driving me insane. The next afternoon when I approached Christian, we agreed on just being friends with benefits, or whatever the hell that means. Chris's idea, not mine.

I had always been the type of girl to only have a few boyfriends and keep my dating life to a minimum. But there's just something so special about this boy. If I had my way, we would be a happy couple, but I can't risk my dad finding out. He already regards Christian as his son and adores him, but he would be furious to know about our relationship and I couldn't be the one to get in the way of their friendship.

Snapping back into reality from the bright sunlight spilling through the curtains and the arctic temperature of the air around me, I unwillingly lift the heavy blankets off of myself and shuffle into the bathroom.

I glare into the mirror and look at my lifeless facial features. I pull my golden blonde hair into a messy bun and brush my teeth. As soon as the smell of my minty toothpaste hits my nose, my hungry stomach rumbles loudly.

Still in sweatpants and an old brewers tee shirt, I walk back into my bedroom and notice my phone is nearly buzzing off of the countertop. I pick it up and look at the luminous screen.

Four missed texts from Christian Yelich.

One missed call from Christian Yelich.

I let out a deep sigh and click on the text message so I can read it.

Christian: Hey, (Y/N). Are you up? I really need to talk to you about something.

Christian: (Y/N)? U there?

Christian: Please answer me, this is important.

Christian: (Y/N), I'm calling you in a few minutes, please pick up.

I lower my Iphone onto my bed and take a few moments to think about what I should do. I know the right answer is to call him back, but what if he wants to talk to me about ending our "relationship"? That would absolutely crush me.

I reluctantly pick up my phone and dialed his number. After only one ring, he picks up.

"(Y/N)! Thank God!"

"What's up Chris?" I ask him, genuinely curious about why his texts were so urgent.

"Well, erm, I was just talking with a few guys on the team last night and t-they brought you up." He replied nervously.

"And?" You asked after he paused, encouraging him to finish what he was saying.

"They said I was stupid for not taking our relationship seriously and I agree." He blurted out faster than I could comprehend.

"Oh." Was all I could manage to say.

"Oh?" He asked unconfidently.

"Uhm, well, I would love to go out sometime, but we just can't let my dad know." I do my best to stay calm in my response.

"Oh, okay. But can I ask why?" He says with an unreadable expression.

"Well, my dad pretty much took you under his wing when you joined the team. He thinks of you as a son and probably wouldn't be happy if he found out we were dating. I don't want this to change his view of either of us." I took in a long breath.

"Will all due respect, I don't give a shit what he thinks." His voice is beginning to grow louder and stronger.

"Chris, please understand, we just have to stay quiet about this for a while. And you could potentially lose your job"

"But I don't want to have to sneak around, I want to be in a relationship with you (Y/N)!" He says, melting your heart and making you blush furiously.

"I have to wait for the right time to tell my dad, though. I don't want him to be pissed."

"Why don't we just tell Mark now! That would solve all of our problems!" He shouts.

"Chris! For the last time, I would give my father a heart attack if he knew we were together!" I yelled at Christian from across the phone, maybe just a bit too loudly.

Little do you know a certain someone was standing on the opposite side of the door. You look up and your eyes meet your father's whose face is pale as a ghost.

"Well, shit." You mumble under your breath. "Christian, I gotta go." You say quickly.

"Wait! (Y/N)." Yelich pleads but you hang up quickly.

"How long?" Your father demands, his voice deep and face stone cold and expressionless.

"Since your party at the beginning of the season." I reply, refusing to make eye contact and staring at your lap. I have no idea why I am so embarrassed to tell him, it's not like I've never dated before. I'm an adult and can make my own decisions. Just because I'm living with my parents while I'm going through med school doesn't mean they can control me.

He stands at your door with his arms crossed, obviously deep in thought. "(Y/N), you know I love you and that I think highly of Christian." He begins.

"Yeah." You reply, still sitting on your bed.

"The two of you have my blessing, you better call that poor boy back. And you let him know that I don't care if he is the star player of my team, I will not hesitate to break his legs if he hurts my little girl." He concludes, leaving you in complete shock.

I immediately pick up my phone and dial Christian's number without a second thought and tell him the good news.

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